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1Emu Veteran
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Everything posted by Skythe

  1. Are you sure you don't? Expect a full review...oh wait I already did in one word. Awesomeness! Well this game plays more like...what's that one game called...oh yeah Dragon Age: Origins. So to compare it to Baldur's Gate is like saying you got HIV from the holy water at a church on Jesus BBQ picnic day.
  2. PC version is for pussies. Well, while you sit there and wait for a broken game (since all of Blizzard's games are hugely broken, including WoW) I'll still be sitting here playing this game. Laughing and enjoying the awesomeness. Then when you do finally get to play Diablo 3 I'll be playing Mass Effect 2, ruling even more.
  3. Bullshit. Half of MUA1 is boring and a waste of time. The bosses are far better in 2.
  4. I wish I didn't have a soul to blindly copy and paste and religiously follow gaming magazines and/or websites to make myself look cool a la MTV style. In other words, I don't care what Gamespot says. My word is law and my law says this game shall turn nuns into whores. It's that fucking awesome.
  5. This game is awesome. Deserves 5 's. I did start this game as a human rogue but fucked up so I restarted as a human warrior instead. Plus I like the combat involving sword and shield in this game. I'm also trying to bone Morrigan but I'm getting pissed with her disapproving almost every damn thing I do.
  6. Magneto's Alternate Costume Btw, the characters are available today. As well as the new sim missions.
  7. Black Panther Alternate Costume And Magneto was announced today. http://marvelultimatealliance.marvel.com/e...r_of_magnetism/ His alternate costume will more than likely be announced later.
  8. She's one of my all time favorite pornstars.
  9. Skythe


    The place I'm in looks to be nothing but a dream. A realm of familiarness yet also of distance. But that's not the case. I've covered myself with a few lacerations here and there with a cooking knife, hoping each one after the other is the true cut to wake me up. I'm obviously in the kitchen of the house I stay. Dark. My mind tells me I shouldn't be here. I can see a reflection of a face on the mirror. It's laughing and keeping a grin on it's self. I have no idea if it's laughing at me or of something different. I've hopes that this reflection is not of me. Suddenly I get a tingle in my left hand. I stare at it, watching the flesh melt away and turn into a silhouette of it's former self. My mind then begins to race. I ask myself, "What kind of hell have I gotten myself into?" I want to leave so bad but my body wants to stay. A voice in my head keeps telling me I shouldn't be here. That I have to get out. Yet, my feelings tell me to stay because I am comfortable. I'm listening to my feelings. I sense a figure behind me. I turn to look. A figure of bliss. A figure of light that gives me a sense of new directions. A figure of a she. I want to reach out and grasp this pure being to take me away but I just stand there doing nothing but stare, covered in my blood from the hands to the elbows. The figure turns around as if to finally say hello. I have no idea how long she had been there. I try to speak. I want to speak. But still I just stand there. I know in the back of my head, this figure, this person, this woman is my ticket out of here. She's the answer to all my questions. She's now staring at me. I turn away. Too embarrassed to acknowledge because of the state of physical imagery I am in. I keep imagining that she's appalled with me. I look back at her and she's still standing there expressionless. As if I'm not even there. I look to the left of me. In the darkness I can see an image of myself and her finally grasping one another. I see the sigh of relief on my face as well as a smile on hers. Then the image goes away. To the right of me I look. I see myself standing over her. She's looking away from me. Then the darkness grasps me. This image then disappears as well. I look back now at her infront of me. She's still staring. Still as if I'm not there. Still as if waiting for me to make the first move. Something in the darkness behind her grabs her shoulder and turns her away. No matter how much light she emits from her figure, I can see nothing. She begins to smile while turning away from me. I finally move and reach out. Too late. She is then led away and disappears. I'm by myself again. I miss her already. I look down towards the floor. The room has changed. I've found myself now in a box. The box begins to fill with water. As time goes by, I'm now being pressed against the ceiling of the box. I'm not restraining. I don't even try to take a last breath before the water fully envelopes me inside the box. I am born. My fate has been predetermined. I am to live with these images.
  10. Juggernaut will be available as well. I think for 160 msp.
  11. I still have the edits. I don't care about the rips since you can get them anywhere now.
  12. I lost some of the weight now that I ain't a paid firefighter anymore. You get fat sitting on your ass waiting for fire calls.
  13. MUA2's achievement total increased to 1250. Looks like either a/some extra level(s). May be single player or multiplayer. No one knows. http://www.xbox360achievements.org/news/ne...ed-to-1250.html
  14. I made a Geocities site to host all my sprite rips from SvC Chaos and my sprite edits.
  15. Earlier this year when my beard was burningless.
  16. Well, rumors have spread everywhere that the last 2 characters for the DLC pack are Magneto and Black Panther. The developers have stated that they MIGHT do a 2nd DLC pack if the 1st sales well. I personally don't see it happening with how shitty the roster of this pack looks.
  17. Amy Winehouse has bruises from where she was poked by the 10 foot pole. She is the epitomy of fucking ugly.
  18. http://www.thebestpageintheuniverse.net/c.cgi?u=swine_flu
  19. It hadn't been posted. That's why I didn't think he was playable. With Carnage and Psylocke, they were announced as well as their alternate costumes seperatly posted. Cable's been the only one different.
  20. I want to see Cable and Deadpool's fusion so bad now. Nevermind, I saw it. It's a fucking clearing fusion were Cable is in the around and spins in a circle shooting a laser and Deadpool flings grenades. Should of been a guided fusion.
  21. I think the 3rd character to be announced for DLC is Cable. I just read a Making of Cable article on the site and one of the last comments mentions of a developing talking about Spider-Man and Cable's fusion.
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