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Files posted by Alpha

  1. Project 64k (Online Support)

    Project64k is Project64 1.4's source compiled with kaillera (for online multiplayer support).



  2. PCSX2

    This is the Windows release! For Linux or Mac, please visit the official website.
    PCSX2 is the top emulator for Playstation 2 available for the personal computer!
    It has amazing compatibility, beautiful graphics, and truly makes the PS2 shine for the console it was on your desktop or laptop.



  3. PPSSPP (Android Version) Git

    This is the Android release! For Windows, please click here.
    PLEASE NOTE: This is a beta (Git) release and we do not always have the latest versions here. Please see the official website or download the most recent official/stable build instead.
    PPSSPP can run your PSP games on Android devices. It can even upscale textures that would otherwise be too blurry as they were made for the small screen of the original PSP.
    Even on modern Android phones and tables, you can often run at double the original resolution.

    Screenshots courtesy of ppsspp.org



  4. PPSSPP (Android Version)

    This is the Android release! For Windows, please click here.
    PPSSPP can run your PSP games on Android devices. It can even upscale textures that would otherwise be too blurry as they were made for the small screen of the original PSP.
    Even on modern Android phones and tables, you can often run at double the original resolution.
    Screenshots courtesy of ppsspp.org



  5. nullDC Naomi Version

    nullDC is the top open source Naomi (arcade) emulator for Windows.

    From the official website:

    Builds require the Visual C++ 2010 and DirectX 9c Runtimes.
    You can fetch the Visual C++ 2010 Runtimes from: http://www.microsoft...23-37bf0912db84
    You can fetch the DirectX 9c Runtimes from: http://www.microsoft...&displaylang=en
    Watch Videos of nullDC Naomi from the 1Emulation YouTube Channel:



  6. nullDC Dreamcast Version

    nullDC is the top open source Sega Dreamcast emulator for Windows.

    From the homepage:

    Builds require the Visual C++ 2010 and DirectX 9c Runtimes.
    You can fetch the Visual C++ 2010 Runtimes from: http://www.microsoft.com/downloads/details.aspx?displaylang=en&FamilyID=a7b7a05e-6de6-4d3a-a423-37bf0912db84
    You can fetch the DirectX 9c Runtimes from: http://www.microsoft.com/downloads/details.aspx?familyid=2DA43D38-DB71-4C1B-BC6A-9B6652CD92A3&displaylang=en



  7. ZincGUI

    ZincGUI is a front-end for the Zinc emulator.



  8. ZincFE

    Zinc FE is a front-end for the Zinc emulator.



  9. JAMMA keyboard driver for Zinc

    This is a JAMMA keyboard driver for the Zinc emulator.



  10. Zenith

    Zenith is a frontend and Windows interface (GUI) for the Zinc emulator.
    Grab the Snapshots Pack for Zenith here.
    (from the Readme.txt file located in the zip archive...)
    1. Extract files from archive into ZiNc directory with overwrite
    "s11player.dll" file
    2. Place ROM file "pr1data.8k" in the root of your C:\ drive. This
    file contained in the current MAME sets for all of the System 11
    games (for example, Tekken). This file must not be in archive
    3. Execute ZeNith.exe
    NOTE: ZeNith distributive included the files of others developers:
    - ZiNc OpenGL and D3D renderers 1.2
    - P.E.Op.S. Software renderer 1.17
    - Winterblast's input plug-in 1.6
    - System 11 Player version 03/03/2006



  11. Zinc

    From ArcadeControls: ZiNc is an [Windows] emulator for arcade video games based on Sony PlayStation hardware. This includes systems from Capcom, Taito, Konami, Tecmo, and Namco, among others. These games are also supported in MAME, but ZiNc can frequently run them faster and with graphics and sound enhancements (therefore not a full emulator, see also simulators).
    PLEASE NOTE: Zinc is best run with a Zinc frontend (Windows GUI interface).
    1Emulation recommends the Zinc frontend, Zenith.
    What's this?
    ZiNc is an emulator for various arcade games which ran on
    modified Sony PlayStation hardware. It does not emulate
    any other games, including other 3D games.
    What's it play?
    To see a complete list of supported games, run ZiNc with the "--list-games" parameter.
    ZiNc attempts to provide the fullest possible emulation for each of
    these games while also running on relatively low-spec PCs. However,
    we don't guarantee perfect emulation for any of the games. Sound
    and/or music in particular may be incomplete or incorrect for certain
    types of games.
    ZiNc is not flexible enough to support games with analog controls. As a
    result, some games on supported hardware that you may have seen in
    MAME (such as Crypt Killer) are not included.



