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Elazul Yagami

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Posts posted by Elazul Yagami

  1. 1 - I could not reproduce that Hurricane exactly, it would require divine intervention, which since it does not exist, means your request does not compute. Also, I would not like to revisit all that death and misery upon those citizens again. Do you?


    so since you cannot reproduce the hurricane exactly, does that mean the hurricane is a fantasy?


    btw, YOUR request does not compute, you're twisting something around because of a lack of proof of your logic.


    you said since something cannot be reproduced, therefore it's fantasy (divine intervention) therefore, since katrina cannot be reproduced (same hurricane, same effects...etc) then it's a fantasy.


    but try telling all those taht suffered from it, that it is a fantasy.

    and no, i wouldn't wnat them to suffer, i have friends that were in it.


    btw, there are those that would argue that divine intervention happens on a daily basis.

  2. answers:



    level 1- world track class meet. (nes powerpad game)


    level 2- Secret of Evermore


    level 3- Badstreet Brawler


    level 4- Secret of Mana


    level 5- Space war correct. interesting fact :

    first electronic game was created on a laboratory oscilloscope called Tennis for Two.


    Next set:


    level 1- konami code gave you 30 lives


    level 2- sequel to the game hitler was the final boss in


    level 3- nes game had first person sections, were supposed to rescue people


    level 4- clone of SMB on the Commodore 64.


    level 5- the star of the game built in the sega master system

  3. Take it as an insult if you will, I find the forced concept of religion to be an insult. I believe religious views should be personal, and should stay inside the walls of ones own home or say, a church. It has no place in public society, as not everyone has the same views, even within the same religion.

    And no, I'm no sheep, I believe what I want to believe, I don't conform to silly standards of "Atheism" and the views pinned on it.

    cinder, sweet, we agree, i also believe religious veiws should be personal, and shouldn't be enforced on the society,but what does that hafta do with what you said?


    like ahmad said, i believe what i want to believe, not what was forced on me, so how does that make someone like me different to you?





    Nope I never said that. I refer only to religion. I have no quarrel with the historical references in the bible and others, but when divine intervention enters the story, that's when I become sceptical and treat it as a fairy tale. Like all fairy tales, you need to differentiate between fantasy and reality. If you truly believe the fantasy, then yes, it by definition can be classed as a mental disease.


    1- you believe it's a fantasy, others don't believe it's a fantasy, prove it's a fantasy scientifically, then you can say that believing it is a disease.


    2- ages ago, those that believed in scientific things were considered sick in the mind, such as those for example that believed man could fly were considered sick in the mind by those that thought it 'fantasy'



    religion is a belief/opinion, you just said that those that DON"T agree with your belief (that religion is useless/fantasy) are sick in the mind.

  4. here are the answers:


    level 1: Duck hunt (trick question)


    level 2: E.t 2600


    level 3: Donkey Kong 3


    level 4: I believed it was "the immortal" however i believe cinder is right that it's Snake Rattle 'n Roll!


    level 5: Hero's Quest 1 : so you want to be a hero (also known as quest for glory)



    Next stage:


    level 1- physically wore you out and was a form of exercise


    level 2- adventures of a boy that uses alchemy and his dog.


    level 3- had a move that looked like you were molesting the enemies.


    level 4- action rpg that had a useful glitch/exploit, in that you could keep casting spells in a row without the enemies recovering


    level 5- contrary to popular belief, pong was not the first "computer game" this was, what was it?

  5. 1: That was me, not agozer


    2: Go back and read, and read properly. DO NOT rearrange my words to suit your own thoughts.


    ok i'll bite, look at the bold part.


    Anyway, in the end, I think religion is nothing more than a control mechanism for most of you sheep out there to be handled. Religion needs to be removed from the face of the earth (No, not necessarily the people following them), like unions.....


    i got the impression you were saying that those that follow a religon (like myself) are sheep.


    I was, big deal, my view on how religion is focused and to whom. But I did not say dumb, my statement of dumb as all the religious wars, those involved in religious wars ARE indeed dumb, such a stupid thing to fight over.

    And Ahmad89, any war fought over money or monetary items, with a guise of religion......is a farce. Think Ethiopia.


    big deal? last i knew, an insult no matter how trivial was still an insult, personally i'm not insulted, i'm just pointing it out.


    so you're calling me a sheep because i follow a religion... so can i assume that you ALSO are a sheep because you're an atheist and you more or less conform to and follow the concept that religon is stupid/useless?

  6. I dont think that all wars happening right now are religious war. Some for power some for money. And there has always been war so does that mean we have always been doomed :D


    i honestly believe 99% of "religious wars" were fought for other reasons.

    the "religious" part was just a cover up.

  7. 1: That was me, not agozer


    2: Go back and read, and read properly. DO NOT rearrange my words to suit your own thoughts.


    ok i'll bite, look at the bold part.


    Anyway, in the end, I think religion is nothing more than a control mechanism for most of you sheep out there to be handled. Religion needs to be removed from the face of the earth (No, not necessarily the people following them), like unions.....


    i got the impression you were saying that those that follow a religon (like myself) are sheep.

  8. cinder,

    the human race will ALWAYS find something to argue about, and since you're saying those that have a belief are sheep, dumb blah blah blah, can i assume you (and robert) are inciting a flame war?


    just because you don't believe or agree with something, doesn't mean it's retarded, or that people that do believe in it are retarded or what not... otherwise, a nintendo fan is retarded to a ps fan, the rangers fans are retarded to the yankees fans, the south is retarded to the north........ oh wait, i just proved people disagree and argue about everything that isn't religion..... hmmmm must mean that game consoles, the entirety of the usa (north and south) and all sports teams are retarded, useless, sheep....etc


    i follow my religon because it tells me to be my own person and think for myself and do good to others, not because of some of the warped people that claim they're preachers or followers of it.

  9. Difficulty varies:


    level 1: you try so hard to shoot that damn dog


    level 2: It's Cartridges fill a landfill and almost drove a company to bankrupcy


    level 3: (co)stars bugman stanley


    level 4: first 3d isometric game for the nes (ported to nes)


    level 5: you could find rest at erana's peace in this game.

  10. Peter Griffen FTW. He's the funniest Char ive Used so far.



    you know, i would love to try mugen out, but i don't have the time (or will honestly) to download all the characters and adjust them together....


    i wish someone would make a QUALITY mugen game (not 8000000 crappy characters) and make a torrent of it.

  11. what if you love this girlfriend?


    would you just marry a chinese woman just cause she's chinese?

    what about say you REALLY loved your girlfriend and she wasn't chinese, would you decide not to marry her cause she isn't chinese?


    btw, egyptians, saudi's, italians (at least the ones i know), armenians (again the ones i know) and a bunch of others believe that you should take care of your parents when they're old, so would you marry any of them?

  12. i don't know why they even have studies about this...

    some people don't give a damn about color, so they fall in love with whoever they fall in love with.

    others are so flocking racist, that they won't even open up to someone that isn't of their same color.


    simple, doesn't need a waste of money for research on it!

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