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Elazul Yagami

1Emu Veteran
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Posts posted by Elazul Yagami

  1. I need a virus or a stealth program that destroys picture files, as in deletes or corrupts them, failing that i need something that will destory a complete hard drive . the files should be unrecoverable.

    i know there are some boot programs that destroy hard drives, but i won't have enough time to sit there and monitor it.. i need something i can run, and leave the computer... and have it run everytime the computer is open.


    it's for a good cause, i'm not trying to do anything evil with it.

    any suggestions?

  2. It makes far more sense to start off with an acoustic guitar, since the basics are more or less the same, and acoustics are generally cheaper.

    however, keep in mind that depending on the style of music you intend to play, there are alot of techniques that don't work on an acoustic.


    a friend of mine basically taught me how to hold the guitar, and how to read tabs, and i took off from there, there are quite a few good tutorials and video tutorials online, but once you learn the basics, it's all a matter of practice.


    i suggest you start off by finding something to teach you how to hold the guitar, the general tuning structures, how to read tabs , and scales and chords in general.

  3. Im Catholic. But i dont Follow Religion at all really. ive got mixed ideals when it comes to Religion. The thing that makes me hate religion are people who misinterpret Religion and take it out on others. I am not one to Blame God for anything bad thats happening to me, but i am one to Thank him for anything good happening to me. While that is kind of retarded, i beleive God is just that sense of Hope and Courage inside of ourselves. So thanking God is like thanking Myself.


    Kind of weird i guess.


    one of my favorite quotes: " God save me from your followers"


    In my own personal belief (Islam) i find it very very logical, however the people that folllow it have twisted it much like any other religon to their own gains, giving a disoriented view of it.


    I actually did alot of theology and spirtuality research before i came to my decision to follow Islam (the actual religon, not what most people now adays see or follow) because it made sense to me. What does bother me is that most people that don't believe in religon at all only do so because they've only been exposed to christianity or have done their "research" on anti-religon sites/books/articles , trying to find a reason NOT to follow them. The research in my opinion is thereby rendered void because it's not research done with an open mind to ideas, but one done to try to prove one's own thoughts on the matter.


    However, if you've done your reasearch with an open mind and still disagree with religon, you have my respect , it's your path in life, and it's completely up to you , i will not force my beliefs on you, just as i expect you not to force your beliefs on me.




    no seriously, how about raw ramen noodles?

    or food off someone's plate when you work at a resturant?


    i've done both, but my worst story...


    i travelled to my apartment near the beach in egypt , and i was lazy cause of the long trip... so i opened the fridge, found oil and flour and sugar... i was like, i'll fry dough.... that dough i used to patch a crack and it stayed for a few years.


    next i opened the fridge, and found some meat... i fried it (i.e burned it) and ate it.


    my conversation with my dad was as follows on the phone:


    "dad: hey how is everything?

    me: great, i was hungry and i ate the meat you left in the freezer two months ago

    dad: Ahmed, i wasn't in Marina two months ago, last time i was there was a year ago

    me: a year? then who left meat in the freezer?

    dad: what meat? the only thing i left in the freezer a year ago was liver

    me: i ate burned one year old liver? shiiiiit.



    thankfully i was fine :mad:

  5. Dance with the devil and the devil dont change, the devil changes you.-Max California


    Max: There are three rules in life, one: theres victim, two: dont be it Thomas: and three? Max: I forgot


    My Name is George...Mommy never abused me daddy never raped me....I do these things cause I want to, cause I like them.


    [to porn shop costomer] Max: HEY! Its like a gas station! You pay before you pump.



    Dante Hicks: Theoretically, people see money on the counter, and no one around, they think they're being watched.

    Veronica: Honesty through paranoia.



    Randal Graves: People say crazy sh** during sex. One time I called this girl "Mom."


    Dante Hicks: You hate people!

    Randal Graves: But, I love gatherings, isn't it ironic?


    Caged Animal

    Masturbator: It's important to have a job that makes a difference, boys. That's why I manually masturbate caged animals for artificial insemination.


    Sexy Stud: We're doing it the resturant?

    Randal Graves: What, not spacious enough?

    Sexy Stud: It's plenty spacious, just a little... weird.

    Randal Graves: [bewildered] Dude, you're in the bestiality business.

    Sexy Stud: Hey, flocko, we like to call it inter-species erotica.

    Randal Graves: Intriguing.



    Elias: flock Pillowpants! Honk if you love a lot of female organ!

    Jay: [looks at Silent Bob] Yo, we love female organ!

    [Jay and Silent Bob blow on party favors]


    Teen #1: You holding?

    Jay: crap, everything except coke, heroin, and your rooster!