  12. ZincCab

    ZincConfig is a front-end utility for the Zinc emulator.
    From the readme file:
    ZincCab is a utility to simple configure your controllers to get zinc work,
    which is not really easy, due manual finind VIK codes and such and have no
    GUI at all.
    ZincCab second function is act like a wrapper for other cabinet based
    frontend easier.



  13. ZincConfig

    ZincConfig is a front-end utility for the Zinc emulator.
    From the readme file:
    This utility allows the practical and easy configuration of all playable zinc games's controls.
    All games with similar control types are automatically grouped together and the control types
    are arranged so that you can understand the real games physical button layout. Controls used by
    every game are grouped together in the general tab.
    Besides this, ZC (zinc config) can also be used as a simple front end. Games can be launched
    from the "launch" tab.
    Rudimentary config file managment (just launces the files in notepad) is also supported.
    There is also support to output dat file by calling zinc as well as configuring my generic
    command line wrapper automatically, based upon the settings you set within ZC.



  14. P.E.Op.S. Software Renderer for Zinc

    The P.E.Op.S. soft gpu plugin is based on Pete's soft gpus for Windows and Linux. This is mainly used for the Zinc emulator.
    From the readme file:
    Windows: copy the file "gpuPeopsSoft.dll" into the main emu
    plugins directory.
    Linux: copy the file "libgpuPeopsSoftX.so.1.0.x" or the file
    "libgpuPeopsSDL.so" (FPSE SDL version) into the main emu plugins
    directory. Copy the file "gpuPeopsSoftX.cfg" into the main
    emu "cfg" directory, or into the main emu directory, or into your
    home directory.
    Notes for use with ZiNc:
    You have to use the "--renderer=..." command line switch to load
    the plugin (or rename the plugin DLL to "renderer.znc" and copy it
    into the main ZiNc directory). For configuration you can specify
    the Peops .cfg with the ZiNc "--use-renderer-cfg-file=..." command
    line switch, or (Windows only) simply don't specify a .cfg file,
    then automatically the settings in the Windows registry will be used.
    Of course that will mean that you will need some Win psx emu to
    configure the plugin.



  15. Glide Renderer for Zinc

    This is a Glide Renderer for the Zinc emulator.
    From the readme file located in the zip archive:
    The renderer requires a Glide³-compatible graphics card.
    The following is a list of Glide³-compatible graphics cards:-
    3dfx Voodoo Graphics [various manufacturers produced these cards]
    3dfx Voodoo Rush [various manufacturers produced these cards]
    3dfx Voodoo² [various manufacturers produced these cards]
    3dfx Voodoo Banshee [various manufacturers produced these cards]
    3dfx Voodoo³
    3dfx Voodoo4
    3dfx Voodoo5
    If your graphics card is not listed above, then it is not
    compatible with this renderer. IT WILL NOT WORK!!
    If your card is listed above, and you still have problems,
    then make sure you are using the latest 3dfx reference drivers
    for your graphics card (NOT the inbuild OS drivers, as these
    do not support Glide).
    3dfx never released drivers for WindowsXP, so you have to use
    one of the hacked driver sets available to enable Glide support.



  16. OpenGL and D3D renderers for Zinc

    Please Note: This file is already included in the latest version of the Zinc frontend, Zenith.
    These are OpenGL and D3D renderers for the Zinc emulator.



  17. Winterblast Input Controller for Zinc

    Please Note: This file is already included in the latest version of the Zinc frontend, Zenith.
    Winterblast input controller is a plugin for Zinc.



  18. System 11 Player for Zinc

    Please Note: This file is already included in the latest version of the Zinc frontend, Zenith.
    R.Belmont, the author of ZiNc, has released a test DLL that will let zinc run the system 11 games faster! Here's what he said:



  19. Snapshots Pack for Zenith

    This is a snapshots pack to display all the Zinc games for the Zinc frontend, Zenith.



  20. PCSX2 SVN (BETA)

    This is the Windows SVN (BETA) release! For Linux or Mac, please visit the official website.
    PCSX2 is the top emulator for Playstation 2 available for the personal computer!
    It has amazing compatibility, beautiful graphics, and truly makes the PS2 shine for the console it was on your desktop or laptop.



  21. MAMEUI x64

    MAMEUI, formerly MAME32, is the GUI version of MAME. Originally authored in 1997 by Chris Kirmse, it was the first port of MAME to the Windows platform. MAMEUI is currently in maintenance mode with no active development taking place. The 64-bit version is still compiled and released when there is no breakage with the core.



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