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Everything posted by Tux

  1. Tux

    Raine 0.93

    I remember one from emufrance, in french then, so I'll probably not link it from here Ok, I'll try that... Try to feed it to raine then and see what happens (your mapping). Notice here is already a mapping in gamecontrollerdb.txt with the same identification for windows, I guess it's because of your usb adapter which can take a few different pads ? Well to test yours find the line containing the identification (03000000250900000017000000000000) and replace it by your line. Save launch raine, and see what happens. It's confirmed by the log file, it's identified as a game controller (Joypad to USB Adapter), they changed the name, or maybe it's because with a different pad plugged to that it works differently. I'd say there's probably a better way to use a sega saturn controller here, it's not normal that moving into a direction activates a button, but you might make it work with this mapping.
  2. Tux

    Raine 0.93

    Lol, there is one very outdated, I hate writing docs. I did that at a time because I had found some fancy program for that, but finally I got bored doing too once more. Anyway the basic concepts didn't change, so for those who don't know arcade emulation there can still be some useful info in it. If anyone wants to do it, he's welcome to... there are some sites which built some info page for raine, some rather well done I must say ! Hum, not sure where to put that anyway, but it's not a bad idea. Yeah maybe... Wow, what a weird controller, I wish I could test this one directly to see how it works ! For the improved diagonal, don't hope too much, the games need to be programmed specifically to use this efficiently, here the games are still these old arcade games with 4 directions joysticks only ! It's surprising that it works in the sdl1.2 version and not this one though. Is it recognized as a controller (well it won't be easy to say if you don't see the directions)... Well raine prints which controllers it finds when you launch it, so try to launch it from a command prompt and redirect its output to a file : raine > log then quit and look inside the log file, not sure it will work, but it should. Do you still have the testgamecontroller program ?
  3. Tux

    Raine 0.93

    For the keyboard (esc) and gamepad (button 2 which is usually B on xbox pads and O on playstation, it's quite intuitive... Exactly, actually that's me who inserts these spaces, I learnt to type this way, and I type very fast, so I don't try to change it... ! Yeah you are right, but most people keep the same old config from version to version, so it's always a problem to change the config name. By the way in dos it's raine.cfg, in linux rainex_sdl.cfg, and windows is historically raine32_sdl.cfg because the 1st version for windows was by Atani a very long time ago and he called it Raine32, so I kept the name since then for the windows version, just changed it back to raine.exe for the 64 bits version because it wouldn't have made much sense here... It's niice getting some feedback anyway !
  4. Tux

    Raine 0.93

    You are really paranoid about that, I already explained in the other message that I just updated SDL2.dll in the dlls package, this is exactly the same file now, I simply packed it in the 0.93 release so that people don't have to redownload the whole dlls package just to update sdl that's all. There is always an universal cancel which works everywhere in the gui, that's ESC on the keyboard or right button on the mouse, or what is usually button 2 on a gamepad, I thought you knew this after all this time... At this level there are only joystick indexes, raine does not know if it's affected to any player or not, and you could even affect only some of the inputs to 1 player for what it knows, so I can't do that. This dialog is just intended for someone wants to use a particular joystick and doesn't want to reaffect all the inputs, then go to this dialog and swap its position with another one. You see these indexes in use in the inputs dialog, either for default or custom inputs, you see the joy inputs appear as "joy n (name) button or stick", n is the joystick index in use here. Glad to see you were not able to find any outstanding bug this time anyway, at least things are improving !
  5. Tux

    Raine 0.93

    Of course you can test that, the update is a minor one, 2.0.20 is mainly a bug fix release, even if you remove the new dll and use the old one it will most probably work. I plan to just put the new SDL2.dll in the old dlls package later. edit : done ! This release as all the others was simply made to be unpacked over an old one, replacing files. Of course if you install it in a new dir it's a little awkward if you unpack the dlls package after it, but anyway it doesn't matter, it should be compatible. I just replaced the dlls in the 92x packages, but I didn't retest any 0.92 version, it should work anyway.
  6. Ok, don't do that, there are 2 shells, it builds depending on the shell you are running, if it's mingw32 it tries to build a 32 bits binary if it's mingw64, it's a 64 bits binary. But anyway I found a forgotten -lSDL_sound, just committed the change now, use git pull to update the makefile. I didn't notice it earlier because the lib doesn't even appear in ldd in the resulting binary, and I have a SDL_sound lib in my path so it's working here. I needed someone to test this in real mingw32 to find it, sorry for the problem and thanks for trying this !
  7. You forgot to tell how you did that, what you try to build... it seems to be in mingw32 ? Well normally there is no SDL_sound, it was merged inside for SDL2. But you might have found an old place in the makefile where it's still used... I'll check in mingw32... Ok, after checking there is something you did obviously wrong here, but I don't know what it is. Did you check the short guide on how to compile ? It's there : http://raine.1emulation.com/download/install.html Normally from mingw32/mingw64 native, you don't need to edit the makefile at all, just git pull to update the source, eventually edit it if you want a debug build, and that's all, just make. Here your try to use x86_64-w64-mingw32-gcc as gcc, did you try to uncomment 1 of the targets ? It's useless in mingw, it autodetects what you are trying to build from your environment, and adjusts, these targets are useful only when you crosscompile and it can't guess, usually from linux.
  8. Tux

