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Elazul Yagami

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Posts posted by Elazul Yagami

  1. Since I hadn't read the intire Quran in arabic, I don't know what it realy means. However, if the Islam is somthing like Judaism, that I guess the Quran has been explained with no mercy by the muslim religion sages, to fit their own interests.


    i pretty much guess that in extreme situations that's the case.

    and yeah, i've heard how the Torah(sp?) has been translated in more than one way.

  2. If what you were saying was true, no missiles were fired on us from muslim countries.


    I am not saying that the govermants themself use terror against us. They support the terror organizations.


    you mean like iraq? cause that's another scenario, iraq fired missles at saudi , israel AND kuwait.. saddam was an insane bastard, remember?


    and no dude, the governments don't and CANNOT support the terror organizations for several reasons including fear of sanctions and fear from the us.



    12. Remember thy Lord inspired the angels (with the message): "I am with you: give firmness to the Believers: I will instil terror into the hearts of the Unbelievers: smite ye above their necks and smite all their finger-tips off them."


    13. This because they contended against Allah and His Messenger. If any contend against Allah and His Messenger, Allah is strict in punishment.


    14. Thus (will it be said): "Taste ye then of the (punishment): for those who resist Allah, is the penalty of the Fire."


    15. O ye who believe! when ye meet the Unbelievers in hostile array, never turn your backs to them.


    16. If any do turn his back to them on such a day - unless it be in a stratagem of war, or to retreat to a troop (of his own)- he draws on himself the wrath of Allah, and his abode is Hell,- an evil refuge (indeed)!


    12- during war.

    13- because they FOUGHT the muslims

    14- that's between god and the people , that has nothing to do with muslims, as i recall christianity also has something that states that if you don't accept jesus as your saviour you go to hell.

    15- hostile array , i.e again war. why would you want to turn your back to someone fighting you?

    16- yes, basically it means if you are going to war, you're not allowed to retreat. no wrong in that.


    We belive that human lives come before human rights. We perfer to put the lifes of our citizens lives in the smallest risk possible. If that mean not to accept people who can identify with our enemies (and I will understand the if they will. Man's belives should not change according to the Govermant that rule his land) to positions vital to our security.


    but don't you agree that human rights lead way to saving human lives? i agree that it seems strange to want to have a non jewish israeli in the miltary, but maybe if the non jews didn't feel they were being discriminated (i.e miltary , no housing in certain areas...etc) they'd actually WANT to protect israel ? i mean surely, if it's as great a place as is said and as i've seen on tv and stuff (well it's better than the westbank and gaza) and a true democracy, people would rather live in israel.


    I am not saying we are doing justice. In a crazy situation like the one in the middle east, true justice is rarely reachable.

    I am not saying that rejecting people by their nationality is justice, but if we let an enemy to controll one of our security syetems against his allays, will it be justice to our people?


    i still insist that it's not the people who want to fight.


    As a county, our duty is to put our people's rights above all. Israel was established as the Jewish country. The original land of Israel contained swamps and desserts we bought from the muslim. We dried the swamps, and we are still working on the desert. What else do we need to do to make this land ours?


    how about the massacres ? like deir yassin?


    The first Jewish farmers in this land helped the muslim around. They gave them jobs. They attacked us for the land we not only bought, but earned in hurd work, before and after israel was announced as a country.


    i specfically recall that palestinians were bedouins, and not farmers, however even if they DID buy some of the land, they sure as hell didn't buy all. and prior to 1948 the arab and muslim world was the ONLY place were jews were treated like equals, and that is a FACT.

    and if the palestinians owned the land, why would they need work after selling it?


    The muslim citizens here came for the benefits they can get from us. Yes, we conquered some of the land, but that was only after the muslim countries opened a war on us. We made peace with them, giving them their lands, but peace is a slow process. We can't give our lands for worthless deals. This is not all our fault that muslim citizens live in israel.


    sadly wrong again, the citzens were ALREADY there, israel does not have a mass immigration policy for non jews.


    the arab and muslim israeli citzens are called the 1948 arabs , they're the ones that didn't flee when israel was announced.


