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Posts posted by Wizard

  1. The Sprites dont need a big update, just an upgrade on resolution, Guilty Gear's was 620x400 which resulted in sharper and more detailed sprites. SNKPlaymore has been doing the detailed thing to death for the past 4 years. Now will see a much uber sharped detail then before o_O. Anyways, the title itself is inhouse development by Sammy, not SNK...sort of. KOF2k4 is still being made by SNK :D. BTW some more news, the PS2 KOF is called King of Fighters Maximum Impact. KOF NeoWave = Another dream match, ugh, its too early!

  2. Other then KOF2k3, which is just being ported over. The first "Original" KOF game is...King of Fighters NeoWave >_<

    [First Image is after the Quote]


    SNK/Playmore have officially announced that the current KOF title still in development will be renamed The King of Fighters NEOWAVE, and will be the final title the company will be producing for the NeoGeo arcade platform.


    The Japanese developer will now be producing all future arcade titles on Sammy's Atomiswave, and already have announced three titles to be released on the arcade hardware this year, two of them being fighting games: The King of Fighters 2004 and Samurai Spirits AW. The announcements were made by SNK/Playmore's chief of development Kazuya Hirata.


    “The NeoGeo's games have been played worldwide, but it ran on a 16-bit board that had reached its limits. Producing under a better environment should make the development easier and allow leeway for a higher-quality [game],” commented Youichi Watanabe, chief of Sammy's marketing division. “Within Japan, the AWNET should be able to attract a base of fans in ways that weren't possible with the NeoGeo. In global terms, we should be able to make stable title releases in Asia, Central America, and South America.”

    “As you may know, we've made 10 installments in the King of Fighters series. This will be the 11th sequel,” said Kazuya. “To be honest, this game [series] has been pretty hard to create. We've been adding variations to it, remaking the system each and every time. We've completely remade it when it went into a new chapter in the last game, [KOF] 2003. We're currently in the middle of porting the [game's] system since we're moving to the Atomiswave. We're going to start planning out [for KOF2004], but there's been a lot of ideas that we couldn't do on the NeoGeo, so hopefully we can realize them on the Atomiswave. Graphics and sounds will obviously get better, but we also want to strengthen the gameplay itself. We will be adding new characters this time as well.”

    “Samurai [spirits] is a game where the characters really stand out. It has a different aspect from the King [of Fighters]. Samurai [spirits] Zero Special is coming out around April, and we're hoping that it will showcase the last of the NeoGeo [platform],” said Kazuya. “The next one on the Atomiswave will mark the sixth release, just like Metal Slug. And similarly to the Metal Slug, the development team seems like they want to give it all they've done from the past, so there might be some interesting changes. The details aren't concrete enough to be talked about, but it seems like we'll be making some dynamic changes to the characters.”

    “We've worked with the NeoGeo for 13 years. That's a lot to think about. There have been talks in the past about when we'll stop supporting the NeoGeo, but this is going to be the real end. And that's really an indescribable feeling,”

    On my view, its just another Dream Match (!) With possibly all characters from past KOF's. Good, Bad? I say bad, because I was really hoping for KOF2k4 to be the first (and original Sammy) KOF game on it. Execpt all we get is 7 year old rehashed sprites with 3D backgrounds :/ Can you say KOF2k1 PS2 edition? Cuz I can.


    KOF NeoWave Image

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