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- kenshiro -

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Posts posted by - kenshiro -

  1. I know what im doing


    At least for UI ,the driver related stuff should be mostly copy / paste, compile, pray for it works.


    Ive release tonnes of sources and what came out of it nothing ever I mean ever, out of at least 20 times I gave it to people.


    God, i should buy a new HDD, i don't have space anymore to keep your thousand of sources lmao. What a liar...

  2. Im currently updating alot of Dats for coinops and working on my own FBA project...


    Ok seems i get f****** as always... I put a lot of work into drivers latest weeks and was waiting for your work. However take care about this:


    - If you had a bit of my code, or iq's one or from the official FBA you have to release the source code.


    - If you had one of the drivers i posted on Neosource you can't get credits for them, that's too easy (i don't care about credits, but you can take it for you).


    - And to conclude (i think that since a while :shootem: ), your attitude is really pathetic, can't understand how your brain work.


    That's a nice week end start :ph34r:

  3. Wow now I even noticed that samurai shodown 5 special set 2 and set 3 samsh5sph.zip samsh5spn.zip don't work. Launches but only gives me a white screen.


    Change your Xbox.



    Is there an perfect FBA-XXX Pro version without all this problems


    Oh Lordy, i was assuming you were working on it lmao

  4. iq132 has been busy lately with work on new drivers.

    news via neosource.



    asura blade,asura buster,aliens,gradius,crime fighters.....

    remember these drivers are for pc fba.

    All of them except Asura Blade/Buster should work fine on the xbox without any modifications. ^^

    Asura Blade/Busters just needs a vmm hooked up (which Kenshiro can do in his sleep...), and it should work fine. ^^


    Already started it ;)


    BTW : http://neosource.1emu.net/forums/index.php...156.msg9687#new


    If it interest someone... :(:P

  5. You can be sure if tomorrow i release a build with most of Sega games working people people will asking for the non working games, or a new feature or something else. So no way for me lol. And as nes6502 managed to release a build with Sega games, that's not problem.


    Ahhh... I see. I just read this now. I haven't been here in a few weeks.


    What is this version that nes6502 came out with? Is that 1.28?






    PS: Mooo this f****** shortage mooooooooo!

  6. Better yet, give me your address. I'd love a go at Mel (and your bag of green). <_<



    God... :ph34r: you're dead :shootem::naughty::ph34r: lmao


    The real question is: "what would you be more pissed about?"


    Living with you in your backwoods in middle of nowhere :P




    I live on a lake! I can go swimming, fishing, boating, or drowning whenever I want! She'd love it here! Plus, I imagine she'd look amazing in a topless/bottomless bikini.


    At least you can dream about it with your d*** in the hand :eek:

  7. Hey man, I did not intend to be harsh, sorry.

    It's my poor english that make my message look like rude sometimes.


    No prob :)


    I wonder if YOUR version is remapping the coin button.




    +T+ has nothing to do with 1.29c, correct?


    Correct, that was a way to say i've nothing to do with FBA-XXX Pro 1.28 issues except of course drivers, which is the only part i'm working on. Except drivers and dats generator, the code is 99,99% those of 1.28, bit per bit. People have to live with it or help to fix it.



    When I find out for sure that the CoinBUTTON remap is working again and all your new features/improvements/retouch gets finished, for sure I will migrate, and will ask GOOGLE about the best way to fix my roms.


    while (1) {






    I remember I wanted to get rid of the Encrypted ones and to keep only the decrypted, but then the games were not loading anymore. I need BOTH sets for the game to work.


    That's normal, you tried to get run a clone set without the parent one. For example, you wanna just keep Ganryu (decrypted set). Here is Ganryu romset content:


    // Ganryu / Musashi Ganryuki


    static struct BurnRomInfo ganryuRomDesc[] = {

    { "252-p1.bin", 0x200000, 0x4b8ac4fb, 1 | BRF_ESS | BRF_PRG }, // 0 68K code


    { "252-c1.bin", 0x800000, 0x50ee7882, 3 | BRF_GRA }, // 1 Sprite data

    { "252-c2.bin", 0x800000, 0x62585474, 3 | BRF_GRA }, // 2


    { "252-m1.bin", 0x020000, 0x30cc4099, 4 | BRF_ESS | BRF_PRG }, // 3 Z80 code


    { "252-v1.bin", 0x400000, 0xe5946733, 5 | BRF_SND }, // 4 Sound data



    here is the decrypted one:


    // Ganryu / Musashi ganryunki (decrypted C)


    static struct BurnRomInfo ganryunRomDesc[] = {

    { "252-p1.bin", 0x200000, 0x4b8ac4fb, 1 | BRF_ESS | BRF_PRG }, // 0 68K code


    { "252-c1_decrypted.bin", 0x800000, 0x6bf7605b, 3 | BRF_GRA }, // 1 Sprite data

    { "252-c2_decrypted.bin", 0x800000, 0x596792ce, 3 | BRF_GRA }, // 2


    { "252-m1.bin", 0x020000, 0x30cc4099, 4 | BRF_ESS | BRF_PRG }, // 3 Z80 code


    { "252-v1.bin", 0x400000, 0xe5946733, 5 | BRF_SND }, // 4 Sound data



    You noticed that the clone set "ganryun" use the p-rom, the m1-rom and the vrom of "ganryu", as "ganryu" is the parent. So to just keep "ganryun" working alone, you have to create a zip named "ganryun" with p1, m1 , v1 of the parent, and put also the two C - roms of the clone in it. You should have then a merge set.


    I will suggest to people to keep split rom sets .


    How is it on 1.29?

    Am I able to have just ONE SIMPLE set for a game?


    By sorting them on your PC with a rom manager or by hand.

    I hate having dozens of versions of a same game.


    I love it lol, and that's the primary goal of FBA-XXX Pro.


    For me just one is what I need to simple ---------------- PLAY.


    No prob, play!

  8. I was eager to migrate to 1.29 some time ago, JUST BECAUSE in 1.28 I can't remap the damn coin button. How is it now, Kensho? Anyone could please tell me if the BACK BUTTON remapping is working again? This was a stated bug in 1.28 by the very own creator, Mr. +T+.

    Ask it to +T+ if he's still alive.



    And more, with few tests I made on 1.29 most of my roms stopped to work. YES - I know I need to "update" my romsets using that "CLRMAME & ROMCENTER" tools, but GOD - I really have no idea what to do to BUILD a total functional new romset for 1.29.


    Ok i assume that cause that's my crappy work.


    A romset is a zip file with contains roms, each roms has a name, a size, a CRC32. That's all... So that tools can do this work instead of you. There's i don't know how many tutorials on the web to get your answers, take five minutes to understand how it works seriously...


    And also, i would be a pain to explain that in English, so look for a tutorial.

  9. Honestly i got bored at work and try to read a bit what people wrote here, and have to say i love the side "heal the world, make it better place" lmao. Just a thought and also mostly a sarcasm :D

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