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Posts posted by Shibathedog

  1. yeah im just about fed up with discjuggler, they give you the most complicated interface out of every burning program with all these features you will never use just to confuse you, is extremly picky about how you burn things, and randomly crashes as soon as you DO use any fancy features, and sometimes crashes randomly for no reason at all


    DJ is definatly a peice of crap, why the hell would i use thier poorly compiled program over alchohol 120% where its literally 3 button clicks away from ACTUALLY WORKING?!?


    I hate DJ, its a pain in the ass, it randomly crashes, and theres no point in using it at all


    Get Alchohol 120% and the latest Nero 5.5 and you dont need ANYTHING else, especially DJ

  2. i know a GD-ROM is a 1 GB disc, ive posted pages about it here, you seem to forget about something called overburning and you seem to forget that not every game used the whole disc, you also seem to not remember that i know what im doing when it comes to the DC


    some games, like ResiEvil Code veronica, are so huge that you cant overburn them on if its a Raw Rip, whcih is why i dont bother with those, also another example is shenmue, that game also uses the whole 1GB


    if i cant get it to fit without modification, i buy it, in fact, i buy it anyway

  3. BAH!!! you all lie...


    you dial up to your ISP, your connected to the internet


    then you can connect to the Japan server and no more dialing or long distance


    what you are saying right now is pretty much like saying, if i connected to the internet and downloaded something on a japanese server it would cost me money, not the case at all


    doesnt mean crap where your connected just make sure your connected to a local ISP and it wost cost you jack

  4. yeah i know, but i check the header files and crap of everything, you see, im on this mad hunt to get every possible version of every possible thing on the DC


    im way too obsessed, i know what im doing, i just like Raw rips with nothing but the original data because theres less of a change of glitches and such

  5. one tip of advice




    They used to be very good, but not for the DC no more!!! They use a new kind of formula in their CDs that is SO THICK that its almost a CD-RW, It takes all three of my (opened) DCs like 2-8 tries to get anything to boot off those damn things


    Stick with memorex, they work awsome and their cheap too...also their durable (unless you apply quick snaps of pressure to the top....i do alot of experimenting)


    i have SA1 and 2 originals and Rips and the sound is fine on both, i think your CDs are crap, i dont trust store brands at all, it could be your images though....


    i have a 24 inch VGA monitor with a adaptor doohicky going to my stereo and its pretty sweet


    now that im too tired to remember what i was going to say after this, and probably too tired to say anything else even slightly intelligent, im gonna go, ill be back tomorrow i think

  6. heh thats happened to me before, i hate that, i just like to figure out games entireley on my own, i dont read the manuals untill i beat teh game somtimes, or ill just read the story info at the beggining (which turns out to be useless because then they re-explain it in the game, and the words are either very similar or exactly the same and it becomes annoying)

  7. actually DC media player plays almost any video format perfectly unless you encode it at like 2.1 MBPS


    All you have to do is lower the SOUND quality, i get very rare and slight problems at 128Kbps, but if you want it to be flawless i would suggest 98KBPS, trust me, you would really be able to tell the difference unless the movie has a lot of really well mixed music in it.


    To-11 is nice, but the VMU blurring makes it a pain in the ass, you have to keep mashing the D-Pad to get it to pause, good player, but since my VGA monitor is right next to my stereo, i dont use it much


    Oh yeah and about Pelicans MP3 player, forget it, its crap, it just randomly works and doesnt work on certain songs, way too unreliable, forget it...


    oh yeah and one more question, whats the bitrate of DVD quality Stereo sound and Movie quality, im testing the hell out of my players right now hehe

  8. alright i am going to be busy for the next few days, very very busy in fact, so i may not be here as often to answer your DC questions.


    If you need to reach me send an email to Shibacell@anarchyforums.net


    try to keep your email short and too the point as this fowards to my cell phone which i think limits the size to 128 characters, if you need to, split it into two emails, i dont care, its free for me to receive email on my phone.


    This goes in effect from 11:00 tomorrow (Eastern Time) and continues untill i say its over (because i dont know how long it will actually take me to get all this work done)


    sorry for any inconveinience this may cause ill try and pop back onto the forums whenever i get the chance

  9. DAO works better actually, just some burners are weird/old and refuse to work with it


    if you burner is compatible set it to DAO, NOT DAO 96, but DAO, and make sure you have the latest version of Nero


    anf if you burner has Buffer underrun (most new ones do) then you can use the max burn speed and it will be error free (DC games take goddamn forever on the lowest speed if my burner didnt have buffer underrun i would go crazy)


    NRG is mostly all automatic, the only setting you have to change is this


    Go to File, Prefrences, go to the Expert Features Tab, Check the Box that says Enable Overburn Disc At Once burning, click apply, then OK


    If your burner doesnt support DAO, then you cant use Overburning, which means your screwed for certain games, i think thats your problem cominus, your burner cant do DAO

  10. hmm, well these ISOs are strange, they only seem to work on certain DCs, they are region free so its not that, its booting so im guessing you burned it right, it may be just a messed up image


    i dont like echelon games because i like my 100% clean rips so i havent bothered with them much, tell me what game it is and ill hunt it down and burn it and see if i can get it to work

  11. yeah you need a coders cable (at lik-sang for like 30 bucks i think) This links you DC to the PC and allows your PC to use you DC as an External GD-ROM drive


    then you get the program and their USUALLY not THAT hard but it depends on the game, after you do this you must wait, a REALLY long time, because of the type of cable it takes FOREVER, when i ripped Skie Of Arcadia for a friend it literally took 11+ hours just for disc one


    its not even worth it, just download your games, even if you own it and want to just copy it, the download wil be faster, i would only bother with this if its for a game that has never been ripped (i think im going to hunt down bleemcast and rip it correctly, i dont see why is hasnt been already, it took me like 1 hours tops to figure out how to rip correctly every game ive ripped)

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