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Posts posted by James

  1. I think the best solution to the following: Maybe banning specific torrent files rather than banning torrent sites would be the best way to do things?

    Of course, this is assuming that people don't reply to warez requests with "Go to www.superduperwareztorrents.com," rather than telling them off.



    That will not work since most torrent sites link to warez of some sort .

  2. The protocol isnt illegal, its the content (depending on what it is, where you live, and how insane the laws are) so i'm not going to lose any sleep over posting that



    The protocol isnt illegal true but the links that the torrents link to can be illegal . Therefore since the rules here are you cannnot ask for or post links to roms, iso's, warez which mean you cannot posts torrent sites that has those type of files for download .

  3. can you show me a good mother board help me find one



    We need to know the socket type of your current CPU ? Telling us its a P4 means nothing .

    Sounds like it could be a LGA 775 though .


    There are some good priced gigabyte boards around that should work with your CPU .


    Anyway one known reason for random shut down is bad ram I would replace that before replaceing the mother board . other reasons are bad power supply and CPU over heating .

    If your PC is shutting down ( Like if the power cord was pulled out ) Then there is a chance the power supply ( PSU ) is faulty or not strong enough to power the mother board .. There are known cheap PSU's that have incorrect watt rateing, it may say it has 500 watt but it is really a 300 .

    If its not the PSU then you should check the ram then heatsink and fan on the CPU .


    At last resort replace the mother board if all other options fail ( Even then some parts can be repaired on the MB ) .

  4. So what emulator are you useing for this rom set ?


    Well, currently WinKawaks 1.45 that uses a custom loader, but it'd be great if I can get it to work on NRX as well! :huhwhy:



    I would get the latest version of kawaks since it supports that game now and get the rom set for it as well

    Is there any other reason why you are still useing kawaks 1.45 ? I see no reason to use NRX anymore when there are much better emu's out there now ( NRX is very old now ) .


    Maybe I might create a fully Decrypted set from the proper Encrypted set that should work on NRX .

    I need to find my old copy of NRX though :rolleyes:

  5. Hi, err. Just wanted to ask around. I've got 2 versions, one that runs with the wrong sound (I think it's from the SS5 version), and the second one which seems to be mostly encrypted and doesn't work for my emulator (Kawaks).


    Here's the one with the wrong sound:


    Name Size (bytes) CRC

    272d-c1.rom 8388608 8548097E

    272d-c2.rom 8388608 8C1B48D0

    272d-c3.rom 8388608 96DDB28C

    272d-c4.rom 8388608 99EF7A0A

    272d-c5.rom 8388608 772E8B1E

    272d-c6.rom 8388608 5FFF21FC

    272d-c7.rom 8388608 9AC56A0E

    272d-c8.rom 8388608 CFDE7AFF

    272d-m1.bin 131072 18114FB1

    272d-p1.rom 8388608 3E3961F5

    272d-s1.rom 131072 C297F973

    272d-v1.bin 4194304 6849136C

    272d-v2.bin 4194304 222E1774

    272d-v3.bin 4194304 CD9E7ADC

    272d-v4.bin 4194304 8B305CAC



    And this is the encrypted one that doesn't work:


    Name Size (bytes) CRC

    272-c1.bin 8388608 4F97661A

    272-c2.bin 8388608 A3AFDA4F

    272-c3.bin 8388608 8C3C7502

    272-c4.bin 8388608 32D5E2E2

    272-c5.bin 8388608 6CE085BC

    272-c6.bin 8388608 05C8CD8E

    272-c7.bin 8388608 1417B742

    272-c8.bin 8388608 D49773CD

    272-m1.bin 524288 ADEEBF40

    272-m1_decrypted.bin 524288 203D744E

    272-p1.bin 4194304 FB7A6BBA

    272-p2.bin 4194304 63492EA6

    272-v1.bin 8388608 76A94127

    272-v2.bin 8388608 4BA507F1


    What I'd like to know is if there's anyway I can get a perfect working set out of them?




    So what emulator are you useing for this rom set ?










    Either NeoRAGEx or Nebula/Kawaks with a custom DAT file (i.e. make your own).


    Which would be easier? Would I need a custom DAT file if I use NeoRAGEx? Would any of the files in this topic prove useful in making that custom DAT file? :devilboy:



    The simple answer would be to use an emulaor that supports it, Since Mame FBA Kawaks supports this game there is no need in useing silly hacked decrypted sets and hacked emu's


    I have no idea why people still want to use these messed up roms when there are proper ones to use

    Just download the rom set that the emu supports problem solved .

  6. 0.110u1



    MAMETesters Bugs Fixed


    warriorb0109u2gre [Aaron Giles]

    ballbros0109u5gre [Aaron Giles]


    Source Changes


    Numerous improvements to the cheat engine again. [shimaPong]

    * Operation

    - Mounted copy prevous value.

    - Defined link extension bit in type field.

    - Improved one shot operation when restore previous value is available.


    * Menu

    - Major update for classic search menu.

    - Arranged the cheat general menu a bit.

    - Improved item display for selection type code on the code edit screen.

    - Added entry index parameter to EditCheatMenu().


    * Watchpoint

    - Added watchpoint for ROM region.

    - Improved adding watch from cheat list.


    * Activation key

    - Added save activation key.

    - Added 2nd activation key.

    - Added show activation key message option.


    * Others

    - Refined command code format.


    Added support for Fixed Interval Timer to the PPC403 core. [Ville Linde]


    Polygonet Commanders update: [Andrew Gardner]

    * Added more accurate host interface to dsp56k core

    * Removed a bunch of hacks in plygonet.c


    Added new field Machine->basename which is used to describe the path used for various file accesses. This is a helper for MESS, and should not have any user-visible changes. The file accesses affected are:

    configuration (cfg) files, snapshots, debugger comments, NVRAM, and memory cards. [Aaron Giles]


    Changed naming of screenshots. They are now created in separate folders per game, with numeric names 0000.png, 0001.png, etc. [Aaron Giles]


    Changed artwork layout loading to load either gamename/gamename.lay or gamename/default.lay. The latter is preferred, and allows for easier reuse of layouts between games. [Aaron Giles]


    Fixed max instruction bytes for 68020+ CPUs to avoid assertion in new disassembler. [Aaron Giles]


    Added flip screen offsets needed with new video parameters in the pacman.c driver. [Aaron Giles]




    New games added or promoted from NOT_WORKING status


    Fishing Frenzy [Aaron Giles]

    Freeze (Atari) [Aaron Giles]


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