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Posts posted by -VIOLENCE-

  1. Interchanging thoughts run free

    as the light penetrates deep inside

    the thought of once was and is now

    forever shall be


    Carbon Units flood the intermission

    as the organism fills the walls into submission

    crying blocks begin to crumble

    focused words tumble


    fleeing from the time that is near

    hoping that the dearly departed can awaken

    time has come forward to place the eye

    once the beacon has been set I will die


    Carbon Units flood the intermission

    as the organism fills the walls into submission

    crying blocks begin to crumble

    focused words tumble


    percepitation floods the scene

    lined white flocks seems so obscene

    wondering thoughts spark naturalally

    freely speaking amoung the ones with me

  2. me,my girl and some other cool cats are gunna drive down south.


    *yeah we're renting cars*


    I wanna go to DISNEYLAND!! :D weeeeee!


    "Duff beer for me.. duff beer for you..." oh wait.. where did the simpons parody that from? isn't it "IT'S A SMALL WORLD?"



  3. John Belushi is the coolest dead SNL member. Well next to Phil Hartman.


    What does SBC stand for? Does anyone know? Its not even on their main page.


    We don't have SBC here, we have South Central Bell...and they suck.

    How true....SNL is the best show ever.... :P

    Well not anymore it isn't. I was just watching it and I had to stop watching. Meghan Mallaly (sp?) sucks. Will and Grace is a terrible show...

    Hey will and grace is sort of funny in a really gay and pathetic way but i like the red head so i keep watching it :D

    i love will and grace :P


    for it, it's all about KAREN [the rich bit] that redhead is one annoying broad :D

  4. walking around the city this afternoon with a friend of mines who attends C.C.A. we saw the address of SBC in frisco






    i knew it! why my net service acts up every now and then



    lol, the way i took this one makes my friend look hella corny




    [that button i have on is the hail to the theif one]

  5. i finally got that doom iii demo and does anyone know if there is a way to TONE DOWN THE SETTINGS?


    make the screen area smaller and reduce quality, because when i click on options and then display settings it automatically loads some map :P;)


    - thanks

  6. I just had a razy F#%#ing idea, i bet you gecensor boy found osama but he's waiting for the election day to pull him out like a rabit out of a F#$%king magic hat so the whole world will praise him and the american people will get on there knees and beg bush to become president becuase he found sadam and now he pulls osama out of a hat.


    Gecensor boy's a F#@#king genius, how does he do it? Maybe he's born with it, maybe it's mayballien.

    The whole world will NOT praise him. The U. S. (and most of Europe) will. Unfortunately, (but not surprisingly) Usama Bin Laden is actually quite popular in many parts of the world.

    Yeah in the heroine work maybe, but once he pulls out osama, geroge is going to be a man that needs to be reckonged with. You ever wonder why after a while after the 9/11 they stopped talking about him? I mean yeah sure the war in Iraq but non of the networks had anything to say about him except "Hey he's got a new video coming out" yeah guys so does snoop dogg. I bet he's had him kept away i storage for this election, especial when you hear all the news coverage talking about him using the "9/11" in his campiegn.(hint hint)

    his little ads are in poor taste... clearly exploiting this terrible event that has happened in USA :):lol:


    and colin powels son micheal powel of the FCC is really making a good name for his dad :lol:

  7. I just had a razy F#%#ing idea, i bet you gecensor boy found osama but he's waiting for the election day to pull him out like a rabit out of a F#$%king magic hat so the whole world will praise him and the american people will get on there knees and beg bush to become president becuase he found sadam and now he pulls osama out of a hat.


    Gecensor boy's a F#@#king genius, how does he do it? Maybe he's born with it, maybe it's mayballien.



    I BET THAT'S WHAT HE'S DOING... :):lol::lol::lol::D

  8. WIPES sweat off my forehead*


    I'm glad my fiancée loves video games  :lol:


    she got me into the mmorpg scene, we've been playing helbreath / ragnarok online.


    playing video games with a loved one is the best  :)



    and for all you haters out there, they do exist


    smart,pretty,sexy female gamers.


    hell i'm engaged to one  B)


    and my fiancée does have friends who like her plays games. sooo if you want the hook up and live in cali pm  :)

    *Types PM to -Violence-...* :lol:


    Anyway, while it is true that there are hot, smart, awesome female gamers it is also true that they are a HUGE commodity. Chances in finding in are 156/1,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000...000,000,000.


