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Posts posted by OverlordMondo

  1. Left 4 Dead does look like it could be quite good or quite bad. I am liking the idea of playing as a boss and taking on a team of co-op players. It might get old, but for now sounds like great fun.

    I remember this one game, I forgot what it is so I suppose I don't remember it, but, there were three teams, two of them were pretty standard, but the third was just this giant dude that kicked so much ass his team only got one of him. It was some sort of TPS or something, don't exactly remember again. It was fun, though, is the point.

  2. It's really common to find short films of characters from an FPS or MMO doing stuff while the players overlay their voices. I'm terrible with names, so I can't actually name all 20 some series I'm thinking of, but there's a lot, and they're usually pretty good.

  3. I can't reach anything from either link, are they trying to change it to an FPS? I was worried with the gameplay changes between three and four already, even though they turned out okay. I'm not sure if it could survive a switch into a different genre, though.

  4. I haven't really been disappointed with Bleach yet. I enjoyed Death Note up to episode 26, too, I haven' watched the rest yet. I guess it really depends on your taste whether long ass series with a bunch of repeating content is enjoyable or not. I think there's a place for shows that do the same thing over and over again and shows that only do it once and then end the series. Both are certainly released, though the latter half doesn't normally make it stateside as far as I know.

  5. I shoot my own team on co-op mission in the back and watch them tweak and die. They never see it coming. Muahahahaha

    Enemy teammate spotted! Kerpow!


    I totally saw a banner ad for this game, but it didn't make any sense at all, so I ignored it. That's all I've seen or heard of Haze.

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