    Elazul Yagami, I have nothing against you. I have no intention to judge you by the acts of your country leaders. I hope you won't do the same thing to me.


    me niether dude, like i said i have friends and relatives on both sides, and i have several jewish friends in the us, and in fact my sister's best friend's fiance is in the israeli miltary.

    i'm down with you dude.



    i'm glad we've had a CIVIL convo about an issue like this, unlike certain other members..... :banghead:

  3. AIDS need time before it is finally fully developed.

    So, it is not so far-fetched as you think!


    And heck, about Muslims being terrorists, correct me if I'm wrong,

    but in the Koran, there is a passage about Jihad, calling Muslims

    to arm themselves against infidels and to kill in the name of Allah.

    And if they do die in the name of Allah, they will have seven virgins to serve them in the heaven. Correct me if I'm wrong :banghead:



    i'll correct you , because you ARE wrong.

    what you just stated is a misinterpretation of a passage that hecklers and muslim bashers LOVE to quote.


    what it says is, that if you are ATTACKED by those not of your faith, then you need to arm yourself and fight back.


    what's wrong with God giving you motivation for NOT being a coward and standing up for your beliefs, family, and belongings?


    jeez for the millionth time, Islam , comes from Salam , which means peace.

    however if peace is not an option, you wanna just let everyone come kill you?


    mind you , islam states more Rules about respecting and caring for war prisioners than probably any other religon except a certain type of buddism


    btw, unless you can personally read arabic, please don't trust every source you find about translated Q'ran because it's mostly bullshit or misinterpreted.


    and yes, kill in the name of Allah.

    the same way you go out of your house in the name of Allah

    the same way you start eating in the name of Allah.


    another misinterpretation.

  4. Well :


    1- bashing conservatives or liberalists is useless, both sides WON"T agree... kinda like the whole red, blue gang wars.(the colors that the gangs chose make you wonder)

    2- As much as i hate bush (and according to alot of polls during the elections, americans themselves, which is surprising...) that's still no reason to comitt suicide, even IF you think it's the end of the world.

    3- i wouldn't say the guy was useless or worthless, i'd just say he was weak and stupid. May his soul rest in peace though.

  5. Israeli newspapers have been reporting that Arafat died becos of Aids.

    And he is gay and all his bodyguards are his lovers.

    I read that the Mossad bug Arafat's apartment and they have been reporting that Arafat will roar like a lion and his lovers will meow like a kitten. Hehehehehe, I think a lot of people are washing their faces now :D


    yes, and i just had dinner with elvis last night and he was telling me how marilyn manroe was such a whore.




    think about it.


    A.I.D.S at 75 years old?


    heck, SEX at 75 years old?!?

  6. This is hard to say, but full democracy for everyone is luxury for a country surrounded by emenies.


    The terrorist leaders are using religion to incite the Muslim people to hurt the unbeliever - unmuslim. Since most of the Muslim are religious people, every Muslim is a potential shaid(suicide bomber).

    Even if you accept to the military or any company that works on classefied or security-releated things a Muslim that have nothing to do with terror, the religion leaders can reach him/her, and that make hin/her dangerous.


    wait, so basically one minute you claim that israel is the only democracy in the middle east, and the next you say " well those that have agreed to have the israeli government as their sovern government aren't allowed their rights , because they're different than other israeli's and they're from the same type of those that surround israel"


    i'm sorry, but this surrounded by enemies thing is becomming a bit far fetched, 6 peace treaties with the countries that are around israel does not make it surrounded by enemies, and EVEN if they were surrounded by enemies , they're perfectly safe because those enemies fear the us, that is indeed a streadfast ally of israel.

    apparently, everything the israeli government does that's against basic human rights, is because it says it's surrounded by enemies....sheesh.



    and btw, that sentence about every religous muslim being a potential terrorist.



    i'll tell you why;

    1- i'm a muslim, i have no inclination to be a terrorist or a suicide bomber.

