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Posts posted by sbpaabck

  1. Tetris the Absolute The Grand Master 2 Plus?!?!?


    Wow I actually play this game a lot on my PC with MAME. The Death mode is awesome and it is just an awesome version of tetris overall. I want this. When I download the emulator does it come with a DAT? Is it like CoinOPS where you need an older romset or can I use my up to date one? Also I guess I need a PM to download it? Thanks a lot!

    yeah its a good game i have played it a lot since i put this new update onto my xbox.

    as for romsets mame 0.135 i suppose the newest romset should be the best to use i assume.


    Hey fum I know you have got some flak over this silly charade just wanted to say I think you're a top bloke man don't disappear !

  2. anyone have or heard of a complete (or close to complete) set of screen shots or even videos for fbl?

    reply pasted from my answer in xbox scene:


    I have found a pack for mame title screens, it seems to cover most if not all games. Originally from pleasuredome as the readme sez.


    5,952 title screens. Not bad really smile.gif


    Google this: "mame titles 0.134 torrent" if you did it right you will get the page as the first hit, top of the list!


    Once you have all the screenshots, drop then in your FBL artwork folder.


    IMPORTANT: Put the first 4088 screenshots in the "artwork/shots 1" folder and the rest in "artwork/shots 2" as the xbox has a max files in folder of 4089 files (there is already a file in each folder y'see.)


    Now if you want dual pane titles and videos you need to get your hands on a decent video pack. I used the one from coinops showcase and dropped that into the video folder in FBL. However there is only 830-odd videos so only a few will show with videos (dual pane) but hey thats better than nowt.


    If anyone knows where to get a massive mame video pack hit us up! Asked resx if he knew of any but unfortunately he is leaving mame till last sad.gif

  3. Interesting, are the triggers producing analogue signals/outputs when connected like that?


    Which components did you use for buttons arcade sticks etc, where did you get them?


    Hope you don;t mind me asking, I might build a cab one day when I am more bold :)



    I've left the triggers disconnected for the moment (my cab is not analog) maybe we can use them with a sliders/pot but i have no idea. Anyone ?


    For the components, i've found Jammaboard.com (was expecting more expensive prices, but it's really accessible to "everyone" )


    thanks for the info, I have heard mention of Jamma Board before. Must admit I never thought of soldering direct to the controllers, that would be a straightfoward connection solution...


    what kind of cab have you got? did you buy it or make it?


    edit:- man that cab in the pic you pm'd me looks like it could use some tlc. Im sure it will look great when you are finished with it. I think when I finally get round to it im gonna build my own. Saw a tutorial on it, made it look easy! I need lots of tools before I ever attempt anything like that tho.


    Good luck with the project and thanks for the info :(

  4. not sure what you mean really.....about the dats....I can give you my current dats but they are matched to alot of other files. If you have showcase you will have everything needed so why dats? allthough I can build proper dats now via exe not xbe


    Well the reason I ask is because when I put showcase on I went to play sonic blast man and it wasn't there! I guess it isn't one of your favourites. I thought it must be in the 1200 or 1800 romset versions you are making and since you have stopped releasing updates for the moment I thought maybe I could take the bull by the horns and build myself a romset based on your 1200 and 1800 rom builds.


    I do realise I can simply add the game again make a video etc, just thought it might be better to add 400, 1000 games rather than 1. Even if they won't have video previews :(


    Anyhow my reasons explained...


    edit:- Strange, when I looked for the rom all I can find is the punch machine version. I remember that version I punched it myself many many times. I always wondered why there was a side scrolling beat em up of the same name now I can't find it! I must be going mad(der.) Could've sworn that was its name...


    edit 2:- Ahar! It is called Sonic Blast Man 2!!! I would reccommend you add it to future builds pretty good side scrolling beat em up imho :)

  5. so i tweaked the og nes mario skin to have work with and have spaces for videos and art. there is 7 different ini's i included with it. for different setups. i also brought some of the volumes down on the background music and sound effects for they were blaring loud compared to everything else on my box.





