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Blog Entries posted by Kenshinsama

  1. Kenshinsama
    Well I got home a few hours ago. played a few matches of CVS2 with my roomie and got some pizza from the marina pizza parlor(if you live in the bay its a must to try it once!) going to hit the sack early since I have to be at the hospital again in the morning for an MRI scan. oy!
    Its not so bad tho. my eyes are feeling better and I havent had any really bad headaches. I am still worried though. I mean the MRI is for my brain and they can tell me anything. I dont think I have anything MAJOR wrong...but you never know. it really doesnt matter what it is though. Im goin gto do what Ive been doing and keep an optimistic look at things. and even if its really bad. I am sure I will find a way to fix it or Deal with it. that being said. Black man out!
  2. Kenshinsama
    *Sigh* today started out pretty ok ya know? I woke up. had some breakfast. waited for my dad to pick me up from my place and headed over to the hospice(I just feel like saying hospice I have no Idea why) got the number of one of the nurses because...well I am bad the flock assed THATS WHY!?! Did my scan and off I was. chilled at the store for a minute with the gang. shared some laughs about a few very very ignorant iidividuals who kept coming into my store talking about "When dat new madden cum out brah? Man I hear Dat O9 is Raw kid. why yall holdin out?)
    Yes very very VERY flocking ignorant but even that brought a smile to my face. why? I was in a good flocking mood.
    Until of course I get home and the flood of Drama just...happens. one of my best friends breaks up with his GF of 7 years, on top of that my friends sister was raped today but a TRUSTED friend of the family and now I cant FIND my friend to stop him from making matters worse and throwing away his life...flock...
    the list goes on but I dont have the stamina to try and explain it all...I wish I could do more ya know? I know I dont have any control over ANY of these scenarios but at the same time I feel as if I could do so much more for them. trust me I know this is something is kinda a issue ya know? I shouldnt try and take the weight of the world on my shoulders...I just cant help it...*sigh* I really wanted to typed out this short story I have been working so that I could see what some of the other board members thought...instead of this depressing crap. maybe tomarrow I will get around to it before the day lets on...
    with that being said I need some Zzz. been up since like 6am.
    black man out-
  3. Kenshinsama
    last night was kind of one of those...make or break situations some of us really never get to experience...at least in real life. in the movies Ive seen crap likee this but never in my life has it ever happened to me before...
    I am an african american Male. Born and Raised in Oakland Califonia. my "Block" or turf rather back in the day when crap like that was considered cool was 98th and Birch street in oakland. from the time I was there it was always a rough place to live. but of course when you grow up in it it doesnt seem THAT bad to you even if you are aware of most of the dangers...
    in aznycase I am kinda side tracking but it all really just builds up towards the end anyway...Last night or this morning rather(1am or so) my friend "Machu" (Using his net alias) called me pretty drunk. he needed me to pick him up and take him home. of course I am going to do it...its 1am in the morning he OBVIOUSLY has no one else to call. and he wasnt far away so I didnt mind. I needed to get out of the house anyways(Drama)
    so I head towards Castro Valley(I live in San leandro which is like 3 cities away me thinks) but he told me he was waiting in the cold and was freezing. so I decide since it will take me a while anyways to get there...I will pick up some starbucks. hes also upset so I figure some java would help ya know? well as soon as I get on the block where starbucks is a cop flags me down in a crown victoria telling me to pull to the side. now just a little extra history here. me myself I didnt start really driving till last year. I am 24 and will be 25 in march(please god dont ask its embaressing just typing this-_-) I was suppose to take my driving test last monday but because of the hospital and my eyes and crap I couldnt go. have to make a new appointment and wont be fit in until march 8th. that being sai dI was ready to face the consequence for driving without a license. I am at fault for that and if he towed my car I would have deserved it.
    but thats not what happened. at all. there was nothing aboutthis cop that was "professional" hes got his uniform on but I swear to you he had NO BADGE ON for me to see his name, his number or any of that. he gets out of his car and slow steps towards my car. no I am not writing a fantasy novel this mother flocker walked very slowly to my car and started flashing the the light thru my window(this crap was really bright not to mnention he turned his highbeams on me and LEFT THEM ON!
