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Posts posted by Shibathedog

  1. Damn it looks like I'm SOL then. I read that when you convert the PAL Siren 2 to NTSC you run into all kinds of bugs and crashing (Mostly related to video files) Also it cuts off the subtitles one way or another no matter what you put as the Y-offset. I guess that means it isn't dubbed then.


    I need to get a TV that can handle PAL. Or maybe one of those converter boxes. There are a bunch of games I want to play that I can't because of stuff like this.

  2. Hey it turns out Siren 2 never came out in the US. So what is my best option here? Should I get the PAL version and patch it, or get the JP version? I've never played a JP region game on my PS2 before do they work just like NTSC games? I mean technically they should besides having to use a boot disc or whatever. It might not have an English option is what I'm worried about though. Also I have never patched a PAL game to NTSC, I know you have to set an offset which hopefully someone else has figured out already for this game I've just never actually done it.


    It also came out in Australia, but I have no idea whats going on with video standards over there at all. Don't you guys use SECAM or something like that? I know you have the SCART cable, doesn't that just do a whole multitude of things? Composite, S-Video, and RGB or something?

  3. You all have seen this video right? Microsoft wants people to throw launch parties for Windows 7 so apparently they made this video to promote it, and it is HORRIBLE. There is no way it wasn't this bad on purpose. Crappy idea, acting, writing, editing, and more. They screwed up everything. There are so many bad mistakes (listen for CALL CUSTOMER SUPPORT! obviously edited in) anyway I won't ruin it all for you. Just watch.


  4. Haha really? You should watch that pirates movie then, I heard they made an R rated version with all the sex cut out. There is a sequel and they spent millions on each one or some crazy shit. Me and my friend used to watch those softcore videos on HBO or whatever just because they where so funny. There was always ridiculous stuff just conveniently in the way. I think they realized how silly it all was and started to make it silly on purpose. The dialogue is always priceless especially in the videos that are supposed to be action movies.


    The reason why I said I don't like blowjob porn is because it seems like a waste of time. If your going to watch porn you might as well go all the way. I'm talking about those videos where its a blowjob and that's it, I don't mind if it's mixed in with other stuff I guess although I usually fast forward past it.


    Porn has gotten pretty boring though. Now I know you can find all sorts of weird stuff but at the same time it seems like they have become a lot less creative. They always do the same thing in the same order with the same positions. (Stupid Dialogue>Blowjob>Missionary>Reverse Cowgirl>More Blowjob>Doggy Style>Cum on face/tits) Probably because it's what reveals most on camera. Maybe I just don't watch enough porn because I'm too busy having actual sex.


    One more thing I noticed, What is with the HUGE scars underneath pornstars tits nowadays? Like way bigger than I ever remember them being. It's like they just don't give a fuck anymore. They don't try and cover it up at all most of the time. No one wants to see your shitty boob job!

  5. Don't even bother then, The N64 emulator BARELY works. That emulator is like taking everything that was achieved in N64 emulation in the last 10 years and throwing it right in the garbage.


    No offense to the emu author, It is just really old and based on even older emulators. I had it on my xbox for a long time but I ended up deleting it because it requires so much screwing around to get games to work, and very very few of them do anyway.

  6. That pic might be some deliberately leaked BS but she might have. If she did it doesn't look like they did too great a job. They are still shaped funny. Women have all kinds of insane tricks to make their boobs look different. Some of them don't even make any sense but they somehow work. They do it all over their body. My girlfriend found this video on youtube where this chick gives herself fake abs. She just puts this powder shit on and like magic she all the sudden has a six pack. It was crazy.

  7. She has no tits (and what is there sags like a motherfucker or does this weird folding over shit somehow, not to mention they are about 3 feet apart) and I think her face is ugly as shit. Oh and she is a bit on the anorexic side. I bet that ass is bony as fuck. The constant extreme airbrushing and bra stuffing is extremely obvious as well. She is no better than an online camwhore. There I said it.




    Yeah I bet, Keep hitting that crackpipe bitch.




    Oh hell yeah, Look at them titties.




    mmm There is still some coke on my upper lip....must...lose....more....weight....




    For crying out loud, Her thumb is a fucking TOE!




    Wow, What a dumbass




    Wow, Just wow. This is why there is so much airbrushing, she has so many skanky tattoos they have to airbrush the fuck out of her to get rid of them. I like her dumbass remark about it on the side as well. OOOOOOH what a rebel. Is she still in high school?




    Like I said, Crack, Fucking, Pipe. Another nice tattoo by the way.

  8. Agreed, Megan Fox is not attractive. This guy is a complete idiot (Don't watch his other videos) but he explains megan fox pretty well:




    A good copy of Drag me to Hell finally leaked so I'll probably watch that tonight. I also powered through season 5 and 6 of Curb Your Enthusiasm recently so I could be ready for season 7 and watched the first episode of that. funny shit!

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