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Everything posted by suvo

  1. ok i see lol , girls are extict they are dead but im not yay , but im not a girl xD agozer just a question........ are you a girl...... (j/K
  2. lol , why buy it when you can download it.... its like saying.... why drink and drive when you can smoke and fly xP
  3. the best memory i had was when i first signd up , then you boys and girls are so nice
  4. i was reading some of the stuff here lol i liked the conspiricy thing anyway has anyone thought about the september 11th attack , and that the two buildings are in the shape of a 11 ? it seems weird , and does anyone belive the area 51 storie , i do i guess, if u dont know about it i will tell you
  5. im gonna get the final fantasy 12 its currently 3/4 done in japan but in a few months its gonna wrap ps2 up for one of the best final games , but i cant wait for ps3 that will be awsome
  6. thanks guys that what i wanted to know , romdata thx
  7. lol actually i used it for help on kingdom heart's and final fantasy's but i forgot about it , i dont belive it either , i didnt even cross my mind
  8. aight, sorry but all i know that this 1 plays svc:chaos , kof 2004 , kof 2003 , mslug 5 , mslug 4 , samari showdown 5 and u know the rest
  9. i guess it would look kinda ugly but i like the idea of a rom vote but im not mod am i xP cause then it could give me an idea of games that r good
  10. nope i dont play muggen and im sure if there was it wud b popular srry
  11. omfg sweet OH YeaHHH man i just saw the redevelopment for ps3 man it will blow your socks off i mean it i saw a video 4 it on gamespot cause i love all ff games and it looks like the best gfx i have ever seen and it wasnt a fmv
  12. oops's i mean side "it would be displayed on the side of forum"
  13. thanks a bunch k`dash this site owns , i like ur sig xP
  14. nnonnononon , u have me all wrong i said i have em i just want a moves list cause its hard to play with out... cause all it is without combos is kick , punch kick
  15. thanks man umn... i just looked around and i think there is bios here , so i gonna search now thanks for your help
  16. right i found some sweet sites that have these games and i downloaded them , most of you probably have but wat my main question is i need a site that has combo list and info and stuff , this would help me alot and save my keyboard from constant mashing lol thanks
  17. ahh... lol that was me that had the problem... but it was the net that caused it xP what you need to do is edit the key's in the folder, if its a neogeo game edit the MVS keys , if its cps games edit CPS ok... mine just fixed i dont know how but it did , try that it , i shud work
  18. well i think its a fact that every 1 likes the layout of the emu , and how its set out but its also a fact its not the greatest neogeo emulater ever made but anyways here is the last ever neorageX ever made it was a great emu , some of u may have it but it plays the latest game's so enjoy ppl , and i uploaded it on fileshare.de , have fun.... oldschool NeoRAGEx Mod edit: URL fixed.
  19. alright i thought today im gonna try to start using dreamcast , at the moment im into arcade , nintendo 64 , and gamecube , and other stuff but mainly those , anyway can some 1 tell me 1. is it like other emu's... u download emu , then roms then it runs ? 2. from what i gatherd its hard to find rom's 3. can some 1 post a tut and the best emu's ty 4. do u download games or do u run them... thanks please help asp i just saw some cool games
  20. mame... i dont use it for neogeo,i just tried it it works ty...
  21. from what i know mario and metriod are the only released roms
  22. ok i have a question and i need to know the answer , first of all i have read the mame law info and it says they will not add games made within the 2 last years which i can understand but this is what hacked emu's if 4 like loader's anywhos is there a way to add roms to a emu like mame or kawaks ect.... and is there a way to see the romsets that your emu supports, im using kawaks at the moment and i wanna see the romsets for my emu , and can i post the final neorageX with every single game that has been released to date thanks
  23. ok wait lol agozer i was talkin about winkawak's... i have a special , the last ever neorageX ever made i will post it in a thread if i am allowed? am i
  24. im not sure have you looked for a hacked version , or cheat's and i dun think u can enable cheats for neoragex unless u have a special bios , look around the forum's ps. i sent u the loader
  25. yeh it gets gay after awhile but its good for 1 day i guess but every 1 hacks xP
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