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Everything posted by Mag

  1. heck, if it was a paid host, you would prolly worried about yer precious bandwidth.
  2. stop posting crap, this is a research post, where we discuss not plot each other with this stupid scheme.
  3. capcom shoulda focus on a PC port instead but nooo =P
  4. Ever notice before, that when you link a picture from a server of a site, the owner/host of that server can see the url of the area you post the image in. Now what I like to discuss is that, some people do tend to get pissy over this when you use their pictures without their permission or stole or other reasons. That is when they screw you up in an embarrassing way, they switched the image with the same file name and extension, an image of repulsiveness, something out of goatse or anything else that tries to get back at you. I can show you examples I seen in other message boards, (I found most from A@H), only if you have no idea what I'm talking about.
  5. ________________________________________________________________ OFFICIAL RULES AND COURTESY OF THREAD: -Don't go off-topic with comments unless related to his/her birthday -Don't conversate off-topic -This thread will be a turn-based thread for all members who filled in their birthday ________________________________________________________________ The first happy birthday of this thread goes to.. RYDER happy birthday man !! for those that don't know, ryder the admin behind our maintainence and he's the creator of this wonderful attack system, so cheer m8 !!!!!
  6. hahahaha.. hey james, hope you can make it, we all love yer aussie ascent bloody hallirious
  7. not the site, how about trying to log in to your sig configuration page, then you'll see whats up.
  8. so uh, gryph, would you like to call it off ? if so, I'm gonna unstick this stickie. Whatpulse used to be a good trend til the thing starting to have server issues.
  9. It's a friggin' RAW! Unless you're a total Narutto fanboy and/or fluent in japanese, why bother? <{POST_SNAPBACK}> hahaha oops, I forgot. Anyway, the subbed should be due around maybe several hours from now.
  10. naruto 120: it's a 1 hour special and that direct download above is limited get it !! gogogogogogo
  11. I think filefront is better than mirror, since they are quite fast, and yet very lively.
  12. I expect Baptista to win HHH's wc, that way we'll see a true split in evolution, not Bap going to smackdown, thats just stupid, it's start starting a whole new story, I rather see HHH pissed when he lose his title to a member of his team heheh.
  13. so how good is this compare to Leisure Suit Larry ?
  14. That's the OTHER reason to keep water near you : Hydration. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> hydration lead to motion sickness as well ? I never feel like I need a drink, for some reason, it never bothers me when I'm dirsty on the inside, but I can't sense that on the outside.
  15. seizsure is a good example.
  16. yeah, I drink less liquid, I don't even think I drink enuff water, usually I drink a cup or two during the evening and that said for the day. I knew this is bad habit and all, but I'll remember to drink frequently through out the day.
  17. I'll wait for a year or more if I had to, when the gold package drops down in price. I will then, buy the game at a reasonable rate. For now, there is no torture having to own this game at such a rush rate.
  18. After immense hours with that game, I deleted. Well not only despite various bugs here and there, but that game puts my body in bad shape, no seriously. The first time, motion sickness, second, bigger headache, and now a bad combination of both severe headache and stomache. I barely made it through class without trying to fall asleep today, and no I had enough sleep since last night 8 hours to be exact, it didn't cure much really, more like only by 15%. I go to all my classes are wobbly slow, much slower than my grandfather. I did do the work, but in a very lazy position. Thank god, this is college, or my teacher outta slap me or at least made a trouble yell for putting my head down even with eyes open nor close. Son of a.. can you believe it, my conscience could be behind all this, YES, my copy of the game isn't legal =P but I was gonna buy the game if I can afford the retail original. Ok, either I blame valve or myself.. more likely myself. Anywho, I'm gonna repay the game, like before (cept my cuz took it from me and never gave it back =P), hl2 with CS:S is worth the money, I thank valve for all the hard work, and I'm truly sorry (NOT you steam flockers !!!). Anyway, least I got that out of my system, anyone had cure for this type of sickness ? my stomache seems to be hungry but at the same time, pain. I want to eat something, but what ? or what other solution to cure this pathethic problem ? I thank thee, 1emu ppl and valve (NOT YOU STEAM FLOCKERS!!!!)
  19. maybe the majority legally bought HL2 for CS:Source for only that reason, I've been lurking in CS sites, and it doesn't likely seem to be a rumor. They put their HL2/HLDM aside like it was just an extra bonus to the package
  20. I'm sure there's a pc like that in HL2 as well.. man the irony, I can't believe the enhanced CS gets something like this while the mother has something this flat lol.
  21. nu uh, yer in my house, you live by my rules =P
  22. THAT THING !! arrrgh !! because of that thing I saw in compUSA the other day, it made me want it in the first place anywho.. that thing was sold for $2200(US), in our local retail: http://www.compusa.com/products/product_in...uct_code=314470
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