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Devia Eleven

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Posts posted by Devia Eleven

  1. I'm having trouble with Driver Detective. I need to get some stuff done driver wise, but Driver Detective is not allowing me to do so unless I purchase the software. That's the problem, I'm not paying for it.


    I've downloaded three different cracks with many different registration keys and none of them work. I'm looking for a absolutely free software that will do exactly what Driver Detective does, no trial versions, no bullshit, free, fully working driver updating software.

  2. This game might work.


    I think Ed Boon needs to step down and let someone with more creativity and artistic vision takeover. That game doesn't look at all like a reboot to me. Mortal Kombat had success because of its environments, mood and fatalities, but if the art direction looks the same as it did from when I played it last, which was like MK3, then somethings wrong.


    It's like all the characters share the same base model with different outfits and heads. Where's the variety? Different characters should have different body types and shapes/sizes, aside from the obvious need for new character concepts in terms of designs.


    I would make an example of what happened to Team Fortress 2 and how visually different and appealing overall it became when it changed direction from a typical, rigid 3D model FPS to that highly artistic, retro-fitted art direction it went for. To me it became simpler but so much better. MK could use such a makeover and not to look the way TF2 does but something to breath new life to the series.


    Christ, even the women look the same. Same re-hashed Kitana bikini ninja design with volumous hair or some such, what is this? A 90's car wash music video? THE 90'S IS OVER ED COME THE FUCK ON.


    Perfect analysis, perfect.

  3. I'm not sure, see, this whole Mainsteam Hip-Hop thing about people caring about the Rap artist's life is pretty asinine. Eminem lost his spark so long ago that I just don't care about his music anymore, I don't really think he cares either. He's recycling struggles from a long time ago, he's outlived his welcome IMO.


    Eminem believe it or not is a grown man, who has money and success, for him to still be talking about this crap is amazing in itself, you had a good run Eminem.

  4. At the moment no, because I'm the new guy, everyone picks on the new guy. I'm considered a baby until I've been working for about two years or more.


    If we're working on an aircraft, I'm the "tool bitch", the tool bitch is the new guy who is ordered to go fetch different tools for the higher uppers to work with. Life however, is much better, than before. Being paid to be the tool bitch ATM is decent.

  5. Sorry I haven't been around, but I finally graduated from Tech School, (almost got kicked out of the Air Force for good, for failing three too many tests), and now I'm finally employed. Everyday of my job, I working on and walking around C-130 aircraft on the flightline, huge things.




    I haven't been able to enjoy life, (yes, I am a shallow person), because I don't have internet, I can't get internet because I don't have a mailbox, I can't get a mailbox until I move into a different dormitory, (it's full, I'll have to wait until a slot is open). Until then, expect me not to show up too often.


    Life at the moment is satisfying yet completely uneventful. I haven't seen my kin in almost a year, I have contacts, (that of which I'd rather not pester), no video games, and I can't get video games sent here because I don't have a mailbox yet, that mailbox is preventing me from doing many different things. I'm Outie dudes.


    If anyone's wondering, I'm living at this base. http://www.kirtland.af.mil/

  6. This actually made me kind of angry and it made me laugh as well, but seriously, this has to be addressed.


    I hate when teenagers use these completely meaningless, (supposedly whimsical, supposedly) phrases like, "Because I can", or "Shut up". Phrases like these mean absolutely nothing.

    Hey, why did you just call that guy a dufus?


    Because I can.

    Dude, why did you wake me up at 3 AM?


    Because I can.


    It would have to be the most atrocious, immature, middle school, numb-nut phrase I have ever heard, it's a petty justification. Hey, is Devia gonna go kill that guy over there because he can? Am I gonna go kiss that girl randomly because I can? How is having the ability to do something justify that action in any tangible sense? I feel like grabbing the head of a person and bashing it into the concrete, when they say things like, "Because I can", some shallow, stupid fuck up of a phrase developed by some snarly thirteen year old stereotypical bully.


    And what's with this, "Shut up", business? Devia: Hey dude, don't you think that was a little harsh?


    Shut up.


    What? Shut up? Can you at least tell me why I need to "Shut up"? Are you implying that your words have more significance than mine? How about you backup your statements with actual cohesive reasoning, and stop telling people to randomly "Shut up", making them appear as lonesome numb-skulls, that of which have no potent say in anything. I've ripped a couple of my "friends", and some of my fellow teenager acquaintances that these phrases should be banished from the English language, along with the word, "l8ter", that was originally spelled with the number 8, and not the letter a.


    And that the letter "u" is not a word.

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