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Status Replies posted by Robert

  1. congrats to everyone who made it happen!! finally over 200 likes on facebook! beautiful!!

  2. we got to have a party when we hit 100 likes on Facebook! let's make it happen!

    1. Robert


      100 likes !! Where's this party???



    2. (See 7 other replies to this status update)

  3. we got to have a party when we hit 100 likes on Facebook! let's make it happen!

  4. we got to have a party when we hit 100 likes on Facebook! let's make it happen!

  5. we got to have a party when we hit 100 likes on Facebook! let's make it happen!

  6. we got to have a party when we hit 100 likes on Facebook! let's make it happen!

  7. since my kid arrived... My brain has re wired its self. im becoming sensible. Its a rip off.

  8. E-mailing old members to return....

  9. Going to be switching from part-time to full-time on 1emu in a few days

  10. The rain is back and so are the ducks in my flooded yard...lol

  11. Let's get a tombstone for this place...lol!

  12. welcome to 1emu v6.0! 11 years since the start date :)

  13. Cool guys dont look at explosions.

    1. Robert


      They cause them!

  14. when will spammers ever learn that their shit doesn't work?

    1. Robert


      Who deleted my guidelines thread from News Submission forum?

    2. (See 3 other replies to this status update)

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