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Posts posted by Cominus

  1. So everything that I'm taking this semester (even English) sucks balls. I find it extremely easy to loose track and am constantly fighting the screams in my brain for entertainment.


    So what I'm doing now is, attempting to study in light doses. I'll read for 10 minutes, take notes, try to stick a piece of information in my brain, then go have fun. Come back the next hour and do it again.


    I plan on doing this until I'm fit to study 30 minutes of every hour for 6 hours to have a total daily study time of 3(and as long as I don't procrastinate, which I've been doing extremely lightly this semester, I'm good, on a plus side I'll end up being able to study my own interests when I catch up).


    Wish me luck!


    Yeah ADD seems to have that sorta effect on people. You keep at it bro, im proud of you! :)

  2. You mean we all can't sleep....right?

    Yep. I hate normal people who have regular jobs that get up at 7am and go to bed at 10pm.


    I could never do that simply because I would have no time to enjoy myself, If your working a 9-5 and you get up at 7 got to bed at 10 and you including driving as part of the job you have what, 4-5 hours out of the day that you weren't working? It's like you work all the time!


    Thats the whole point of college, so you can do whatever makes you happy. You have to have a passion, you either make it your job, or you get a job so you can pursue a passion, get it?! Megan Fox hater fag. ;)

  3. And you called us Trolls. heh. Your rebuttals make no sense.


    Its not the eyes or the skin color by the way, its the fact that ALL of her skin doesn't (appear) to reflect the light as skin normally does. It appears she has makeup all over herself. It seems as if you think, I for one, think shes is a mannequin due to the color of her skin... as if I have never seen someone with that skin tone.


    Wow, you're stupid, I said exactly quoting "that makes no sense" meaning whatever you fag trolls where talking about made no sense, hence "exactly". I thought you nerds were smart, WTF?! :rolleyes:


    Shut the fuck up and post somemore hot chicks damn it!


    More? Every one that I post gets critizied, you guys are into weird shit.









  4. ^Oh god I knew someone was going to pop up with that stupid argument. I had a feeling it would be you because you seem to like picking fights. When did I state I had any opinion whatsoever before watching the movie? Oh wait, I didn't. When did I say I even agreed with those scores even after seeing the movie? Holy shit I didn't do that either! (All I said was that it was shit) In fact, I personally HATE rotten tomatoes because the scores they give are all over the place, very good movies are often rated poorly and the other way around. IMDB is okay but gets bombarded with spammers/trolls, and Metacritic is just decent for a general idea because they at least weigh the scores. I posted those for everyone's convenience, I plan to do it for every movie I post about in this thread and for no other reason. You also fail to understand that a 5/10 is average, so it wasn't exactly critically panned. I apparently hated it MORE than critics did if you really want to know more about my opinion. All I said was that was I heard it was shit before seeing it. You SHOULD have noticed this because you put it in bold yourself. I guess you don't read that well either though. The only effect any reviews had on me was that I skipped it in theaters, which to be honest isn't saying much because I rarely EVER go to the theaters anyway, I pirate everything. Your right though, I take it back, Transformers 2 is a cinematic masterpiece. All movies should strive to be as good as transformers 2, by the greatest director of all time, Michael Bay. I know you didn't claim it was a cinematic masterpiece, but why do you go out of the way to defend it like this? Are you making royalties or something? Maybe you had something to do with making this movie? I don't get it. If you liked the movie, that's great, but there is no need to be an ass about it. :rolleyes:


    Nah I never read it, but I had heard before that the second one was shit compared to the first one like a billion times which is why I didn't see it in theaters.



    She has no tits (and what is there sags like a motherfucker or does this weird folding over shit somehow, not to mention they are about 3 feet apart) and I think her face is ugly as shit. Oh and she is a bit on the anorexic side. I bet that ass is bony as fuck. The constant extreme airbrushing and bra stuffing is extremely obvious as well. She is no better t


    than an online camwhore. There I said it.


    Oh hell yeah, Look at them titties.


    For crying out loud, Her thumb is a fucking TOE!


    Wow, Just wow. This is why there is so much airbrushing, she has so many skanky tattoos they have to airbrush the fuck out of her to get rid of them. I like her dumbass remark about it on the side as well. OOOOOOH what a rebel. Is she still in high school?


    Like I said, Crack, Fucking, Pipe. Another nice tattoo by the way.


    So if I like a movie I shouldnt be an ass about it, but if you don't like a certain actor you CAN???? Whaaaaaaa!!!!!




    Fanny Bandit!

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