    Randal Graves: [on back of his "Mooby's" shirt] "PORCH MONKEY 4 LIFE"


    Randal Graves: One semester we took criminology for God's sake! Criminology! Who the flock are we studying to be, Batman?


    Randal Graves: Since when did "porch monkey" suddenly become a racial slur?

    Dante Hicks: When ignorant racists started saying it a hundred years ago.

    Randal Graves: Oh bullshit. My grandmother used to call me a 'porch monkey' all the time when I was a kid, because I'd sit on the porch and stare at my neighbors.

    Dante Hicks: Despite the fact that your grandmother might've used it as a term of endearment for you, it's still a racial slur. It'd be like your grandmother calling you a little kike.

    Randal Graves: No it is not. Plus my grandmother had nothing but the utmost respect for the Jewish community. When I was a kid, she'd always tell me to treat the Jewish kids well or they'd put the sheeny curse on me.

    Dante Hicks: WHAT THE flock, MAN?

    Randal Graves: What?

    Dante Hicks: Sheeny is a racial slur, too!

    Randal Graves: No it is not.

    Dante Hicks: Yes, it is!

    Randal Graves: Well, she never called any Jews "sheeny," she just used to say "sheeny curse" a lot. It was cute.

    Dante Hicks: It wasn't cute! It was racist!

    Randal Graves: I disagree, man, she was just an oldtimer. That's the way people talked back then. Didn't mean they were racist... But my grandmother did refer to a broken bottle once as a "nigger knife."

    [Dante stares in horror]

    Randal Graves: You know, come to think of it, my grandmother *was* kind of a racist.

    Dante Hicks: YOU THINK?


    Becky: I'm disgusted and repulsed and... I can't look away.


    Randal Graves: You can't get a chick, ya mook. You're too weird and sad.

    Elias: [gets angry] I turn down chicks left and right.

    Randal Graves: Your chicks *are* your left and right.


    Randal Graves: [describing the Lord of the Rings Trilogy] Here's the first movie.

    [walks a few steps, staring blankly]

    Randal Graves: And here's the second movie.

    [walks a few steps again, pretends to trip]

    Hobbit Lover: He is way off, loser.

    Randal Graves: You ready for the third movie?

    [walks yet again, stops, pretends to throw the ring into the volcano. Shrugs his shoulders and turns around]


    Randal Graves: What's the point of having an Internet connection if you're not using it to look up weird, flocked-up pictures of dirty sex you'd never have yourself?


    Jay: You know, sometimes I wish I did a little more with my life instead of hanging out in front of places selling weed and crap. Like, maybe be an animal doctor. Why not me? I like seals and crap. Or maybe an astronaut. Yeah... be the first motherflocker to see a new galaxy, or find a new alien lifeform... and flock it. People would be like, "There he goes. Homeboy flocked a Martian once."



    Dante Hicks: I can't believe you. I finally get my crap together. I'm hours from getting outta here, I'm really starting my life, and you somehow figure out a way to obliterate all that and reduce me to a convict.

    Randal Graves: Oh, yeah, it's my fault your life is flocked up. "I'm the guy who knocked up my boss!"

    Jay: [amazed] You knocked up the guy who owns Mooby's?

    Randal Graves: [chuckles, and then incredulous] What?

  6. still a virgin. by choice.

    by choice? do you enjoy wanging it every night? ya know you want to stick your dong into that woman. i agree with solidius23 on this one. you got to test drive the woman, spin that baby around, and play with her.


    you think the religious people didn't have sex with no women? of course they did. it's a part of life. enough of this consverative bullshit. what if you do get run over by a car tomorrow? want to die a virgin? oh helllllll noooo. go grab a girl and tell her to take her underwear off and go all in. before it's too late yo.


    First of all , the reason i am a virgin is NOT because of religon. I try to be a spirtual person, and having sex for the sake of having makes a person nothing more than an animal. If there are no emotions involved then you're doing nothing more than wanging it inside a girl.


    Second of all, i have not 'wanged it" in years. Again trying to achieve a higher sense of spirtuality is the reason, and it's actually worked out for me quite well. Controlling animal urges DOES have it's benefits.


    Third of all, why the rush to Lose your virginity? because some flocked up kids in your life think you're a loser if you DON"T lose it? "oh i gotta lose my virginity because everyone else is doing it".

    yeah, i might as well shoot up crack when everyone else is doing it.


    so yeah you enjoy your way of life that works for you, and i'll enjoy mine that works for me.

  7. secret of evermore.




    guerilla war

    killer instincts (a GOOD sequel)

    super mario rpg (again none of this paper mario stuff)

    a chrono sequel.


    can't think of others at the moment.


    i do NOT think a similar sequel of shadow the colosus is a good idea... what made the game so great in the first place was it's uniquness.

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