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Posts posted by emsley

  1. I saw some North Korean reports that New York was engulfed in fire, and that everyone in America was so hungry that they had eaten all the birds.


    What will they come up with next?


    I saw that I laughed my ass off.

    It was a spoof.


    Read a few comments that the one I posted may have been made in new Zealand as a propaganda experiment, but you dont know whats true on the net now a days.

  2. Especially to the atheists.





    Any excuse to have a holiday is fine with me. Sunny weather, blue skies... very nice.


    Funnily enough after the crapist winter I can remember we have a clear blue sky today for the first time in spring.

  3. The Hunt.


    VERY sensitive Subject matter.

    This is one of those movies that stays with you for hours after you have watched it.

    I can't rate it highly enough, even IMDB has it pushing an 8 out of 10.


    Very edgy, very real, and shows how ugly we are as a species and how we can quickly turn and hunt.

    Its subtitled but if you are not a total dipshit that wont matter, if you need a link with hardcoded subs for a torrent PM me.

    I honestly dont think I have seen a better movie in quite some time.

  4. And yes, the residual porn that's burned in the head is like a terrible aftertaste. I don't want to even think about it after "the release", but sometimes you ask yourself... "WTF, did I just watch?"


    Jerk off to porn, pick up bucket and barf.

    There are no woman round my local area I can be bothered with, I dont mean to sound arrogant but they ain't exactly a catch. I'm too busy concentrating on sorting my stuff out for my son, going through court now for access its not very good.

    I'd like a new bird to be honest, I miss making them laugh and teasing the shit out of them.

  5. Pretty much nailed the entire problem.


    If I go a few days without jacking off I get the horn, checking out women i normally wouldnt aim for.

    So anyway if you dont get with a chick or lifes too busy or pickings are slim, there is no way in hell im not gonna bust a nut.

    I can not walk round horny as fuck, its annoying.

    My pal is in his late 40's and he simply says "fuck it i have porn" and thats him.


    One of the main reasons in my opinion that porn is used so much, is that its getting harder (lol) for guys to pull women, one night stands or long term. Western women have way too much power. As I've got older i can quickly filter out women who match up or dont match up and if i can be arsed making my moves. I mean what, its been nearly a year for me now and its the longest i have gone.

    But i have so much on my plate at the moment and my mind is that busy that getting a partner is way down on my list.


    I knocked back an 18 year old hottie recently, too close for comfort, my pal is her dad and im just like, fuck that...

    I got an offer from a till girl, but she is deaf, no seriously she is deaf. And I went to make a move and she knew I was gonna do it and she got nervous so i backed off. There is this chick that takes her kids to school, past my house twice a day and she is pretty, i think all id have to do is pretend to be working in the garden and just say hi and that would roll quite easily.

    But again older and wiser, two kids is a lot of work........


    your right about the image burning its way in to the brain, after I jack off i go BLURGH!

    hahahaha - fucking mad.

  6. What blog is that? Also, you're totally right about "everyone being a genius or comedian" now. With the rise of Facebook, Tumblr, YouTube, Instagram -- people's ego's have gone out of control. Everybody is acting like a superstar and it's seeped into every aspect of relationships and conversations in general.


    Just search neocream you'll find it buddy :P


    I know a lot of people like their Iphones but that shit is way out of hand, people are fucking glued to their phone. I was walking through town and heard two people talking about Iphones as I strolled about. They really dont see how trapped they are.

    I quit facebook as it was sucking me in and found my self spending an hour just refreshing or some shit.

    It didnt help i was in low mood, so blam, deleted it.


    The web is that keyed in with peopels every day lifes it is changing them into fucking idiots and they dont even know it becasue they think they are being clever when in fact they are wasting fucking time.

    I like my web old school, forums, and what not.


    Logging in to every form of website known to man and tapping out bollocks over and over again..................

  7. I have my own blog, its doing well nearly 1'500 hits per month, minimum of 30 hits per day.

    Before the web went mainstream and anyone could just start hammering stuff up you could make a bit of cash for random ass stuff. Now you cant.

    I dont like to call it a blog, more "my site." But since im stuck on blogspot I have to reluctantly accept that im a blogger.


    Everyone's a genius now, or comedian.

  8. How you finding it?

    Got it today, not bad but don't see why its getting near perfect scores all over the board.

    It's an awesome game in scope and how it looks, but gameplay isn't that testing for me.

    That said though anything less than a 9/10 wouldn't do it justice, I should of started on hard.

  9. Well first of all you got a club full of noise, young horny guys and women who are usually there just for the attention.

    In other words dudes, its just possibly the worst place to pull a chick.

    I never liked it when I was younger, dont get me wrong i have had some killer times out clubbing, but for the most part its not my cup pf tea at all. Prefer my pals round a bar, or a good party or band.

  10. I'm a hardcore Nintendo head.

    All of my greatest gaming memories are from the old N.

    The wii failed at every point to suck me in and buy a unit.

    Only now that you can get Wii's for 20 quid and there are about 3 games I want to play (not including zelda skyward sword, my buddy played it and said he was so disappointed)

    Mario galaxy is still the only reason I'd try it.


    But yeah I know you are on about the Wii U.

    It's time nintendo went back to doing what they do best, personally I feel nintendo heads have been crapped on for quite a few years.

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