    I think I found one, but currently its on the rocks. I am hoping I get Round 2. :D




    PS: -Violence-, is that your fiancee in your sig?

    :lol: that's what people say to me too, like SHOCK* NO FARKING WAY!


    and yes that's her in my sig, her and I before i cut my hair :D

  9. WIPES sweat off my forehead*


    I'm glad my fiancée loves video games :P


    she got me into the mmorpg scene, we've been playing helbreath / ragnarok online.


    playing video games with a loved one is the best :D



    and for all you haters out there, they do exist


    smart,pretty,sexy female gamers.


    hell i'm engaged to one :P


    and my fiancée does have friends who like her plays games. sooo if you want the hook up and live in cali pm :P

  10. "Man...that's a bad pilot."

    HAHAHAHAHAHAAHAHAHA! That's hilarious! But Bush has no right to complain about bad pilots, he barely passed his flight exam for the National Guard.


    But he did the right thing by staying to listen to the kids. I mean, did you expect him to go "OMFG ! We're under attack, kids!! RUN! HIDE! THE MUSLIMS ARE COMING!" He handled that very professionally. That last you want to do is make the kids go into panic mode.

    i bet after he said " thats a bad pilot" i bet he did that stupid ass smirk :lol:

  11. I reckon the U.S needs a president who will not be corrupted by the power that is entrusted to them by all of the citizens of America.....but someone who is not scaried to kick some asses.... :lol:

    Arnold Schwarzenegger? :lol:


    Oh, you mean you...sorry, my mistake.



    Force should have arnold as his running mate in the election :-D

  12. I have only ever been in 2 fights my entire life.....one being against my older bro who was pissing me off....lets just say I will never be messing with him again (I got my ass POWNED!!!!) and the second was against some older guy at high school (I was in grade 10 and he was in grade 12)....Well one day me and my mates were just hanging out during lunchtime and this guy comes up and punches my mate for no reason...well I got pissed and tackled him to the ground (I play rugby union so I know the easiest way to get someone off their feet) and then I starting punching the living daylights out of him.....well when we got stopped by a teacher and taken to the principle I told the principle that the guy was being racist and I had to defend myself :lol:


    I got off scot free :lol:...the other guy got suspended for 2 weeks :lol:

    lol :lol:


    good for you!


    you should have pulled his hair for effects :-D

  13. people usually class me as hella dainty


    but i still know some techniques and i also added some dirty tactics to my facade.


    pulling of the hair etc etc. :lol:


    cause all the fights i've been in my life the person and I always end up on the ground... So why not implement some dirty tactics.


    i remember one dude on campus, a retarded bastard went off and called me a

    a "fag"


    so i was like.. :lol:.... whatever sugar... i guess that pissed him off and he went up and PUSHED me.


    i was like.. ooh boy you fuc ed up now.. soo i went up to him PULLED HIS HAIR

    *He had moderately long hair* and with my knuckle i rubbed this presssure point in the middle of the chest.


    *pressure point people you know what point i'm talking about* that spot is hella sensitive


    it's like right below your throat above the center hole in your chest, try rubbing that area with your knuckle it stings :-D


    ~~~ and if you don't know what the hell i'm talking about i marked it with a RED X on this pic




    *here is the spot*it's paint!*


    so yeah, while i was drilling that spot with my knuckle i guess he never felt that pain before and was wailing and i let him go. *mistake* when i let him go i put my guard down and he punch me right on the side of my face. *obviously he didn't have any formal training because it skid across the side of my face* it wasn't a DIRECT blow. finally some dude came by and broke it up and some girl called campus police and we had to sort it out with the dean.


    talking about pressing charges on me but whatever that happened months ago :lol:


    told my fiancée the story, of course she got heated but she would dig her nails into his flesh and that's not really a nice sight :lol:




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