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Everything posted by someboddy

  1. I went to the south. I other parts of the world, the distance I traveled is very minor, but in israel, it's a change in the tamp
  2. www.goop.co.il It's not a rom site, but it had some roms in the past.
  3. In israel there is only one good comics, "Zbeng", and it's pretty good.
  4. I am back from a 2 days vecation. I coulden't tell you when I left, becuase I was very beasy.
  5. For me it was the nes, only it had 4 buttons... for some reason, all the neses in israel had 4 buttons... Anyway, I sold it after I got bored (after one day)...
  6. The funniest thing about this article, is that the guy know about the X-Box, but he call a 8-bit grafics "awesome".
  7. O ----- a b c Deleted one from b.
  8. Ho realy?... O O O O ----- a b c Deleted 1 from a!
  9. O O O O O O ----- a b c Deleted 3 from b
  10. This is a nice game, and I want to share it with you. For this game, you need to draw 15 circles, in 3 collums: one with 3, one with 5, and one with 7. It look something like this: O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O ----- a b c Now, here are the ruls: The game is for 2 players. Each player in his turn delete as many circles as he wish, as long as they are on the same collum!!! The loser is the one who delete the last circle. I will start a game now, and you can join if you want. Don't worry, if there is a trick, I don't know it yet. I delete 4 circles from collum a O O O O O O O O O O O ----- a b c
  11. In that case, loay, let's agree that if our countries will fight each other, each of us will post his picture so we know not to kill each other...
  12. In israel, you have to join the army, because we are on war all the time. However, you only have to serve for 3 years (2 for wemen), and you don't have to be a fighter. After that, you sometimes called for reserves.
  13. Did you made this topic because you need to go back to school?
  14. Emulator should take rom files and run them on a PC. Means you want to write a program, that make code in one language (the console's language) to PC's language. This is like programing a compiler, one of the most difficult thing to program, seccond only to operation system. Definitely not a little side project.
  15. I got a 1.5 weeks of summer vecation (unless there will be a strike )
  16. It's not the fast food. That guys can get fat with vegetables and fruits, with the amount they eat.
  17. I am in israel. If they start to track people here, they will have to arrest everybody!
  18. An american guy trained 7 years to be a spy at Russia. He mastered the language, perfectly copied the accent, learned the customs, and managed to drink 10 liters of alcohol at once. When he was ready, he moved to Russia. The first thing he did at Russia, was to test his training. He got into the closest pub, and said to the barman at a perfect Russian accent: "Give me a cup of whisky." The barman refused: "I don't serve american spies!" Our spy was shocked: I am not american spy, now give me a cup of whisky!". But the barman insist that he is american spy. After half a hour, the spy gave up. "O.K., I am an american spy. I have only one question." he said, "How did you knew that I am american spy?" The barman ansered: "We don't have black people here at Russia."...
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