    Raine 0.93

    Ok, particular version since it adds 3 gauntlets games (the main one, the spanish version which doesn't speak spanish so it's not really interesting, and the 2) which work perfectly with the C cpu cores (64 bits version), but not well at all with the asm cpu cores (32 bits). I might return to that with new ideas later, but since the changes are already becoming quite big, it was probably a good time to release this. These games are really a playground for hackers with all the crazy stuff inside, I might play more later then... ! About the games themselves, these are really multiplayer games, you can test this in solo, but you won't get far. By the way, big thanks to the advancmame team which maintained an old version of mame which can still be compiled nowdays, I used this for testing stuff while trying to understand how things worked, very convenient... Again the new games can be played only in 64 bits, they can be launched in 32 bits, but don't complain if there are problems ! They were some big beasts finally, adding 2 new sound chips + the slapstic support. Ah also despite the original hardware having a 68010, I found they work very well with a 68000 only, so I left the 68000, it's easier. You'll notice the binaries are 1 Mb bigger than usual, that's because they contain an update to sdl2 (I'll update the dlls package later), the updated history.dat file (which won't be in all releases but this time it was updated with the new games info). There are also some new cheats for the new games but these are small. Except that, a lot of fixes as usual, this version is smarter with internet archive so it's able to get its files from more directories so it's already able to get the gauntlet roms and the updated toaplan2 ones. It also removes the ssl verification which gave me an error when I tested this in windows (I wonder if it ever worked in windows, I don't think I tested this in windows ?). Other fixes for the ksystem games which were still trying 8bpp functions (kikikai, knightb and kicknrun, very old games too), for toaplan2 (there was a high probability of crash if loading more than 1 toaplan2 game in the same session), the gui (mouse wheel support was not perfect), the console (basic support for the 6502 which also allows to use cheats for games using only some 6502, never noticed they didn't work before, too many things to test, really... ! And some fix for the 68000 breakpoints too). That's all ? Yeah I think... Ah I had a problem when testing the windows binaries in wine, but they work well in my native windows 10, so I released them anyway, I'll make some more tests with wine later. And the linux binaries will be updated soon too... http://raine.1emulation.com/download/latest.html edit : for the linux binaries there was an update to muparser in arch just now, my 64 bits version is now 2.3.3 while the 32 bits version is still 2.3.2 ! So well the 32 bits version can't be compiled for now, I'll fix that tomorrow. edit 2 : finally I updated my 32 bits libmuparser manually so that I can compile this. The pkgbuild and the archive are posted, but you won't be able to compile this on your side without muparser-2.3.3 in 32 bits ! You can use the archive though (.tar.xz), should be binary compatible with 2.3.2.
  9. Tux

    Sorry, 0.92.6 already !

    I forgot to mention that joystick indexes appears only if 2 joysticks/gamepads at least are connected, but anyway... Well I just found a story about some people who are like you, but on windows 10 with a logitech gamepad : https://answers.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/forum/all/logitech-gamepad-f310-not-detected/4f8d2803-8d79-426c-b769-70d330821ecb What a wonderful os windows is, really... ! I am afraid I can't help you more, there might be a way by upgrading something on your xp, but I am no xp expert, I can't guess here.
  10. Tux

    Sorry, 0.92.6 already !

