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Posts posted by Shibathedog

  1. hmm, im going to guess your image got screwed up somewhere along the way...ask whoever you dowloaded it from if it works for them.


    Echelon rips all work fine for me...


    From now on, do this, Get the latest Alchohol 120% (ask me if you need it) and burn in RAW/DAO


    its just so easy to do its rediculous that way, if that doesnt work, its the image, or your DC, make sure your DC is clean, use my guide thats posted here

  2. DC is by far the best system ever created, why?


    No modchipping or mods or swap tricks needed for anything

    easy game burning

    Original games/system is cheap as hell now

    Excellent homebrew community

    Best games ever, these games never seem to be defeated, i was playing SC and i rented SC2 (for all 3 systems) and i was left with this empty feeling inside, i went back to SC and returned the SC2s without buying them

    Has the Most soul, you will never see such a large collection of great games, the DC is almost pure soul, its got Capcom Vs. SNK, Street fighter, the last blade, etc.

    None of the games suck, I have yet to see a DC game which i didnt enjoy, even the small time Tetris clones keep me entertained

    CHEAP VGA support, its about 5-10 bucks, any other system you better get ready to slap down 80+ bucks

    Excellent controller, great for ANY genre, it just plain rules (1st person shooter takes some time to get used to, but once you do, it just plain rules)

    Has that great Arcade feel to it, Sometimes you need a break from all these ultra realistic games, you just want a great, simple yet challenging, arcade style game, but if you want realistic, DC has that too!

    Compact, this is one of the smallest consoles ever made (not including handheld of course)


    The list goes on and on and on, best system ever, just plain rules

  3. clean your DC lens, most likely its having read errors, also, make sure the spinny part in the middle (motor) can spin freely and there is nothing jamming it


    to unjam your GD-ROM and make sure it spins right...


    spin it with your fingers, then put a BLANK CD-R IN IT, listen to it spin up to 52X :blink: that will whip any crap out for ya!!


    and you thought your DC was loud....hehe.....not THIS loud...

  4. hmm, your image could be screwed up, try cleaning your DC lense (with Q-Tip, GENTLY!!!!, AND if you have one (notice i said AND) one of those CD Player cleaner discs)


    i have a copy of Bust a Move 4 that refuses to do anything but go into the CD player no matter what i do, some images are just messed up


    try putting DC_HAKKAR in Unscrambled mode or whatever (i think you press Y)

  5. put it in DAO mode


    if you have a burner with Buffer underrun 4MB do half speed, if it has 8MB do full


    if it doesnt have buffer underrun, or you just dont know, do it at about 4X, also make sure to turn overburning on


    In Nero 5.5.....


    File>Prefrences>Tab Called "Expert Features">Second box down that says Overburning Check and make sure the boxes say 82, 0, 0


    now just burn :P

  6. ok this may sound crazy, but make sure your laser is in the closest position to the middle, then spin the disc clockwise reallly fast with your fingers, close the DC, and turn it on realy fast. Sometimes that helps


    If its going to the CD player, its burned wrong, if its going to the main menu it either...


    needs a bootdisc

    is burned on a disc that it cant read

    is on a damaged disc (dought it)

    your GD-ROM needs to be re-aligned

    your DC is too cold, move it to a warmer place

    Try booting an original GD-ROM, then turn it off after you get to at least the main menu, and then try to boot your CDR, sometimes that helps.

  7. Yeah Naki is the kind of clear one, it comes in some colors, i think they are



    Clear Red

    Clear Orange

    Clear Blue

    Clear Yellow

    Clear Green


    and some others, i have the regular clear one


    As for the boot disc, i have 1.1, 1.2, and 1.3, and It will make most non-selfboot games work on VGA, but some games (The Quake port for example) just will not play on VGA. I suggest just using the selfboot tool i have to make it selfboot, and work on VGA


    But if you still want the boot discs, lemme know and well see how i can transfer em too you.

  8. yeah, i actually did that kind of, i only have 5 BBA adaptors though, i lent some to my friends, and dialed one up and we played Q3A online, it was pretty cool


    as for where i keep them, Two are on a TV, 1 is on a VGA monitor, 1 is on another TV, and the rest are well...either randomly lying around in my room or my basement (i have a gaming room type setup in my basement where all my systems are hooked up)

  9. yes they work, excellently, i love my VGA box, i use it whenever possible, looks so good :-D


    I use the Naki VGA box and it works great, only drawback is theirs no cross thru port so you have to unhook the monitor from yur PC and back if you want to use it, but i have a dedicated monitor so i dont care, it also works good as a S-Video/Normal RCA Adaptor

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