    Download here: http://www.megaupload.com/?d=ALMBM5Q2


    emjoy :)


    lol cool, maybe you could do ones for all the mario themes?

  6. I may be able to palm a bowling ball, but even I couldn't comfortably or effectively wrap my mitts around Microsoft's original monstruosity. This gargantuan thing just made his way to my cab, here is my dirty hack.





    Interesting, are the triggers producing analogue signals/outputs when connected like that?


    Which components did you use for buttons arcade sticks etc, where did you get them?


    Hope you don;t mind me asking, I might build a cab one day when I am more bold :)

  7. not working publically till new forum happens, then I can actually add features with little issues of people poping in that want to hinder it going forward....there is some work happening but in the new year ill setup a new shop to help others that will have powers to remove issues. Ive given permissions to release any builds people want showcase wise that have it....there is a 1200 one that I like, its pretty much everything thats good including all KOF etc not just a few of a type of a pop game plus alot more good titles..... a 1800 one with alot of rubbish


    Hay BP,


    Fancy releasing some dats for the 1200 one or the 1800 one? I can finally use them :)

  8. So its out there huh, Im gonna go have a talk with my friend google..off topic but shit did anyone hear about that spiral looking thing that was in the sky seen it on the news and youtube..weird shit.


    yeah man looked like some wierd space ray firing out the base twirling up the sky with its cosmic radiation. Either that or a huge kick ass projector as a prank.


    lol... not to keep the whole thread derailed, but I saw that video too. Somebody said that when rockets and missiles fly, they can lose their center of gravity (or whatever physics term it was) and can spiral out of control like that. Since missiles are relatively silent, it probably wasn't a rocket since there was no noise, but it did look pretty far away too.


    My only problem with the theory is that that spiral was perfectly symmetrical and circular instead of oblong or wobbly. Maybe that's how a missile spiraling would be, but I'm just a junior college dropout. Go ask a rocket scientist.


    I prefer the cosmic space ray theory but what the hey, we'll never really know for sure. Only what they tell us...

  9. So its out there huh, Im gonna go have a talk with my friend google..off topic but shit did anyone hear about that spiral looking thing that was in the sky seen it on the news and youtube..weird shit.


    yeah man looked like some wierd space ray firing out the base twirling up the sky with its cosmic radiation. Either that or a huge kick ass projector as a prank.

  10. sorry to be a pain but I am stumped with the problem I have.


    I have used clrmamepro and romcenter to audit all my roms, sorted out neogeo bios etc and in romcenter I have all green/correct files showing in the rom zip folders.


    I used the .dat file that was provided earlier in the thread.


    yet when I try to load a rom in FBL I get the message "ROM Error: no data found. Press "A" to exit"


    I don't understand, I have even checked the zip folders manually and the files are there. What could this be?


    Any and all help is MUCH appreciated at this point :)


    cheers guys




    I have fixed the problem by simple moving the roms into the FBL roms folder. I had set up another path in the path.ini previous to that when I had the problems. Although my roms would show they would not load. I had set all the paths as well. Nevermind fixed now:


    I think the problem was you didn't have a correct neogeo.zip or you didn't have the neogeo.zip with the other NeoGeo roms. I don't think it can be in a separate path. I could be wrong.



    That was my first thought also however I used romcenter to make sure my neo-geo file was correct, even added 3 missing items. It all worked with the same set simply by moving it to the default roms folder. Im really happy i've got it working never managed to build a romset successfully before :)


    This emualtor is great, thanks a lot nes :P I added art first of all then realised about the automatic dual pane thingy so added some vids as well. Looking very informative now so it is! Hooyar!

  11. sorry to be a pain but I am stumped with the problem I have.


    I have used clrmamepro and romcenter to audit all my roms, sorted out neogeo bios etc and in romcenter I have all green/correct files showing in the rom zip folders.


    I used the .dat file that was provided earlier in the thread.


    yet when I try to load a rom in FBL I get the message "ROM Error: no data found. Press "A" to exit"


    I don't understand, I have even checked the zip folders manually and the files are there. What could this be?