    Things you can try anyway : after loading a game go to inputs / edit default game inputs, do you see a gamepad in the 2nd column, if so you can probably customize it ? Also after loading a game, have you the command "joystick indexes" in the inputs menu ? If so, it should list your detected joysticks/gamepads. If you see nothing there, it means they are not even detected, in this case it's a lost cause, nothing to be done. xp support is experimental now, it's really becoming too old. There are better alternatives for old computers, like linux, which can run well on old computers and which is always updated !
  11. In fact it's not so much the driver itself, it's what kind of hardware there was inside. There is a last potential in raine which was never used in all these years : starscream, its default 68000 emulator can also emulate a 68010, but there is no game using a 68010 in raine. Now it's more complex than just calling a function to tell you want a 68010 here, you have to assemble a separate version of starscream just for that, with all its function starting by s68010, making all this a mess. But I found lately that I can use the 68000 functions to prepare the emulation and just change the cpu type at the end to actually run the emulation, and it should work, so it was worth a try after all this time... Then something interesting. Well some old atari hardware was intriguing, using a speech synthesizer despite their old age, these are pre-1990 games, usually the games of this era are very primitive. I even remember this kind of chip, they tried to sell some for the old 8 bit computers like the oric, it was very expensive, so nobody bought them, but it was still intriguing. Not something too complex though, the gauntlet driver seemed fine for that, it's not exactly easy, but at least it didn't look too complex, and there is a last reason for that : Neil Corlett, the author of starscream wrote a gauntlet emulator for dos a very long time ago, mge, but he didn't release the source and so this thing is totally forgotten now (and it's too bad, I would have loved to have a look at certain parts of this source). That was it, it was going to be gauntlet then ! Well I must say it's maybe the only game where I never played the arcade machine and I didn't like it, it was obviously some cash machine, something made to just get more money, making the conversions for the computers of the time actually more interesting. But still, it was worth trying this. Well there was a 1st problem : the slapstic, which is some kind of parasitic chip connected to the rom, which intercepts the address bus requests to make things more complex. There was an incredible work done by mame in the old days to document this chip, they even made some very clear and portable source to decode them (in their old versions, since then it was contaminated by their c++ frenzy and has become very obfuscated and not portable at all, but I don't care, I just used an old version). It almost worked directly in raine without modification, almost, it gave me some small problems and this thing is not easy to debug, but anyway. After that, there was the fact their sprites for the "playfield" layer are inverted (they should be xor-ed with 0xffff, it took me a very long time to find out because I am not good with sprites problems). Anyway it was an interesting challenge. After that the real stuff started : the inter-cpu communication (there is a 6502 for the sound with the 68010 in this game). The code to synchronize the chips in this game is crazy, the main cpu sends a reset request, in its reset code the 6502 checks if there is a sound command waiting, if there is none it enters an infinite loop and it's game over. So it must receive a sound command, but not the nmi which goes with it because if it has the nmi then it can't see there is something waiting ! Just crazy ! Anyway to sum up things at this point : I finally have something working (except I didn't add the real sprites yet, just the layers), but only with the C version of the cpu emulators ! If using the usual asm versions, there are serious inter cpu communication problems making the sound almost completely broken. The 68010 emulation in starscream was broken for some reason, I fixed it last night, a problem in the rte instruction, but now the result is exactly the same as using its 68000 code ! And there is also a problem with the 6502 asm emulator apparently. Well the good news is that it's working great in 64 bits ! It will probably be the 1st game working only in 64 bits, becasue debuging these asm cpu cores is extremely complex and time consuming, I already spent quite some time time on them, fixed some bugs in both, but I think I had enough of it, there is not much point pushing things more than that at this point. The funny thing is that the sound works very well, I had no problem on this side ! Actually in 98-99, mame and raine used the same sound drivers, so I just took some old versions for the pokey and the tms5220 chip since these are old drivers in mame, and they worked with just some slight modifications to adapt them to some things which are different in raine. They work well, but the speech synthesizer would be very hard to use out of this emulation, there is no high level interface, but it gives quite incredible results if you think about the year it was made... ! I still need to clean things up, there is also kiki kaikai which is broken (I found this while cleaning up some headers !). So I'll take some more time to finish this. It was an interesting experiment even if quite frustrating in the end I must say. I think the code used by mge was heavily hacked to be able to work in these conditions. It would have been interesting to see how it was hacked. The slapstic doesn't use a simple test, and there was also the inter cpu communication to patch to make it work, really too bad he didn't release the source, I would have been very curious to see that (his official site has gone with his mail, there is a page about him there, because he got famous about some rom hacking tools too : https://www.romhacking.net/community/99/ )
  12. Tux

    Sorry, 0.92.6 already !

    at least it's not that, but sorry I can't help you, no xp boot here, and virtualbox doesn't support 3d in xp anymore making my xp virtual machine totally useless. Well, keyboards are underrated !
  13. Tux

    Sorry, 0.92.6 already !

    yeah I can't test on xp, you can try the advice, remove the gamecontrollerdb.txt file and see if helps. If it does, report here !
  14. Tux

    Sorry, 0.92.6 already !

    Ok, in good way, all major problems fixed, but I'll take more time to finish cleanly this. I got distracted by something else which made me find some other unrelated problems. Anyway... !
  15. Tux

    Sorry, 0.92.6 already !

    Sorry to tell that I have much more problems than what I thought, I didn't choose an easy one too, it looked interesting and not too complicated, well finally it's quite crazy, and there are differences of behavior between the asm cpu emulators and the C versions, which is a very bad news, and I am deep in tests now... !!!
  16. Tux

    Sorry, 0.92.6 already !