    2- true religous muslims, DO NOT have an inclination to be terrorists or suicide bombers.

    3- FANATICAL muslims do have an inclination to be terrorist or suicide bombers.

    4- They're not inspiring muslims to kill non believers, they're inspiring muslims to fight for THEIR lands.

    5- by destroying ALL that a person holds dear and taking away his dignity, that inspires a person to lash out. and when that person lashes out, he's called a criminal. and when that person is muslim, he's called a terrorist.


    learn the difference before you speak.


    i suggest you read up a lil about islam before you claim that muslims are inclined to become terrorists, cause that's EXACTLY what crap like CNN wants you to believe.



    Truth of the matter is, it no longer matters who was there first, the israelis or the palestinians, they need to learn to live together, and that's not going to happen with one side bombing the other and the other firing rockets at the other.

    I'm NOT against the people on either side (i in fact have friends and relatives on BOTH sides because my grandmother's uncle was married to a jewish woman in egypt prior to 1948 when jews lived peacefully in large numbers in egypt)

    i'm against the governments on both sides.

  7. You are talking about the Oslo agreement. This is the agreement: We will give the Palesines lots of areas, and in return, they will maybe make peace with us. However, I agree that this was the best deal in the history of the palestines and israel. This was the only deal in the history of the palestines and israel!!!


    that agreement went through NOT because the palestinians refused, but because yitzhak was assasinated.

    and it wasn't MAYBE it was MUST. and if they both won a noble peace prize for it, i don't think it was that unfair an agreement.


    oh and if you think it was the only agreement then you should follow the news a lil.


    Did you knew that the musalim countries force the refugees to stay in the refugee camps? They do this to maintain the European opinion that the musalim are very poor.

    i'm talking about the refugee camps INSIDE the west bank and gaza... you do know that , that's where the Israeli government is taking out strikes cause otherwise it would violate the airspace of the nearby countries right?


    and mind you, MOST countries around the world that have refugee camps REQUIRE that the refugees stay in the camps.


    In israel, serving in the army is not a choice. You actualy suggest that we will accept muslim to the army, and by that, forcing them to fight other muslim as part of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict?


    yes, i know that military service in israel is mandatory for israeli jews (i have a friend in the israeli miltary) , BUT in the us (which is pretty much a democracy) IF you choose to , you're allowed into the miltary, regardless of religon and ethnicity (otherwise you wouldn't see soliders of arab decent in the us army in iraq), you're not PROHIBITED BY LAW.


    Israel is a Jewish country. There are many muslim countries, many Christian countries, but ther is only one Jewish country. If we want to keep Israel as the lone back for every jew in the world, we must use the law.



    egypt is a muslim country, however christians here have ALL their rights, there is no reason that someone should be stripped of their rights because they're not of the same religon of the government.


    any law that descriminates based on religon or ethnicity is NOT a democratic law, and is in fact a RACIST law.

  8. balls, belly, bend over, bottle, box, can, cowgirl, dance, dog, drink a beer, eat a banana, exercise, fight, give me your number, guitar, guys, hair, handstand, head, hey, hello, hummer, jiggle, jump, kiss a girl, laugh, lick, lie on the bar, light, lips, love, magic, model, muscle, party, phone, pillow fight, pitcher, playboy, pole dance, pour, pout, pushup, rap, remove shoes, rock, rope, rotate, serve, shake, sing, sleep, splits, stretch, surf, switch, talk, tap dance, tickle, tie shoes, wave, yoga.



    shoe, toes

    ass, butt, bum

    lesbian + lots of other naughty words

    phone, call

    fight, jedi



    kick, knees



    orgasm, love

    jump, bounce

    jiggle, shake, wiggle



    pour, beer

    pour on yourself


    arms, flex

    excercise, pushups


    kiss, lips, pucker

    strip, shorts, pants




    suck, lick


    belly, rub

    toes, shoes

    squeeze, boobs, breasts, tits, bra, push

    shower, wet - breaks the SWF, too bad


    kiss me




    sleep, nap




    talk, chat

    laugh, giggle


    hi, hello, wave

    playboy, magazine




    amazing what google can find.

