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Posts posted by emsley

  1. I stream porn only. No need to use up precious bandwidth and harddrive space for something I will wank to only once and discard.


    Kinda like the women in real life hahaha!


    Women love aggressive guys, why do you think there are so many jerk assholes abusing these hoes until the women mature enough to learn to resist these obvious advances? (Note, you dont have to be aggressive like an idiot so dont go round clubbing them over the head)


    Ok check this cock block i got.


    I'm on holiday and its like a family centre place, anyway as the night wares on im shit out of luck zero targets, zip, nil squat.

    So i retreat to the bar for my last pint when a bunch of young women walk in, I spot one straight away (lock eyes from across the room down our drinks while the rhythms boom) anyway these lasses go sit down at the far end of the fucking room, so if i approach i have this 2 mile walk of obviousness to overcome. So I think fuck it!

    So i stagger over and plomp my ass down with a shit eating grin, and say HI!!

    Im asking these women questions been funny, n all that Jazz.


    Then as the night came to a close The hottie I wanted to bone says "you got a lot of guts" I just smile.

    Then the BAR STAFF come over - Id Inadvertently walked in on the bar staffs harem of women!!!

    At first it was just one guy, he sat down with this lass I wasnt even interested in, they both looked at me like I had done something wrong, im half pissed not giving a fuck. Then the women who were talking to me STOPPED acknowledging me!

    This asshole leans near me and says "Why dont you leave these women dont want to talk to you."




    If I had not been on holiday Im sure I would of flared up, I shoved my chair back with force and this guys head went down, i think it did i was pretty drunk but he dint look at me, you might be surrounded by all your friends but im gonna wrap this glass over your head vibe came out of me. Would never of done that though. I looked at him and called him a prick. Put my coat on and walked off. The women looked the over way. lol


    This is the stuff you got to watch out for, before you know it you are in a bar room brawl getting your head kicked in or getting bounced or arrested. Over a bitch!!! Hence why bar pick up is ropey and dangerous.

  2. They are fufilling their evolutionary roles trying to secure a stable, providing mate. I wouldn't call unreasonable for a woman to try to keep you faithful, or not to throw away her only biological bargaining chip for free. I wouldn't even call it uncalled for that they may lead some men around by their dicks just because they can for fun. If men know how badly marriages can end for themselves, financially or other wise, why do they still do it? That's biology for you.




    I think it's great that you are clued up on this stuff and at least have an idea with what's going on out there.


    When I was growing up I had 2 proper girlfriends.

    They both cheated on me.

    For years I took this as a personal shot to the gut, asked why, why why.

    To this day I still get memories about this and get pissed off for a few moments.

    I was young, not very "bright" in the bedroom, and un wise to their games.


    Anyway In around 2006 I got me a hottie that I adored. (I was still attracting younger girls, younger girls are the worst)

    She told me She was pregnant to me!

    We got together, but I felt something was just "wrong."

    This girl was suddenly avoiding me on the phone and I was only managing to see her 3 times a week, but that bond had occured deep in my sole with the idea of her been pregnant.


    I had, had ENOUGH!


    I searched the web for relationship guides and read a few and I thought "these are all bullshit" till i stumbled across david de angelos work. Everything that had confused me over the years, all the shitty things they had done to me suddenly had reason and meaning. I started to game this pregnant girl (she was been a schumuck) and in the space of a week I went from as they say a beta male to an alpha found my inner strength. I was that angry with the past and how I had been tricked and lied to and gamed my self that this chick just caught the fall out of my past. I went ape shit no one could stop me.


    i told her to sort her phone out or i would put my foot right up her ass. (she did no more strange phone calls and I did kick her in the ass)

    i told her she was with me and did what I said till after the baby was born. (she did this as well)

    I told her any lies and she would know about it. (she tried and found out i wasnt kidding id kick her out of my house at 4 in the morning and say "you think im a fucking idiot get the fuck out and come back when you realise i aint fucking about)


    Anyway it turned out this "baby" wasnt mine at all! It was all a Lie!!!

    Did it hurt? of course it did, I was picked by her immature brain to protect her during pregnancy, but she still wanted to swan around been an asshole not realising the gravity of her lie.


    After that It was all guns blazing, I scored woman after woman with my new found energy and anger. (I wasnt a dick I just didnt take any shit) Girls called me up tried hanging off me, tried to get me mad, anything to get me to be with them, but I wouldnt.


    2 years after all this, I calmed down a lot, and got with a younger lass (i never learn do I?) and my brain said to me some place deep "this girl is going to have your baby" Id PICKED HER.

    When she made a mistake it wasnt "oh dont do it again" it was instant "GET THE FUCK OUT!" Come back when you realise i aint taking that shit!