    *Sigh* I roll down my window and the first thing he asked me was not "can I see your license and registration" he didnt ask me anything. he started pacing around my car. tapping on the window everytime he walked past one. naturally now I am scared. I have never been in THIS kind of a situation with a cop. Ive been pulled over by cops for fitting the description of people they are after(really not their fault that alot of black guys look like me. well kinda. he finally opens his flocking mouth and asks me to get out of the car. of course I do as the ass says. hes a flocking cop and I know I have no license. but the fact that he wasnt even interested in that was very very scary to me...
    "Boi what nationality are you?" that was the first sentence he flocking said to me. nothing else. just that. and I get a confused look on my face. now I am black but I have certin features that make you second guess sometimes(I cant help being prettier than most man...its a curse) my complextion isnt the lightest but my skin tone is lighter than most black people I know. also my eyes look as if I have asian decent(I dont. at least not that I know of) also the way I speak...well is kinda like how I am typing now. I have my ebonic moments sometimes but for the most part I sound pretty whitewashed in person. anyways yeah not your average african american. I tell him "Black" he than asked "what else lil nigga? you caint be fool blood black!" once again a confused look on my face. I dont know what to say to this guy. he is either really pissed off or looking to flock with someone. either way I was flocking terrifide...everything depended on what I did and said with this man. he started to push me around my instncts tell me "your invading my space, you need to get out of my space, I WILL flockING HURT YOU IF YOU DONT GET OUT OF MY WAY! But of course I knew thats what he was doing. he was TRYING to push me to that point. and both of us knew what would happen had I tajen the bait...yeah I could have kicked his ass. but the first blow I gave him would have landed me in a place I do not care to be in. but with everything he was doing, saying, I was so scared,confused, angry...he grabs my hair and and than pushes my head away laughing. "Punks as lil nigga. wont even do crap. lil ass biatch" flashes his light in my car again and tosses some of my books on the ground its been raining for days. they all land in puddles and pretty much all of them are destroyed. he walks off towards his car still laughing. feeling really good about himself I guess...
    the cop pulls off and I am standing there by my car...so angry...so so angry...I started punching a near by tree. for about 3 minutes i am going off on this tree. there was no one around to see what happened. I didnt get his license plate number, he had no badge on. my eyes still arent great so I could hardly pick this guy out from any other BLACK COP!
    the kicker! he was a black cop!??!! harassing me because I dont look fully black and because of how I talked and because there are a shitload of fantasy books in my backseat. there were books in there that were 90 years old...some of these were my grandfathers books from when he was younger. adventure books and mysteries and crap. classic stuff I could never find anymore....gone....just gone...I finally stopped punching the tree and just started bawling. I didnt care who heard me. I have been harassed by cops. I can deal with being harassed even by a dick cop. I could deal with a white racist cop...but I have been able to understand why me an African american male have been flocked with more by black men than anything else...
    theres a alittle more to this but I dont really wanna type anymore...its making me upset...its funny. as an african american I do take pride in being black. because the people who fought for me to be here and paved the way for me to have rights here. wanted me to be the way that I am. they wanted me to educate myself. learn from others. grow and evolove into something more than a color or a race or a name. I belive they wanted me to be as diverse as I am, they wanted me to absorb any an all information that would help me better myself. I believe they wanted to me to be as involved as I am with emulation and gaming and reading and writing...becuase thats what they were fighting for....
    but this...Ive been dealing with people like this...black people like this for years. because I can articulate myself, because i can read shakesphere like its nothing, because I can flocking hang with some of the best in SFA3 or third strike yet enjoy sitting down and remembering why I love chronto trigger and cross...they deem(spelling?) me "not black enough" I get treated as if its the flocking 50s all over again...except its being done by my own people. its so flocking...frustrating...
    thats that. I cant type anymore. thanks for reading if you read it...
    Black man out...
