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Posts posted by emsley

  1. So you're saying Emulation is at it's peak.

    I just dont see how that is so when emulation forums have little or no actual community in them. It might be at its most heavy user wise but its a new generation of users who dont have any social skills. Look im not saying forums are the best ever, or whatever.

    We are in a generation of clickers not talkers or places that have real community any more.

    Mobile emulation/mods are just that - who cares? They download what they need from a site that gives them it and they are on their way. A few posts on "hey this wont work" or "How do I do this?" Might allow a community to start up but it's a long shot. And I believe would be a boring place to be.


    You may have a point that people are burned out, I come here out of a old habit and you know what? To see the place alive again would be just fine by me. But i dont think people who visit here are burned out - we have just seen a lot of of action over the years and have matured. Im like 31 - some of you younger lads might think thats old but trust me its not.

    All the place needs and I know I really know this, is around 15 to 20 posters who get on reasonably well and the rest just slots in to place. It isn't rocket science, there is nothing overly mathematical about it. Once people see activity and people just tapping stuff out and having a laugh they tend to want to jump in more.


    I mean a few guys posted over the last week with no user avatar or signature, wtf? It may as well be a youtube comment.

    It means nothing! Guys are pretty simple creatures but sadly we do work on a logic basis. Ya know?

    Have fun, rib people, fuck up and say sorry when you screw up, puke up all over your monitor cause you split with your girlfriend and your bitching about it on here.


    It does not have to be serious.

  2. Well you wanted a solution to the vague user base here and I think I have come up with it.


    Ok we can all agree that dips shit sites like twitter, facebook and whatever else these modern day wankers come up with has basically stolen the internet. We have been around long enough to watch this.

    From the day of emulforums and our rom links to the squeaky clean 1emu site.


    From what I can gather 1emu had its peak for around a year or two when it was legit, but during the emulforums days when we had a LOT of freedom people would come and go like a bloody good pub. Newsflash people are broke. We want free shit now, we want the quickest shit we can get a hold of.

    The entire idea that 1emu is an emulation hub is flawed why?

    Because everything you need to enjoy it is gotten from torrent sites and places that still have the balls to link roms.

    1emu has NOTHING to offer.

    Not even a strong user base.


    My proposal if you want to see this place dragged along by the posters who still care for the place is to get bad ass again. That's right, linking whatever the hell you want. When you want, as you want. Maybe an exception for porn whatever.


    Here are just a few examples of sites that get a shit load of "real traffic" and not the bot shit we are being tricked with here.







    I visit daily, I get ALL the latest stuff and a heads up for what I need.

    I dont download from file lockers sites as my speed aint good enough, but I do find out whats good and whats bad without second guessing a dodgy torrent site.






    (English version top right)


    This is the place to go is you want to fuck around with steam and get good advice.


    And at random a member who posts on the CSrin forum has his own spin off site





    If you wanna get the place rocking again you only need to look at these sites to see they have something people genuinely want.


    Emulation is dead - even advert@home is on its ass with the same handfull of posters from 5 years ago still toughing it out. Dont ya get it? The old school posters are all thats left of these once great sites.


    Opening a twitter, a facebook it wont do jack shit - its the same stuff reposted but just on another site.


    1emu update: mame587473487934798 released.

    twitter: mame587473487934798 released.

    facebook: mame587473487934798 released.


    We use the web and regurgitated information is used over and over again.

    CUT this crap out. No social media site is going to magically lift the place, we need to go back to basics, batten down the hatches and share what people want.


    If this all boils down to potential legal issues then why bother?

    If you dont do something different you get the same results.

    It will never change, and emulation isnt going to make a big come back anytime soon.

  3. I tried guys I really did.

    All the posts here are just updates about emulators thats it boring, really boring. And if it wasnt for them this place would be a ghost town.


    People tried making new threads and no one replies.

    After the 10th time and little or no replies it just sucks.

    We have these rebirths every few years.

    Even solidius posted new topics that just went to the waste bin.


    You have to ask your self why does this place keep turning into a ghost town?


    If I was alphifa - I would sell up to the highest bidder or turn it into a cash cow.

  4. I picked it up for the 360 as well, but I haven't had a whole lot of time to play it. I'm only a few missions into the stuff at Sanctuary.


    That's about where I am.

    Soem of the boss fights have been quite well doen so far, might have a play of it today for an hour or two.

  5. Dr Who :-D


    I really should check it out again, I have seen a few here and there and enjoyed what I saw, Im looking forward to the new series of Red dwarf coming october.


