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Everything posted by Krosigrim

  1. I have to say... your fucking badass!!! I passed a landmark yesterday. Im quite excited. So far my cardio... heart cannot keep up with certain things so I usually push in waves. Well I was jogging and my cardio was fine... my muscles began to hurt a bit as they are not used to extended joggs! Now I am at the place where I can do stuff I just gotta push through the pain and build even further. Im way lighter on my feet even though I still feel heavy. Knees hurt from strain sometimes so I take it easy. Basically im still doing the same stuff, but with more frequency and longer sets. Havent fallen into a true regimen
  2. Really? Ill bring my grip in and try it out at work tonight. Sets of 60? Thats impressive. Soccer is pretty intense, always moving. Pretty good stuff
  3. Always palms out but with hands just outside shoulder width. Not wider.
  4. M-STEFF I looked on youtube for some material but none... But I workout to your music too. I wonder if it would be too much to ask... for some new music set to hype my routine up?!!
  5. All this progress and I still cant do more than 2 pull ups... LOL I am blasting out some negatives. I need to do this all day every day for weeks just to be anywhere. Dude its hard as hell to pull up 210 lbs
  6. Went to the park did that... Worked the brick some too. 200 both-hand curls with that brick, plus my regular routine. Did some sitting leg lifts and worked the calves too. Little little steps.
  7. Looks SO good I have to comment on here too. Mmmmmmmmmm
  8. EZ LEAD... One tiny thing that will help when he pulls you. Its two loops, one around the neck and one around the nose. This will force his head with leverage from snout so he will not choke his ass up trying to break free. This is THE thing you need to get for that. <edited redundancies> : hotlink... The dog stares because he is bored. I often wonder what pets think as I play whatever video-game. Toby often comes up to me, sits and stares... it means he want me to take him outside to throw the ball or something. Well it doesnt help that he had a previous owner cause they allowed him to be "dominant" and your a dominant personality... hees confused even with your training. Im no dog whisperer tho
  9. Sweet dude! All at once? Yea Im increasing but normal or incline pushups end at 20, short rest and I can do again. 45 degree counter pushups over 30 and I stop because I do multiple sets throughout the night. But yea my shoulder doesnt grind anymore either! Were where we need to be to step it up then! Glad to hear it.
  10. Instead of completely hijacking this thread I made a blog. Alpha will approve.
  11. Ok I mean to do alot of things but always quit once started. I procrastinate, I make excuses etc etc. My sister always tried to get me out to jog or workout, always asked if I wanted to do insanity w/ her... I always answered no. WELL NO MORE. I got sick and tired of being tired... and sickly. Depressed all the time, literally waiting for days to end. Merely existing in my room playing games or watching Netflix or something not very exciting, stuffing my face with junk food, drinking sodas like water. Did I mention depression? I had no motivation to do anything. Period. Well I started thinking about fitness... again... and the new workout video for Tapout was being advertised. Saw all these fat soft flabby people undergo major fitness training and saw such amazing results within the first month. I turned that shit off, went outside and began doing shrugs with a deflated inner tube from a bicycle. I was keeping it light but still managed to hurt my rotator cup doing dips at work. Once that happened I had a few days to rest and think forward. Being out of shape is more than weak muscle tone, its ligament and joint health, cardiovascular health. On top of that I have two injuries, a messed up shoulder and a bad ankle. I already explained my shoulder issue in the other blog. That is what allowed me to hurt myself on simple dips. Once I healed up I slowly began my conditioning phase. On top of exercise I bought supplements focusing on joint health as I figured 16 years of solid gaming made my cartilage soft. (except thumbs) As I slowly conditioned my muscles the ligaments and cartilage were worked, then of course being properly nourished they grow stronger, tighter. It pays to be pro-active and not re-active. I did/do small but frequent workouts that are simple, but very effective. I built up muscles in my shoulder by doing all sorts of exercises. Now my arm holds fast, tho it needs improvement. Ankle is much better from calf raises, toe raises, cw n ccw circles with my ankles. Once I began getting definition I pushed further and harder each day, from jogging or walking fast to modified pushups, pulldowns whatever. I began to work out longer and harder. Progress is always obvious when you start out. Week 3 has started and although my regimen has decreased (situationally) I still have so much energy. Motivation, drive. It is addictive and anyone who doesnt know this first had will not truly get it. Here are some changes. *When I wake up im alert focused *Mental focus, acuity, reaction speed and reflexes have increased exponentially. My mind is shaper and senses are keen *Im hungry all the time, but real hungry not glutton hungry. When I eat its generally less than when I stuffed my gullet full of crap. I eat better, and smaller portions... but I eat more often so it right where I need to be. *Always feel hot to the touch, my metabolism is on fire around the clock *Motivated to not only work out, but LIVE instead of merely exist. Im quick to do something once proposed instead of considering it and opting out due to disinterest or laziness. *endless amounts of energy. I get the burn from exercise but my overall energy level is set to uber, so I dont crap out. *Havent drank an energy drink in 3 weeks, no need as Im alert even when exhausted. I used to live off them at work. Id drag my half asleep ass into work and NEEDED a monster to get "right" not anymore *Depression has evaporated. Its gone. Im a very upbeat kinda guy, but even under a smile I was suffering... Now im vital in mind and body. I feel the difference... its night and day. Im motivated to do stuff, I want to do things. I really want to do things opposing intent without drive. Stress is managed much much better, I brush it off instead of allowing it to linger and poison my mind further. So I started out very light & worked on many many areas very very often until I had enough muscle to increase the regimen. For