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1Emu Veteran
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Posts posted by emsley

  1. Skyrim.


    I like it.



    I bash things and steal things.

    I love dual casting and having different spells in each hands ;)


    Thats how I battered old red and got his sword of pain off him!

    He kept beating the shit out of me and knocking my weapons out of my hand, so I panicked and equipped fire and shock and BLAM!!!! fire and electrocution!

    Took about 5 minutes but I chinned him.

  2. Im the first to admit I can kick a lot of ass on my blog (or did) and i could sink my teeth pretty hard.


    But things I never did or wanted to do:


    Racism: Very rare I even used a word like camel jocky.


    Incited Hate: I never burned Union jacks or organised riots.


    Diretcly attacked people , name , address, etc


    I can hate who i want when i want, my writing was about getting my anger out sometimes and thats the place I did just that.


    Im hoping to set up a proper .com soon do any of you guys know some trust worthy places that dont charge the moon and the stars?

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