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Posts posted by -VIOLENCE-

  1. Let's see...


    When i was a young lad around 8 i studied some style karate, i forget the style till i was 10.


    10-12 3/4 I was heavily into this new technology called: PLAYSTATION :( / hormones and all that good stuff.


    When i turned 13 i got back into martial arts with my friend and my friend was an expert on northern wing chun and tai chi quan.


    The wing chun never really took off for me but i was big on the tai chi.


    From 13-15 we studied various styles of kung fu and fused them with our own style.


    when i got to HS i met this korean guy and he was a big on tae kwon do, so he taught me a few things.


    Sophmore year i moved schools AGAIN so i never saw that guy anymore and now a days i still do tai chi quan, basic exercises to keep myself in shape and flexable, and mainly do PILATES to keep slim.


    :lol: and that's my story.

  2. good news, i found ONE  button and it's in fairly good shape


    the "HAIL TO THE THEIF" one... as for the impeach bush & fuc bush i can't find those.  :lol:




    You Rock -VIOLENCE- :devil: :devil: :devil::lol:


    That button is a classic..... :o:lol::D



    glad you liked the button, that old hippy dude down telegraph sells tons of political type buttons for 50 cents a pop :P

  3. Who knows from a former alcoholic who turned into a bigot.

    seriously :devil:





    which reminds me, i gotta go to berkeley [telegraph ave.] buy me some new buttons.


    my : "HAIL TO THE THEIF, IMPEACH BUSH, AND FUC& BUSH" buttons have been worn out these past 4 years since i bought them in 2000 :devil:


    maybe that old dude made some new ones :devil:

  4. umm i remember it was back in 1994, new years eve... I was @ LUXOR casino and i was walking around the arcade and i saw pit-fighter


    i remember getting my ass beat by the dude in white with the big ass chain. i think i cried because i lost, or i cried because the game sucked so bad...


    hmmm :devil:


    but i got closure a few weeks ago, i downloaded it and beat it on mame. that game is impossible to beat without cheats :devil:

  5. resident evil was creepy.


    but MGS for PSX was scary too. what i did was turn up the volume hella loud and proceed with the missions and when the soldiers catch me that scary *CHIME* would come on alerting me. now that was freaky :devil:

  6. He said something like "I've spoken to God and he said that Bush will win his reelection because God wants it."

    Seriously, mixing state and religion wtf is that.


    he also said "we're doing god's work"




    :devil: this guy needs to go somewhere and sit down away from the white house.


    to me, god is a myth. like the weapons of mass destruction :devil:


    but either way he shouldn't be saying some shi like that, as if america is one organized religion.

  7. thanks to this new so called "Indecency bill" that our bible thumping president so strongly wants to sign, and who is against stem cell research abortion and other things.


    it's finally taking it's effect beyond howard stern.


    1.britney spears video on MTV, some part was edited because MTV felt that a certain part was "indecent"


    [no one really cares about britney or MTV, but as we can see it's spreading]


    2. some music video also was edited because some 10 year old girl in the beginning of the video said "WINE".... WINE? :-D:(


    3. also, if a radio station plays a song by pink floyd,T.V.U., or any band that has the "S WORD" in it or any "indecent phrases or whatever, thanks to this bill not only will the RADIO STATION WILL be fined for indecenty but.. get this THE MUSICIAN will be fined as well...


    :blink: it's like, WTF



    as a S.F. BAY AREA RESIDENT "fuc bush" come election time he will never get california or be reelected what a doushe. him and his retarded ass smirk that he does



  8. Or whatever is the closest thing to trendy that I have. I'm usually 5 years behind on that stuff.



    stay far away from that B)


    doushebags like RYAN secrest and other peple i can't think of atm or whatever his name is [dude from american idol] ruins it


    long as u think it's hot, sport it




    and thanks, for your blessing. we're not your typical couple this one has magick :(

    Ryan Seacrest, Carson Daly, and the rest of those MTV/VH1 assholes should be thrown off a helicopter into a vat of concentrated sulfuric acid. And they'll be attached to a bungie cord so they keep going up and down, up and down, up and down till the acid eats away at them.

    seriously, that dude thinks he can run california better than arnold. what a doushe :lol:

  9. kool :(


    ummm easy listening...


    Kahimi Karie, her stuff is pretty good for chilling out.

    Bright Eyes.. but thats if you want people to CRY in your hotel or get sad :lol:

    Velvet Underground & NICO has some pretty relaxing songs


    The Velvet Underground & Nico - Femme Fatale,sunday morning,stephannie says,pale blue eyes.


    OR you can follow the Cliché of HOTEL chains and just buy an 80's collection on CD and just repeat that sucker, or classical music. Romantic Period or Baroque. baroque will scare most people or make them think they're in a church


    < famous baroque piece: J.S. BACH - toccatta N Fuge in d minor >


    but yeah, few suggestions i could go on forever since my musical facade is quite eclectic.


    but yeah, GOOD LUCK with the hoteru and hook it up with some suites! B):(

  10. Or whatever is the closest thing to trendy that I have. I'm usually 5 years behind on that stuff.



    stay far away from that :lol:


    doushebags like RYAN secrest and other peple i can't think of atm or whatever his name is [dude from american idol] ruins it


    long as u think it's hot, sport it




    and thanks, for your blessing. we're not your typical couple this one has magick B)

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