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Posts posted by OverlordMondo

  1. Straight pink psychologically weakens the physical strength of the viewer. Sakura pink, oddly enough, inspires graceful movement.


    My favorite color, blue, psychologically strengthens the viewer.


    Red inhibits your ability to calculate math.


    How to win fights: Wear pink and hope the other guy wears blue. He'll call you a pansy and you'll likely kick his ass.

    Or just have blue and pink cans of paint at the ready.

    Win fight by spraying blue paint in his eyes.

  2. In other news, Microsoft is making their own Wiimote. If it is successful, this could potentially stick a knife right into the gut of the Nintendo Wii. All the Wii has over Microsoft is game play innovation. Once Microsoft takes that away, all Nintendo will have left is the exclusive Mario and friends.


    I don't remember playing good games on the XBox, with a few exceptions that were also on the PC. I think Nintendo will do just fine.

  3. They should just get Capcom to bring Monster Hunter to PS3 instead of letting it go to Wii. Look how's the Monster Hunter sales is doing on PSP. Think of the same number they can bring for PS3.

    It could bring in some PS3 sales. Capcom doesn't care about those, though, they care about Monster Hunter sales, and they'll get more Monster Hunter sales on the Wii.

  4. Two things. First off, I totally thought BitTorrent was made by some college student as a solo project. I had no idea they had a...technology something officer.


    Secondly, on the Roadrunner comment. I used to have Roadrunner, and then I think they merged, so I had Comcast, and it got worse. I could be wrong, I'm pretty sure that's what happened, though.

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