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Posts posted by Cominus

  1. If girls think about sex more than boys then she is either haing a higher than normal sense of hormones or she just does it cuz she's bored.

    Amle hormones are much more extreme than ladies are.

    Did u know they way l;adies act when they PMS is how we are 24/7.

    but super freaky girls are more common these days so maybe genetics is sorta BS, (surprise!)


    You sir, have a SHITLOAD to learn. I'll leave it at that...


    Young buck trying to school us. :o:(

  2. Playing DW Gundam 2 on PS3. I am always a sucker for Koei Dynasty Warriors series. And playing as Gundam is very enticing :( So now, I have DWG2, MGS4, DMC4 and KZ3 on PS3. Looking to add Siren and NG Sigma.



    For some reason the whole Dynasty Warriors series is like crack to me. Once I start, it'll take me forever to blink. I'm like that way with most FF games as well.

    Hahaha, same for me, but I will get bored with the DW series in a week normally. There is only so much "Square, Square, Square, triangle" combo you can pound on :P


    But the DW Gundam 2 is one of the better and interesting one. heck, i love fighting those giant bosses and the gundams are well-animated.


    Shyt, thats how I was back when I played Legend of Dragoon, man that game was sweet, FUX FF!

  3. I'm not going to bother retaliating to her comments. I will make a few corrections. I didn't say I disliked Bambi. What I DID say was that when I have read some of my responses to Bambi's comments I came off like I didn't like her but that was the complete opposite. I'm just that way with girls and it has nothing to do with being an attention seeker. I get plenty of attention from my husband and friends. I don't find it needed on an emulation forum.


    I've realized with every single girlfriend that I've had, I piss off somehow because for some reason they can't take my blunt way of thinking. Men can. I apologized about my inability to convey my thoughts regarding her thread. There's nothing more I can do (or that I'm willing to do) about that.


    I'm not going to delve into these ridiculous immature accusations. If you send someone a message titled "truce?", then mean it. I hold no grudges but I dearly hope that while she's gone, she can think about how she reacts to others and grow up a bit.


    I do apologize to everyone about the pointless argument that was placed here. I'm not here to portray myself as some know-it-all or whatever descriptions you find necessary of me. I'm just here talking to people and having a few laughs.


    EM, if you do decide to come back, I have no issues with that.


    Uh hello, daddy complex. How do you think I get laid? Show'em who's boss, bow chicka wow wow!!!! :P

  4. His semen was all like "hello egg" and the egg was like, " yo" then the semen said, "bitch you nasty, I'm outy like a belly button" and it peaced the fuck out. The egg cried.


    OOOOHHHH, snap. Been there, done that, on more than one occasion. Not fun, but eh, what can I say, I have a penis. :P


    What happened? Were you almost a dad?


    Nah, well I dont think, just missed periods on random occasions.

  5. All the women I have been with have been super sexual with me, I think it's just a comfort thing, if you make a woman comfortable enough with you she will reveal to you how sexual she really is and you can basically get her to do almost anything.


    Overall it depends on the person and what kind of lives they lead. There free time, careers, daily routines, friends, etc all come into play.



    Heard that.

  6. Finished MGS4 on PS3. Starting DMC4. Will get Siren tomorrow.


    How are those siren games? I hear a lot of mixed things about them so I'm reluctant to try it out.

    I didn't get Siren but get Killzone 2 instead :P I will look for a used copy for Siren. Not sure if it is good or bad but I am thinking of getting most of the PS3 exclusives, so will definitely get it in near future.


    Can't wait for the GOTY Fallout 3.


    Is that any good?

  7. This isn't really sleep walking, but just thought i share it with you anyway, i had the most weirdest of weirdest dreams last night.


    I dreampt i was heading to college and i met this complete stranger who's a girl, on the train, and she was like: "Hi, Gabriel isn't this a strange day?"


    and i replied to: "How did you know my name?"


    and she said: "I can read your mind."


    And i was thinking in my dream and she started to repeat everything i was saying from my head in my dream and then my chess was burning and it felt like my heart rate was slowing down. As she was mimicking everything, the girl was turning into bones and i see is her skull repeating everything i was thinking. Finally, i woke up and my chess was actually hurting almost like i had trouble breathing. I was so freaked out for the whole night, I was almost afraid to fall back to sleep. :angry:


    Chill out bro, just smoke a bowl.

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