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Posts posted by Shibathedog

  1. No one beleived me!!! no one!!!!


    i collect weird/rare gaming hardware and stuff and i had found the ultimate weird device!!!


    It was a fullsize sewing machine that was controlled by a gameboy color!!! you could pick stitches on the gameboy and i was actually not that bad at sewing things (random sqares...but nontheless STRAIGHT squares!!!)


    no one beleived me!!! but i have proof!!!






    (hehe sorry im a little hyper/excited right now)

  2. heh, no one bothers to search the forums, i can see why, but i can also see why you should...


    lol you shouldnt have posted that, i was so bored i decided to post some stuff there....


    i should post the entire line of pics...."The adventure of the Blasto disc" it goes into like 30 systems in one way or another

  3. Well me and my friend where thinking the other day, wouldnt it be cool if we could somehow have every single NES game on one cartridge somehow?


    Then we got to thinking, if we bought some crappy 23 Cent game (Mario/Duck Hunt combo...it rules actually...but its cheap :lol: ) we could rip the chips out, flash new chips with some kind of drivers and menu software, and cut most of the cartisdge out and run some wires to a HDD!!!! We would get some old 500MB HDD (because they would all fit haha!!)


    i mean really, when you think about it, it wouldnt be that hard, weve flashed stuff onto chips before, weve programmed for the NES before, i mean why not? where going to have to do major adapting and software writing, but hell, it HAS to be possible somehow!!!


    i even have a AC to the Standard power cord (forget the name) that fits HDDs!!! (i have no idea where it came from hehe, i think it was from my External HDD making kit or something)


    Even if this turns out to be a waste of time..it was 8 bucks for the HDD, 23cents for the game, and the rest of it we didnt even pay for


    plus its something to keep us busy :P


    Ill post updates here on how its going, right now where trying to figure out if we can reflash the existing chips or if where going to have to buy new ones (or even try a different game because i know some of them where hella different when you opened em)

  4. go to www.playstation.com and click register games, and then look through the list (you might have to register), or there might be a list on there somewhere


    then again, i have a few PS2 games that where discontinues/recalled that arent listed, so maybe you should just look on google

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