    Any and all help is MUCH appreciated at this point :P


    cheers guys




    I have fixed the problem by simple moving the roms into the FBL roms folder. I had set up another path in the path.ini previous to that when I had the problems. Although my roms would show they would not load. I had set all the paths as well. Nevermind fixed now:

  12. YOSH


    Has anyone uploaded a wide icon for this emulator? I have just got all my wide icons sorted now there is a gap. Monumental tragedy I know but I like my xbox to be a pretty as possible :P


    Have heard mention of an icon in the making by XBOX are there any yet?



  13. Hey,


    Just a quick question since I am crap at building romsets. could I build a romset for this using the MAME 0.135 set and clrmamepro? And the DAT file provided earlier in the thread? Noob question I know but normally I don't bother building these as they are tiresome and often don't work properly for me.


    Cheers guys :)

  14. What's wrong with just using UnleashX dashboard? I have mine set up to boot straight into a menu where I can choose Xbox games, or emulators (except I made it say "Classic Games"). I have an icon for every emulator and Xbox game, and renamed all the emulator titles to say the name of the console instead of the name of the emulator. Couldn't be any easier in my opinion. The only time I even use XBMC is to watch a video of some kind, and I have a link to that in my main menu as well. Mine is more basic than this guy's, but here's an example http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3QFvLB7PZwE

    Becuse xbmc is his main dash on startup and maybe he dosent he does not wont to start messing around with changing main dashboards.



    I like the XBMC look.


    Yes I have a emus icon undea programs.

    Then i click the icon and all my emulators show up. (launch them form there)

    How do i make XBMC go straigt to my listing of emus?

    very simple just highlight the emualtors icon and then press the white button on your controller.some options show up,select the option make default and your good to go.

    just turn off your xbox and then turn it on after that to make sure it boots up to emulators.


    I think I might start doing this too :(

  15. Hey NES don't fall for the bait. This thread isn't about which emulator is better if you guys wanna discuss that pls start your own thread and please note I don't want any part of it!


    This thread here is for a list of games that aren't available on either FBA, FB, or COINOPS. If no-one can provide such a list only the name of the makers then lets just forget about it eh, really can't be arsed with another slagging match. More than anything else its childish. And it makes me think ppl must be so obsessed with this stuff as to be maybe slightly autistic.


    jeez im outta here what a pile of shite!

  16. I am trying to make a user friendly as possible Dashboard for all the emulator for my 12 old nephew.


    I saw a few front-ends on here that look good... some great.


    Love the CoinOPS layout and functionality! (thanks BP!)


    I am using XBMC as my menu now. But i have to go into it and click on the emus folder to see the different emulators.


    Does anyone know of a dashboard that has been created to help incorporate all the current emulators? (NES/SNES/GEN/N64 etc..)


    Love the site!




    I think some ppl have built custom modified dashboards that do what you describe but I don't have the skills to tell you how to do that. Using XBMC, adding your emulators folders (on your hdd) as a source in the "programs" tab and then adding wide icons for each program was the closest I could get to what you are describing.


    You can find your wide icons here: http://forums.xbox-scene.com/index.php?sho...682126&st=0


    on page 4 there are some EXCELLENT icons in my opinion. Make sure you have a recent build of xbmc for wide icon support. To add the icons you will need to rename the icon to default.tbn and place it in the folder that contains your emulator. For example if you wanted to add an icon for surreal you would first download the icon (by right clicking on the icon on the webpage, clicking save as etc..., or by downloading a icon pack...), rename the icon file to "default.tbn" then FTP it into the "surreal xxx etc" folder probably somewhere like f:/emulators/surreal/default.tbn (this is where the surreal folder is on my hard drive.)


    Don't forget to change the "view" in the left side tab to Wide once inside your emulators section. Tell xbmx to remember folder views also (this is done in settings, programs, files, check remember views for different folders.)