  4. Kenshinsama
    well I took care of that cop issue. the guy got suspended for 4 months with no pay and hes up for review. though me being the great big teddy bear I am...I kinda feel for the guy...what pushed him to do that? I mean something completely outlandish just had to flocking make this guy snap...I could see the regret in his eyes when he saw me...have you ever done something...wrong and know its wrong yet...do it anyway? for whatever reason? well thats dumb everyone has done that....buit have you done it knowing or at least thingking you wont get caught? inthe end I may feel alittle sorry but it is what it is. now he cant do that to someone else....that being said...its 2:...lol
    Black man out!-
  5. Kenshinsama
    “The magistrate will be very unhappy about this...turn of events... surely you don’t have anymore...ah merchandise for me Docket?” The crooked looking merchant ground his yellow tar stained teeth at the envoy with mocking malice. “I told yer we don’t usually get that Kind of Cargo! It’s considered a crime to harbor that kind of thing here! You tell yer magistrate he can find his own damned women! We’re merchants dammit! Not slavers or pimps!” The envoy fumed but to this he could do nothing. This was very last minute and, the ugly merchant was right. The law forbids the trafficking of slaves on this continent. Annyya was governed a lot differently than from the dark continent so far to the east. “Right well thank you anyway. I suppose . . . if you should hear A..” The man gave him a scowl and with that Jahi bid him farewell. “Well this is just choice! He told me to find him an attractive exotic looking girl . . . the magistrate is not making this easy.”
    “You’re looking for a women love?” Alarmed jahi turned around (with his hand at his sword belt) who are you? "He said" well now handsome . . . all ready to hurt me with your swift and strong sword huh? Most people see a beautiful woman and . . . well they say things like" oh my! Miss would you like a drink?" or something of that lot. "Jahi's jaw dropped at how entrancing this woman was. Mostly due to the etire she was wearing. A plain brown shirts that did nothing to hide her chest at all. Black tight trousers that looked glued to her skin and the most awkward looking piece of apparel . . . a very fancy looking red hat with a long white feather protruding from the top." You can stop staring now . . . I gave you a good couple of seconds to take it all in. "Jai straightened himself out and took the young ladies hand in his" I am truly sorry miss! My manners left me when I saw . . . well you. Forgive? "Jai kissed her hand gently, practically grinning because of his unexpected luck!" So you know that my master wishes for some company than . . . Im not sure if you understand he’s not looking to have much of a conversation . . . ahem. "He hoped she read between the lines little on that exchange" Mister envoy . . . do I look like a little naive girl to you?" the young women smiled. "It’s a warm bed, food and drink for the night yes? I think I’ve done more for less in the past . . . where do I sign hmm? "Stunned Jai gave her all info she needed to make it to the magistrates new keep.” Well than we will see you around this evening? Maybe in a couple of hours? The magistrate will be so pleased that you accepted his . . . invitation miss . . . ah I did not catch your name! "The women with the red hat smiled a devilish smile and looked at Jai with her carefree yet very entrancing light blue eyes" my name is . . . Akiha. And you can tell your magistrate if he wants an early jump at my affection my he will do me a small favor. I simply cannot entertain in these tattered clothes! Maybe he can find me an outfit that him . . . and I might agree on perhaps? "Jai of course knew what she was getting at. He heard stories of how these forigeners from the other continent acted . . . the new magistrate and this woman were no exception" yes miss I understand . . . tell me though . . . any preferences I need to know about? "She smiled an even brighter smile this time at the envoy" the color red. it really love the color "Red" and with that Jai nodded and was on his way to prepare everything in order this evening.
    He is gone young one. You can relax now. akiha let out a sign and her entire demeanor changed. Master "Ifrit. Are you sure that this is the same magistrate we are looking for? Akiha is . . . becoming very . . . bothered to say the least . . . and you said that as long as I was here I wouldn’t have to do anything but say a few words? So far you have me signed up as a whore for some dirty old noble! He’s not old at all he’s maybe the same age as you give or take a year and as for dirty he was awarded the honor of a knight at the age of 14. rapidly going through the ranks like no commoner has ever done. By the time he could drink he was a fully awarded captain with honors to cross from here to the dorkrah coast. The man is far from some dirty old man." "Right" she said. “but you still have me lined up as a prostitute! That fact sir is still very much very clear!” Akiha doesn’t like it either! She’s becoming . . . angry . . . its very hot and dark and I do not like it my lord! " ifitt made the best sighing sound he could inside of someone’s head before speaking. "That is what we want girl! If things go right neither of you will have to sleep with anyone and the bastard will be good and dead before the end of the night! We need to send a message back home and start the game! She nodded reluctantly and sighed. She knew that she had no control over this anyway. She could feel Akiha inside sad at how she was feeling. And also very very angry. We were close and while I did not know what their intentions were. The voice of Ifrit and the girl named Akiha were both very anticus to meet this magistrate. And here I was. Stuck in the middle.
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