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Posts posted by garyoak99

  1. Isn't Murphy's Law "Everything bad that happens, will happen." ?


    Might be just thinking out loud.


    Yes, that is about right; it was,"if anything can go wrong, it will."


    AxL said,"For some reason everyone wants to be with you when you already have a girl." That would suggest that if the guy cheats then he will be alone and then no one will want him. So, yes, it seems pessimists are correct if AxL's observation is correct if anyone can follow my logic. :peopleseybrow:

  2. is this a death match FPS type ala Quake 3?


    OMG! You've never heard of Unreal Tournament? :P Unreal Tournament was released the SAME YEAR as Quake 3:Arena so it was seen as THE only true rival to Q3's deathmatch! Unreal Tournament AKA UT99 was known as the much deeper FPS to Quake 3:Arena back in 1999 due to its inclusion of secondary firing modes on all of its guns and many different multiplayer game modes! :P The UT bots' AI was much better than the bots found in Quake 3 too! :peopleseybrow:

  3. Gameplay is NOT like ST. It's more akin to 3s in flavor because it has many of it's system mechanics remade to be more idiot proof. Damage wise, it's a little like SF2:CE, which is high damaging all around before SSF2 and SSF2ST came into existance. Which means retarded damage throws (!). Ono has said they are trying to get a CE feel for the game instead of ST.


    In ST, Chunny has many options, but when compared to 3s and CVS2 Chunny, much less. That's the problem. Chun in SF4 is more or less a mixture of CVS2 and 3s. With more points going towards CVS2.


    Wasn't parrying dropped from SF4? What system mechanics does SF4 have in common with 3s? How have they made Third Strike's system mechanics more idiot proof?


    Ah, that must make those Zangief fans happy! :P


    Super Turbo Chun has more options; wasn't Chun only high tier in that game? Wasn't Chun top tier in CVS2 and 3s though? How does Chunny have more options in ST when she has fewer options in 3s and CVS2? :peopleseybrow:

  4. Becos I am hoping that Soulcalibur 4 would be successful on X360 and Namco Bandai would be enticed to bring Tekken 6 to X360. With installation option, it would be a dream come true during online play.


    I don't know about that; historically NONE of the Tekken games have ever been released on anything other than Sony hardware unless you count Tekken Advance for the GBA and even then it wasn't an arcade title like the rest of them were!


    The Soul Edge series however is a different story entirely; Soul Calibur was released for the DreamCast as early as 1999! I'm sure many of you will also remember that Soul Calibur 2 was released for ALL THREE of the consoles back in 2003. It could have then been expected that Soul Calibur 4 would be on multiple consoles.

  5. Brilliante! Now to be perfectly honest, I have loads of girl friends that are just friends. For now anyway. For some reason everyone wants to be with you when you already have a girl. :>


    It's called Murphy's Law and it applies here too! :peopleseybrow:

  6. Only 2 memorable moments in Quake 4, when you start the game, and when you end it, the middle felt worse the a grind too me.


    Yes, I agree with that one! The final boss of Quake 4 was interesting although it reminded me of Doom 2's boss too.


    Although the big problem with FEAR is the whole MIDDLE act is just BORING. They REALLY killed a lot of the ideas for that act. Some good parts, but it dropped faster then a thai hooker. Aren't you glad the 3rd act was practically revived the game?


    Middle act is just boring? What sort of ideas did they kill for the middle act? What made the middle act of FEAR so bad? :peopleseybrow:

  7. Making Doom 4 an action-oriented successor in the vein of 1 and 2 would be a significant step backwards in game design. Essentially, it'd become a Quake or Serious Sam clone, something I'm not exactly up for.


    I enjoyed Doom 3's psychological horror. It toyed with your mind in every way it could imagine, leading you down deadend hallways pursuing whispered cries for help, or providing innocuous-looking doors which tried to devour you when you opne them.


    I can see the advantages of retaining the horror elements of Doom 3.


    I only remember walking in the direction of ONE whisper of help that led to a dead end in Doom 3 though. Where were these innocent looking doors that tried to devour us though? ;)

  8. I'm an iD Software lover. I'm excited.


    I liked Doom 3, but it was obvious that the game could have been better. In my opinion, while a horror-aesthetic is great, Doom 3 should have been more about action then about the chills, but the game was in fact the other way around. Furthermore, most of the horror constituted of cheap scares, such as monster-closets, bumbling about in overly dark locations for too long, and demons appearing behind you. I seriously thought all the action scenes in Quake 4 were memorable!


    And a word about monster closets - I still love them. But, they only work in games that don't take themselves overly seriously. They didn't work in Doom 3 because the game wanted you to take it seriously.


    I agree with you about Doom 3 but I didn't think THAT highly of Quake 4 though. They still could have put more tactical lights on the weapons. There were only two guns that even had tactical lights and they were only the pistol and the machine gun. I was surprised the shotgun didn't even have a tactical light considering that they're commonly found on police shotguns today! I was also surprised by the number of dark areas in Quake 4 too.


    I don't care much for monster closets; they don't appear to be all that effective when you compare them to scary scenes from F.E.A.R. - First Encounter Assault Recon.

  9. The lack of love for the PS3, would be due to the fact that Carmack expressed his disdain for the multi-core architecture in the 360 back before it's launch, he certainly can't have any love for a bastardized multi-core Cell


    That may have been true then but doesn't that video suggest Carmack has changed his mind enough that he would be willing to release an id software game on the PS3 next year? :P

  10. E3.net has Doom 4 listed as one of the games on show this year, except its platforms are listed as PC and Xbox 360 only... No PS3 love at id?


    I'm more excited about RAGE than Doom 4 but hey, it's all good, right?


    Doom 4 may not be on the PS3 but it's not like id will deny the PS3 all of its future games. It appears one of the platforms RAGE will be on will be the PS3 according to the Wikipedia article. Carmack also suggested they will be running the id Tech 5 engine code on the PS3 in this YouTube video:


  11. The old games are particularly punishing.


    The FF1 remakes are apparently a lot easier still than the old ones, but I simply cannot beat Chaos, the final boss.


    I hit for 800-1000 only with my Knight and only when Sabered, Tempered, and Hasted. Magic, including Flare and Holy, does bugger all to him.


    He has 20000 HP and casts Curaja frequently for 9999 healing. Even if he heals 1 in 10 turns Im still screwed. My Red Mage, Black Mage and White Mage all get killed in 1 hit even when Protect, Invisible and NullAll have been cast on them.


    I consider this, thusly, impossible.


    Hmmm...I wouldn't say that! :P


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