    This is pasted from copesfogos excellent FANCY XBOX site: http://fancyxbox.info/?doc=1&secao=setup


    How to setup icons in XBMC Dashboard


    Installing icons for emulators, applications or even folders in XBMC is a very simple proccess. All you need to do is to rename a PNG or a JPG file to DEFAULT.TBN and place inside the emulator or application folder. To apply an icon to a folder who not contains any applications you should name your file as FOLDER.JPG instead.




    I applied a new icon but it does not change! What's going on?


    Simple answer: the XBMC dashboard caches all icons for applications and folders in your user profile directory. Usually this folder is located inside your E:/APPS/XBMC/USERDATA folder. On newer XBMC builds this directory is also accessible through the PROFILE DATA link in the File Manager. Simple go there, enter the THUMBNAILS folder and erase ANYTHING. Don't fear that, they are just cached information that will be reacreated by the system, refreshing this way all the globally installed icons.




    This is an easy way to add colourful wide icons that will make your emulators stand out.


    If you want to make it so your nephew can't change the XBMC settings and "break" things the XBMC master lock is a very useful feature. It can make it so you can only access certain areas of xbmc without a passcode and the settings are locked and so cannot be altered. Programs etc can be used as normal if set up properly. Very useful if you have nephews or drunken friends and you want your dashboard to remain in one piece.


    To set this up go into xbmx, settings, system, master lock (left side tab), then master lock code and settings (right hand side) Then you can choose to lock file manager, lock settings etc (these are the two you want) now choose a nice short very easy to remember numerical passcode, I just use the year I was born as I will never forget it! If you do forget it you are locked out so be very careful.


    Anyway once done your nephew will not be able to do anything except use what you want him to unless he enters the correct password. This effectively gives you administrator rights and him user rights. Whilst not the most beautiful solution it certainly works for me!




    good luck, pm me if you need a link for a later XBMC build with wide icon support.

  17. I'm loving FBL at the moment, the only weird thing I noticed is that daraku tenshi runs perfect in coinops on my 1.4g box, but not very well in fbl (although it works much better in fbl on a normal xbox?) optimisations i guess?


    @ BP, I love coinops aswell, but does it have to be a competition? :sparring: I still have coinops, fbl, final burn and even fba-xxx pro (2 versions!) on my xbox. there doesnt even need to be one "ultimate" emulator.


    I'm eagerly awaiting showcase 2 though :)


    Agreed, each emulator brings a bit of diversity to the table and that can only be a good thing :1st:

  18. A list of games that FBL does better? what do you think that means..better than a monkey dancing to micheal jackson? hmmmm maybe someone needs stuff defined more clearly, it goes further than CoinOPS but not much further id say


    But ill admit I did "A list of games that FBL does better"...than CoinOPS as thats what im checking you can check them against what you want really


    also after testing 100s and 100s of games ive reached the end of my tests for personal benifits really...I now have my own informed option im sure you guys will work out "Games that run especially well on FBL, A list of games that FBL does better" just offering some help into this. So I have done my research if sbp wants my opion PM me if not all is good


    Would you care to post or PM said list? I have no idea what the CPS1, CPS2, NeoGeo, Cave, Psykio, Toaplan, Most Konami games are? I wasn;t inclined to research it either so was hoping someone would actually LIST the names of games that are worth bothering with that I don't already have running. I never played these games in the arcade so ppl either have to tell me or I have to research. Since ppl have already played or researched them I thought this would be easy enough.


    NES's answer was sufficient but without someone saying "hey man this games is cool, why don't you try it?" I think i'll just use the sega games I already got. They are pretty cool...

  19. I agree with "MegaFan" either 1 or 2 the two bottom ones are ugly...I wouldnt mind doing something like this as well but Id prob get one of those expensive pre made xarcade ones but shit those cost alot of dough...


    yeah I know!! big Bank. Thats why I'm going to try and build my own. Lots of tricks like going to wire the coin insert as the add coin button or "back button" off the xbox remote. I got ideas coming out of my ears.


    I quite like 4, it shows some of the potential i.e. so many games!


    Man you have air hocky and gun games in your kitchen! your kids are lucky!


    edit:- tho looking again 1+2 are more beautiful...

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