    It took her about a month to realise all her games were pointless and i wasnt for moving, I checked her periods, everytime we had a split, then we arranged to have a baby (crazy i know but remember im proving to my self i can do this stuff and women are just something we can use) i was aggressive, warned her about facebook, warned her about her phone "any bullshit we are done" I got her that hooked on me when we argued she would sit outside MY HOUSE!!! Until I opened the door and said she could come back in. (but i never opened it till she went home and thought about it for a few days)


    Now I have a baby boy, looks the spit image of me, has my dimple on his left cheek looks exactly like my baby photos, and a good mother to my son. any bullshit she knows i will be down her throat. (Id still get a DNA test just to be sure you tell them this)

    I gave her a chance when she had the kid to prove she could be mature, she couldnt do it, now she is with a dipshit guy with no brains, has a car and PROVIDES FOR HER, take hers places, and puts up with her and my son, and I get to see him twice a week without the bullshit in between!!!!


    Am I happy?

    No. But im happy i conquered my demons. After this (now) is the point i started to mellow out more, where this road takes me i have no idea, but women be warned dont rouse my alpha he will kick the fuck out of you and you will be sorry.

    Is this not amazing to say men are at their peak for sexual activity in their late twenties then suddenly and without warning settle down to a content man in their 30s? bingo!


    I played the cards I got dealt, I could of done a lot better and saved my self a lot of hurt if i just knew how to stick up for my self as a man.


    The "Pool" of women i got to pick from are what you would call low end women, and from what i have got through i think i have done pretty fucking well so far.


    1. Don't take any shit off women.

    2. If she is a whore and sleeps with a guy when you have only been broken up a week or two never go back, but tell her what a slut she is. If you do demand STI checks, demand to see her period!!!! (Normally and I KNOW THIS HAPPENS women will get an abortion)

    3. The girls I get for a LTR are always above average looks! So if they try to flirt with your friends, you take her some place out of the way get RIGHT in her face and shout SHOW SOME RESPECT!

    4. If this shit sounds too much for you, you will never have equality with your women.

    5. Aim for a mature chick not a young "Ill do what I want!!!" chick.

    6. HOPE you meet a girl you just click with and NEVER have to be like this!!!

    7. Cop callers! Some women use the cops to keep you in a "beta" state of mind. For instance, My girl wouldnt leave my house after a quick argument, so I threw her out!! She didnt like this, not one bit. She called the cops!!! ASSHOLE! Acused me of hitting her, so the cops took me in, I answered there questions and said "If you dont want someone in your house and they wont leave how do you make them leave? do you ask them quietly and politely to go?" the cops let me go. I hate cops when it comes to relationships!! they put their nose in when you are trying to keep your alpha status. It has NOTHING to do with them, unles that girl is walking out of the house black and blue (which they never do with me) then they can keep their fucking nose OUT. (And yes some women will use the cops against you)

    Good luck, you are going to need it!

  3. The BBC our main media source do stuff like this all the time! We dont see all the real news only want they want us to see!

    For example search Emma west and you will see what I mean.

    She "carried" on on a tram in London speaking out in a very "common" way, the clip was uploaded to youtube, moment laters she was hunted down and arrested and reamanded in Jail. REMANDED FOR USING WORDS!!!! she spent nearly a month on remand and they were going to keep her in over xmas.


    A WEEK later 4 black Muslim girls got let off with beating the LIVING SHIT out of one white girl the girls excuses were "we are muslim and not use to drinking"

    At that moment I decided FULLY not to trust my country for everyone to be treated equal.

    If 4 white girls beat the shit out of a muslim girl while drunk you can bet your ass they would be In jail on a 3 stretch.


    In the UK people dont notice it because they are that conditioned to get on with stuff and keep there head down.

    And Ill tell you as it is, MUSLIMS get away with everything in this country.


    Bottom line for me is that I do not like any weak ass liberal, Id rather be right wing that put up with the political correct bullshit my country is having to deal with.

    I hate my government labour and the cons and the lib dems not one of them pussies will take us out of the EU And slam the gate down on immigration, then kick the fuckers out that have been in the country less than 6 months. Even the criminal element.

  4. I managed to sort my knee out by doing one legged squats!!!


    I had to do those for a week to two weeks, it took for ever!!!

    Then i would go for a small jog say three quarters of a mile, when I realised I had no pain or "play up" I went down the local park and started the long incline hill (its very slightly uphill but its over a mile I go down it and back up it so i get a good work out on the way back) I struggled, but after every jog I make sure I do a few one legged squats normally 30 in 10's it feels like im trying to keep a balance in my legs/muscle/knee.


    Next year Im gearing up for better health and more exercise.

    There might be no good jobs or money in the UK but I can sure as hell look after my self best I can.