instance at work I lean forward at 45 degrees in pushup position at the counter. I did 4 sets of 30 plus an extra 10 so I did 130 cheating pushups at work throughout the night. I did 4 sets of 20 incline pushups before work so that was 80 real deal leg on a chair pushups. (yay) Knee raises. I raised one knee as high as it goes (now to my chest) then the other and alternate. I did 80 last night. I continue to progress and Every time I exercise even a bit I feel physically and mentally awesome!!! Dude I couldnt come anywhere close to these figures 3 weeks ago, let alone being able to even DO some of the shit I can now. I finally got off my fat lazy ass and did something about it!!! So I challenge you. Does going up some stairs wind you a bit? Are you depressed (stop lying to yourself) Do you lack drive to do anything? Even the drive to go hang out with some friends? Are you a negative piece of shit thats always woe is me boo hooing on social networks... ahem some of our members. Tired of being fat or just weak? Wanna know how it feels to have drive and energy?! Take small steps, just as I did... but do something. Do as many pushups as you can comfortably do... right this very second. Repeat that 2 more times throughout the day. Even if its under 10 just do it. I dont care if you have to do girly pushups just fucking do it... Stand and place a hand on the wall, lift your knee as high as it can go then alternate back and forth until it feels uncomfortable. Repeat that process throughout the day. This stuff only takes a second, you would already have finished those pushups if it wasnt for the fact that your still reading this. No time at all. "But I dont feel like it" NO FUCKING SHIT YOUR PHYSICALLY WEAK AND UNMOTIVATED... stop making excuses as I did and get to working something right quick. Minus the brick I havent lifted one weight and Im getting very strong. Youll be amazed on your performance when muscles begin to tighten up and get some strength to them. But I feel renewed. I was so used to being tired I didnt recognize how bad off I was. I didnt realize how sluggish my mind became. I felt comfortable with lethargy. Wanted to change... but not really. No drive. NO LONGER! Im finally alive again. I was so ashamed of what I became I took those old pics down just as soon as I coped out of exercising. Over 3 years later and I was basically the same. Love handles then gut will be the last to go, but look at the lines. Yea that 1st pic was 3 years ago but thats how I looked 3 weeks ago. Im steadily loosing my "bitch tits" and also thats not me sucking in, it flexing ... besides I was sucking in on the 1st pic lol. Holy crap look at my chest progression!!! Dude do my counter pushups and do it now!!! Wow man im even more hyped up!!! This is 20 lbs less fat 10 more lbs muscle Awesome! So yea... see what small steps can do? Hmmmmmmm? I challenge you.
  12. Ok excellent. Didnt you say you push the world up a few times a day? I bet youd be pretty fierce all fit... arent you fit being a volunteer firefighter and bouncer? Guess tossin out fools gets ya good exercise.
  13. Soundgarden Burden in My Hands http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yHPbO4gPQlo Rusty Cage http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uOqP3wj2x14
  14. Soundgarden Black Hole Sun http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2Y5WYqxCNGw Blow up the Outside World http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=61A75cXaM9I&feature=related
  15. Alice N Chains - Them Bones... Thats right the Ken Masters song! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wwzkVXduNc0&feature=results_video&playnext=1&list=PLE7FC18C4B41ECC68
  16. Dude i've been lazy. I gotta burn some fat today. Other 2 days rained and so I did moderate training, forearms, pushups etc. but no cardio. Yesterday I had a road trip to NY and was mostly in a car for 19 hrs. At a reststop I went to wash my hands and forgot Im looking different lol. Im still not used to looking (this) fit. Dude I might be a douche for posting a self shot but you guys just dont know what I looked like almost 2 weeks before that! Alright time to stretch and get in the starting set, pushups, high knees, squats that sort of thing.
  17. Ahhhh I cannot tell if your serious. Methinks not but ya never know. If that get you pumped up {edited in: or motivated} then... cool! System of a Down - Aerials http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZsMsS01x3Bc&feature=related BYOB http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eRI0xamPTYY&feature=related I like System of a down alot, these were kinda random picks
  18. HEY HEY HEY wheres the music? Muse - Hysteria http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=k7la0SndoCI
  19. That works. It awlright. I like a bit of everything. Eclectic. Hopefully everyone will contribute, im interested in what get you guys going. Even mellow music for meditation or Tai Chi for instance.
  20. Ah ha. Now I get ya. Indeed pumping to epic music gets it done. I just remembered this, my favorite song to play on Guitar Hero... its been forever All That Remains - SIX http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=M0pYWGjECLE Ca-mon give up a song
  21. Really? I get excited! Theres ALOT of music out there man, isnt there anything that gets you hyped?
  22. GO I love this, especially while running up and down steps... I do Castlevania commin at ya http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RF24COR25qs&feature=player_embedded DL from http://ocremix.org/remix/OCR00817/
  23. Who's this asshole with the self shot? 213 lbs, was 222. 13 inch forearms ~16 inch calves I was sure to use the shot where I didnt look so bad You gotta be careful while working forearms and hands. I mixed it up with dexterity and flexibility training to keep from inflaming. Proper stretching before during and after is necessary as alot of people get tennis elbow. The only way to prevent or diminish this is to work EVERYTHING from every angle. Before and after brick. Fingers out like a flick and in like a tight clench. Open and close the hands as quick as possible so not hard (grip) light rapid open/close/etc palms up 20 palms down 20 etc. Twisting things like a towl. Stretch. Pushups. Make large and small circles with the wrist while holding a stick. Mimic Kung foo moves. check. Go back to brick all angles modify movements as not overwork any one area. Work delts, shoulders, triceps, modify often to build great general strength and tightness. Stretch. Shadow box. Pushups. stretch repeat randomly
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