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Everything posted by co2

  1. I like this small piece of C code... maybe can I will look into implementing some kind of MythTV controller or even better a lirc module. Don't know if MythTV can be controlled from the commandline. I never heard of rexima before but works great. This rocks! co2
  2. co2

    WiFi Transfer

    I had similar problems. I use it on a GBAMP. After downloading some games, I returned to MoonShell and saw that the client app (I just ran) and some games were removed. My music, pictures, dslinux and other stuff were still ok. I don't know if MoonShell or the wifi client is doing something wrong. co2 ps: Thanks to bafio and sgstair to make this application!
  3. It works great with my GBAMP! I don't have an AP myself but I spotted 5 AP's while walking around in my flat. Wow Never guessed here would be so many. Some feedback: * Wardriving detects WEPon and WEPoff but when an AP has WEPoff it can have WPA. Is is possible to implement something like noSECURITY|WEPon|WPAon? * Current version has a limit to 4096 WIFI devices. Has anyone actually detected more then 512 devices? Keep up the good work! I wish I had more spare time.
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