  9. actually, one thing that people don't realize is that some of the peace settlements that arafat refused weren't viable.


    like the one people so love quoting about the offer to get 99% of what he asked for.

    well that 1% included jerusulem.

    and if he did that, EVERY palestinain would rebel.



    not everything is as it seems people.

  10. i dont agree with the celebrating... but i do agree he wasnt a good leader. How many times did he come to america to talk peace(when clinton was here)? and then the next day his country would break it again.  Israel gets suicide bombers from them daily. I know these things dont seem so important to you but... do u know how many Israel children have been killed or injurded by suicide bombers over the last 2 years? Then everyone gets mad at Israel for trying to do something about it. Atleast in Israel they have freedom of speech and rellgion..... unlinke all the muslim nations around it.




    1- Yitzhak Rabin and Arafat had the BEST peace deal in the history of the palestine/israel.... days later yitzhak was shot down by an israeli orthodox jew


    2- Israel gets suicide bombers daily, but on the other hand palenstinans get helicopters firing rockets at their homes IN refugee camps daily.


    3- Israel is NOT as democratic as you think, freedom of religon comes with a price in israel.


    a- you're not allowed into the israeli military if you're a Muslim/arab israeli (big source of income for most)

    b- you're not allowed to live in alot of areas if you're a muslim/arab israeli (slums mentality)

    c- you're not given the same political rights as jewish israelis.




    I'm currently in Egypt, i have pretty good freedom of speech, Lebanon has freedom of speech , and the list goes on.


    yeah, sure it could be better but it's still not as terrible as you think it is.



    but all in all, even I don't think arafat was a good leader, but then again i don't think ANY of the leaders are good leaders.

  11. i played a pretty mean galford in samsho 4 for quite some time.


    I did it with my man Hanzo.


    I also had a similar "luck" with Marvel vs Street Fighter (Spider-Man and Ryu) and Mortal Kombat 4 (version 2 with Sub-Zero).



    hanzo was pretty good, but during that time, i could beat any hanzo player without breaking a sweat.

    the only challenge i had was against a genjuro player for a while.


    the only reason i was so good for that time, was that i had the controls nailed pretty early, and i was controling galford very very very quickly, as one person commented:"it's like you're galford and not the sprite"


    i got the same comment for my iori :)

  12. ~ beating ninja gaiden 2 with one life

    ~ beating contra with one life

    ~ beating ducktails with one life


    ~beating 97 people in a row with one credit at a local arcade at kof97 using iori, clark , and i believe goro can't remember that well, anywho, lets just say if i had stamina i could've gone on, but i hadta let the credit go cause i was tired like hell and had spent almost all day at the arcade.


    ~beating kof99 at level 8 using only iori (the rest of the team members were... well useless, and i was using kyo as a striker)


    ~beating the ex mode and crysler tower in parasites eve

    ~ Beating the jewel eater boss in legend of mana ( i know it's a flocking easy battle, but the music, atmosphere, and emotional drive behind it is incredible.


    ~beating sol divide on the psx with a faulty controler on hard

    ~ beating super mario brothers 3, every stage, every secret, in one sitting. (about 11 hours worth of gaming, and that includes going back and forth in bowsers world on the bridge until the hands grab you.)

    ~beating super castlevania 4 in one sitting.


    ~too many to remember or list... the perks of being an early gamer....

  13. Geese will never die! hell i had a theory that he was Grant (using a different style and all) but i dunno...but it would be nice to see him in a garou game as a pissed off old man, i wouldnt mind seeing a son of Krauser or somthing too! now that would kick ass! like a daughter of Krauser for the next Garou

    actually, the suspicous thing about grant is:


    1- he wears the same pants as geese

    2- he has a similiar pose sometimes

    3- wasn't geese tampering with powers he couldn't control?

    4- unless we see garou2 we'll never know.

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