  5. I watched this show on this american guy who was getting his corey enlarged.

    Anyway this guy is laid out on the table ready for operation, and I look at his wang and i thought "nothing wrong with that!" then the nurses start saying "Yeah its a little on the small side" I just thought, my god you have ALL been brain washed!!!!!!!!

    I dont claim to have the biggest penis in the world but its not something that bothers me or worries me.

    His girlfreind what a bitch she said "I had a partner who had a small penis I ended up cheating on him!" then she said "If my partner had a little penis i would end up cheating on him!" No wonder the poor guy is getting the operation, she basically just said "penis is everything"


    Then the guy has hang ups for the rest of his life, i felt sorry for him, he should of power bombed his girlfriend.


    I feel sorry for american men when it comes to women you guys go through too much bullshit!!!!!!

    I can only imagine the stress.

  6. Great post.


    There is a "syndrome" developing because of this. (well not a syndrome but it has peaked on radars here and there)

    Basically guys jerk off quite often and lose that sexual edge as to not be too interested in seeking out a woman.


    Im serious, Why do i want to go to a bar, when I can just have totally less stress of clicking up something that sorts out my beans? Hang with my homies!!! no woman troubles!¬!!!


    Women tend to use sex (unless you have a great partner then good for you man i wish i did) as a weapon to keep us obedient that's what they used to do.

    Now they cant and men are becoming a lot more independent. My days of scoring countless chicks has ended, i have no time, no interest and all the drama that goes along with it, sure i would still bone a hottie if i met one that i liked. For the last year I have only slept with two women. My years prior to that would have me feeling ashamed of my tally. Now it feels better to be content,jerking the snake to purn is just a normal healthy thing for me now, it releases stress when i knock one out! Besides My standards are pretty high now she has to be attractive and she has to be loyal and intelligent, so when i go to the local pub the pickings are slim. and i dont pick up in bars anymore. In fact as far as scoring a chick goes my chances are at there best when i go for my weekly shopping!! I had my eye on a till girl. I was going to use a slow pick up, so when she billed me id be like "OMG your employers are con artists! Jesus!!" Then next time... blah blah blah and so on.


    When i meet a girl a genuinely like its different it will all be natural and i wont have to resort to pick up at all. (i hate pick up it de humanises your self)


    Younger girl say my minimum age would be 19 plus (im 30 i dont get away with like when i was 28 anymore) are completely hideous to me now, you see how immature they are, they will casue shit, invoke too much drama then yell "I can do what i want!!" NO YOU WONT BITCH! So I dump them and they turn psyco on me.


    Id prefer a partner now in her late 20s, hell just one woman who has her shit together isnt a cunt does not lie and has standards would help but i cant find one.

    So until that happens and i find the ultra elusive "trust worthy one" (to me they dont exist scientifficly) Then you bet your as Im gonna be jerking off to pron.


    But as far as pron goes, would you even get in to a relationship with one of those whores????

    How in the fuck they will ever settle down and HIDE there past, some poor cunt will end up with one...

    Porn stars are gross sell outs disgusting human beings that make money on our hard wired instincts so they will always be a market for that shit.

    But in the mean time, I dont have to sit there going "Oh man i need to so badly get laid!!! then go out all guns blazing just so i can jizz in a whores face, end up 200 bucks out of pocket, then have some wench hanging off me.

  7. I do try to keep fit, but like robert my body has taken a beating over the years.

    I have a creaky left knee, and a dodgy right shoulder.


    I used to keep my fitness schedule very basic, Id Jog 2 mile 2 or 3 times a week,

    (I still do just not lately been a bit down in the dumps)


    Then I would hit my bench, bench presses, dumbell curls, 50's, finish with push ups...

    There was a time i could just hit the deck and do 100 push ups in 20's now Im lucky if I get to 80... (I would mix push ups with the bench on an evening)


    Now I have got to the point with my aches and pains that a work out is something i have to really gear up for, it also does not help that im smoking 10 a day.

    And downing a bit too much beer than I should, my key aim for next year is to quit smoking!!!!!

    I have done it before and im gonna do it again. Hopefully that will be the building block i need to push me back in to exercise, and a better state of mind and a healthy body. I eat healthy considering my money restrictions.


    I lifted a weight last night that I used to just dominate and I sturggled! That was when I thought "wtf!!!" im only 30!!!!

  8. Some guy knocks on your door and when you go to answer it it turns out he has you mixed up with someone else who set his car on fire.

    Here are some suggestions:


    a) Kick him in the Jaw and drop him in one.

    B) Go all liberal on him and discuss his mistake.

    c) Accept his point of view and admit it, then threaten to do it again if he wont clear off.

    d) Start flapping your arms about shouting "it wasnt me you fucker!!!"


    I was just wondering how would you guys deal with this?

    This guys name is Peter by the way, I thought if I gave him a name it would help.

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