    Red dwarf starts 4th October on Dave.


    I watched Predator last night.


    It's gonna be sweet.


    Do you still get pumped when you watch Predator?

  6. looking into my driving licence seen a guy who works in the building trade and he said if I get my driving licence he can help me out.

    It will be labour at first but this guy gets LOTS of work. 9to eb fair i love labouring its exercise and simple work you have no stress cause you cant fuck up) I will be a handyman! Eventually I may get back into plastering Via this dude. A few months yet though probably longer, im going to have a word with my dad about halfing the driving licence costs he just got some money through the fucker.

  7. Ok here's how it kind of works.


    Getting a number does not mean you're gonna get the poontang.

    Sometiems chicks will give out a number for many reasons such as


    Likes attention (789 friends on facebook - I've seen chicks publicly share their number on twitter this should be a warning to stay away)


    It gets "rid of of you" I know it does not sound nice but some women who are stuck up their own ass sometimes give a number as a way to drop you, she flirted with you and enjoyed it, now she is off home to her boyfriend or whatever. Giving you the number is easier than kissing you and further leading to sexual escalation. see?


    Cinder is right on the waiting game, firing off 3 texts a day and waiting on a reply, most guys might start thinking "bitch! ill text her again wtf!" then before you know it you have sent 10 texts and have set off the "needy" alert.


    Just remember numbers dont mean pussie.


    If I like a girl I'll just ask her out ill be as blunt as i need to be so I text her after getting a number "Hey cock face, im going to (insert random ass place) you can meet up with me if you want, but dont be annoying me! Let me know what you think."


    That's it! I wont text back till I get a 1 to 1 reply, and always end the session so she might text back "Oi! who you calling cock face!"

    so I might reply "Boring!!!" This will wind her up becasue she cant get a straight answer and you havnt "obeyed" like the rest.

    My ex I could send her fucking bonkers with two worded texts "stinky pissflaps" (this is teasing you are not been a dick its fun to her - if she is a 7 or under she might be insecure so take it easy on them ones, this text game is aimed at ones who are hotter than most.


    after i have insulted her I will end the game ill put Im going now because you are stupid and slow and im so great, off to drink beers Bye!" (off to do something example your busy and dont mope around etc make her work for your attention)


    Then i might be cheeky. and just send one more with a "X" kiss.


    One chick I fired this off to and she went mad for me:


    Hey, you know that movie titanic with jack and rose?" (you can ask the question so she replies "yeah what about it?)

    Or you can just put it all in one text IT WORKS EVERYTIME.


    Hey, you know that movie titanic with jack and rose? That bit at the end of the movie When Jack gets in the water?

    I would of pushed that bitch the fuck off!!!


    :wink: Paitence is key - in a week she might get 10 offers (they normally do one way or another) but if your the one not hammering her, teasing her, and getting busy with other things, she will eventually filter you out as "different" this is good.

    Get them laughing (dont be funny all the time) and you have one hand in her pants.


    A good tip I got was when been funny make sure they are not laughing at you - I found this too strict to my personality.

    and over thinking stuff - a confident man can poke fun at him self, but at the same time have respect. it would be ever so boring if we were all the same.


    And some chicks are just "floating" no matter what you do or say they just wont reel in, fuck she could be on her period when you make a move, not gonna help.


    One last thing, you have the be genuinely interested in the girl

  8. Dark shadows - About as much as I can enjoy a vampire movie. 7/10 Very funny in spots - rather raunchy.


    Straw dogs 1971 - The English mans version of deliverance.

    It's aged slightly and some of the scenes are a bit "that looks wrong" such as fighting etc...

    But the movie is tip top, 8/10 easily. Some memorable scenes that will stay with you - possibly for the wrong reasons.

  9. my curry fish balls will blow your mind!


    I like throwing people in to the trunk of a car, grabbing someone else, power slamming them, throwing the other guy or gal out of the boot then throwing them in instead.get enough cars lined up and grab enough people if you want to try something different. Cops are a little too powerful but I think they had to make them that way, countering a cop and cuffing him 4 times in a row is strange.

  10. get as many health shrines as you can.

    I have not played for over a week now, I sometimes do that with games I like then suddenly stop playing.

    I am now walking round in my game of death clothes hurling people in to the road.


    One mission I found out my girlfriend cheated on me then it ended and she was walking away from me - I just couldn't resit it...

    I dropped her and threw her down a hill.

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