    For now don't be too impatient, it's a crazy idea which will take quite some time, especially since I don't want to spend all my time on it... Oh well, we'll see in 1 or 2 weeks...
  17. Tux

    Sorry, 0.92.6 already !

    Yes the last changes about roms was probably the toaplan2 update, which was in january 2021, it took me quite a long time to succeed this sdl2 transition, and 0.91.13 is after that, in february 2021, so you are lucky ! Actually without roms raine gets them from the internet archive, but their romsets are from 0.91.4, so a few roms for toaplan2 are bad sadly, maybe they'll update one day, but they have almost everything working anyway. I might add something new soon, if I find the time and the courage !
  18. Tux

    Raine 0.92.4

    mail notification ? It probably arrived in your spam folder. Try to find it there, use the button to tell it's not a spam and next time it should work... By the way the forum also displays a kind of popup if you leave a window open on a subject to tell you a new reply has arrived, it's not a window popup though, you have to display the forum's window to see it.
  19. Don't talk about new year releases again ! Anyway it's just a quick fix of 0.92.5 problems : crash if opening the sound options dialog, leaving it, and opening it again (!) Bad playing frequency of external audio tracks (except the raw format ones !) And there was a bad entry added to the hiscore.dat hosted here, it's probably me who added it, but a very long time ago, it was for viewpoint, and the syntax was a mix between the old format and the new one, and the hiscore parser didn't like it (what a surprise !). Since this file was here for more than 1 year, I fixed the parser to accept this syntax too, even if it's the only entry of this kind in the hiscore.dat ! And I added the hiscore.dat to all the binary packages, linux & windows (going from 2.5 Mb to 2.6 Mb, what a deal... !). Let's forget 0.92.5, I'll just keep the thread for the infos about what's new. http://raine.1emulation.com/download/latest.html
  20. Tux

    Raine 0.92.5

    No worry it's fixed, it was a bad understanding of a frequency parameter... It worked with raw audio files, but not with normal audio tracks, and it was noticeable only if using a frequency like 22k like here. Irritating, you'll get a new binary, but I just found something else about the hiscore.dat file this time, I was using another file here and got a surprise when I used the one currently on the web site... Talk about a disastrous release !
  21. Tux

    Raine 0.92.5

    No, not so far. Seems like some audio played too slowly ? Doesn't make much sense, it's a wav or mp3 track isn't it ?
  22. Tux

    Raine 0.92.5

    I just updated the instructions on how to compile, it's now very easy to do it in windows, you can get almost everything automatically, so it would be nice to get some feedback from someone wanting to try that. The instructions are there : http://raine.1emulation.com/download/install.html and they are also linked from the bottom of the latest version page. And the crash of the sound dialog is fixed in git of course !
  23. Tux

    Raine 0.92.5

    Nope the save states can't be fixed, new save states should be ok though. If you can reproduce the problem with a new save state, I'll be curious to know how. For the gui crashing the 2nd time you open sound options : my bad, sorry, you'll have to avoid to do that for now, and don't worry I can reproduce it without problem here, something to do with an allocation of strings I added in the end without testing it enough. Yes you need the hiscore.dat file in the raine directory. I thought about putting it in the release archives, but it almost never changes, although now that it's stripped of unneeded stuff it's 70k only, so maybe I should put it in the main archive now. Anyway it's at the top of the extras download page.
  24. Tux

    Raine 0.92.5

    Slow version this time, just some improvements for the sound, you'll find details here : And added galaxian emulated sound, you'll see the details at the post below this one here : Except that a few more fixes, the more outstanding one at least for me was a bug in the hiscores which could wrongly reset its status for some game, I found out on some very old one, "ms pacman attacks", which is available from "multipac 1.5", it lost its hiscores a few seconds only into the game ! It probably affected some other games too. Lots of small fixes for emudx games, it's been a long time since I didn't touch this, by the way the initialization of emudx games crashed in 0.92.4, so if you want to test that you need this version ! Also a lot of sound chips now correctly save their state in the savegames, games like batrider now restore correctly their sound finally (yeah it should have been done long ago... oh well !). http://raine.1emulation.com/download/latest.html
  25. Tux

    Raine 0.92.4

    Don't worry it's been fixed on december 31st already, but it's a slow time for now, hesitating between a few options, so finally except hesitating I haven't done much since January 3rd ! Oh well, I'll release a new binary so you'll get the fixes for that. For info, I talked with Mike about the 1st screen of donkey kong (when you insert a coin) and a few other things too. What there is now is not optimal, because all the game sprites are not available in the dx version so I can't draw what I want on screen. I think the best option is to revert to the emulated graphics just for this screen, and start the emudx game only once kong is at the top of the ladders and has jumped. But I didn't do it yet, so you'll get the "in between" version, with ladders drawing and disappearing while kong is climbing, really not optimal... And galaxian sound too... Anyway !
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