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Posts posted by Shibathedog

  1. Actually the Silent Hill movie doesn't really make any sense unless you have played the games. They don't really explain anything that is going on or why. (hard to explain without giving it all away, I know it seems like they did sort of) The ending makes more sense as well although it still isn't great.

  2. You'll be okay, Swine Flu is actually just a weaker version of the "normal flu" and all this stuff you hear on TV is bullshit done for ratings. The only countries where it became a problem where those with really shitty healthcare. They make a big deal about it when people do die just because it's the popular thing now, more people actually die from regular flu and we know how rare that is.

  3. Yeah but it happens even when you install the 32 bit windows 7 over an existing 32 bit os. (Only on the student upgrade though not other versions) There are 64 bit files in the 32 bit setup screwing everything up for people that aren't going from 64 bit to 32 bit (no one smart) also there are reports of problems later on with rebuilt ISOs. I don't know why there should be any though unless you did something wrong.


    Anyway yeah your right, there is actually an even easier way here to just get the activator running after you install with no key




    EDIT: I guess the problem with a rebuilt ISO is you might have installed a 32 bit operating system where some of the files are 64 bit, so if you install 64 bit you should be okay either way.

  4. Yeah the monitor is pretty heavy, to avoid the desk bending I usually put it above on of the supports off to the side a bit. I don't think I could use a corner desk and have it fit, but I will look into these modular desks, I didn't know they made something like that. Is it like one of those IKEA deals where you buy pieces that attach to each other to expand your desk?

  5. I hate my desk, it is too small and uncomfortable to sit at. I definitely want a new one but I keep finding the same old crap. I might even get a new chair later. Something cheap would be nice. It needs to be very deep because I have a very large CRT monitor. I don't mind keyboard trays. The part for the PC also needs to be very very large. I have a Thermaltake Armor full tower case. I wouldn't mind putting it on top of the desk or just on the floor next to it. It would need to be on the right side though because of the fans/stuff that would be on the left side though.

  6. Yeah, I'll tell you right now, I have my Cisco and Nortel (competitor to cisco) certification, and I have yet to get a single job out of it.


    The problem is for the first job you get, you need a lot of things in addition to the certification (like a college degree) and for some reason the more advanced positions just want you to have a certification and usually about 6+ years experience working for another company. Sometimes if they don't feel like the company is big enough or whatever it just doesn't count, so you pretty much have to go somewhere that requires a college degree. The higher the pay the more experience you need too. Then you have to consider there are a ton of people applying for every position. So chances are you are going to have to go through college anyway and even when you do it's going to take very long and be very hard to actually land a decent position unless you get insanely lucky. It's like drawing your name out of a giant hat.


    Even when you get there, your going to hate it. I didn't get certified because I wanted a job (although I at least checked it out), I just wanted to learn the information. I was given the opportunity to take each class for free, I only had to pay for the test at the end. (which you can actually take without taking the class, but you won't pass this way trust me, you have to be able to convert binary to hexadecimal to decimal and back in your head and stuff.) It's the most tedious annoying work imaginable and you basically exist within the company only to fix things when idiot employees fuck it up.

  7. Yeah that is pretty fucked up. I've heard that too. They even talk about it in a lot of rap songs lol.


    My birthday is coming up. I've been debating buying myself an AK-47. I'm not really worried about home defense though I pretty much just want to go shoot shit at a gun range. In order to keep it safe I will probably just not have any bullets in the house. I will buy some before going to the range and then just use them all. Like I said to a friend, if someone DOES break in, and I point an AK-47 at them, they are going to know I am not fucking around and GTFO, I won't need bullets. (Plus if I did have bullets my neighbors would be pissed because it would easily penetrate into other apartments) Turns out AKs are cheap as hell (even cheaper than most hand guns) and you can legally own them if they install this plate thing to make it semi auto. I could even get a bayonet and just stab people with it who break in. I dunno about you but I would honestly rather be shot than stabbed.


    I was thinking either an AK-47, Colt 1911, or some type of badass single action revolver. Glocks are probably cheap too although I haven't looked at them recently. What I'd REALLY like to get is a badass bolt action rifle with the biggest bullet affordable. But they are not cheap at all. I don't really want to spend more than a few hundred bucks here.

  8. He could have used fraps/gamecam/etc. or the emulator itself could do it maybe. I'm not sure what emulator that is. I don't really understand your question about SLI though, are you referring to the Nvidia technology that allows you to use two video cards? You don't need SLI to do something like this if that is what your wondering.

  9. X-Files is awesome, I've seen most of that as well. Me and my friend once considered what would happen if the Native American guy from X-Files met the Native American from Curb Your Enthusiasm (Wandering Bear?) and decided the world would explode.


    There is this episode that I cannot find anywhere, but I remember most of it. A friend of mine says he remembers it too. I remember there was some kind of deadly fungus and at one point it burst through someones chest. They where staying in some cabin in the middle of the woods. I think there was even some shit going on that had to do with the loch ness monster but I think that might have been a different episode. Anyway it was NOT ICE, I know there is some kind of parasite worm that bursts from a guys chest in that episode but we both watched it and agreed this was not the episode, it didn't look the same, there was no fungus, and there was no cabin. We both remember at one point they where running around, possibly from something, in the woods. They where pretty much in that bunker thing for the whole episode in Ice. It wasn't that episode with the little green bugs from a tree either. Are we just on crack? It had to be an episode that was at some point on TV because that is where we both remember seeing it. (Not some cut episode from a DVD or something) There is no way we could have just pulled this out of our asses, we both admitted to being pretty freaked out about mushrooms for a few days after seeing the episode. The thing that burst from the guys chest even sort of looking like a mushroom.


    If I ever find it again, it would be awesome to watch, we would probably both be embarrassed as hell that this show freaked us out haha.

  10. You NEED to play Ocarina of time, it is arguably the best game ever made. Play Majora's mask too and don't listen to everyone's whining. It's not as good as ocarina, but that is asking a lot. The SNES Zelda is also extremely good. I have heard that the one on Wii is almost as good as Ocarina if not better, but I haven't played it because I have no wii :) there is a gamecube version too but my controllers are at a friends house.

  11. and also, it might be a bit before your time. Look at how young Depp is!


    lol how old do you guys think I am?


    Anyway thanks for the recommendations. My friends and I now get to continue our saga of smoking out and watching sci-fi all night. It's driving the woman crazy! She was starting to get into DS9 while we where watching that but she cannot stand Babylon 5 :) probably because she has no idea whats going on because you have to watch almost every episode and the characters act like robots most of the time.

  12. I'm almost done watching Babylon 5, so I need a new scifi series to watch. I already watched Deep Space 9, a lot of Next Generation (but I'm thinking about watching that because there are still a lot of episodes I have not seen) and Serenity/Firefly. I was also thinking of watching Stargate SG-1, the old stargate movie was cool at least. Battlestar Galactica looks awesome but my scifi nut friends insist it isn't as good as everyone says it is, they keep telling me that I'll just get bored with it eventually and lose interest. I've seen most of The Twilight Zone but that is always fun to watch even if you have already seen it. I've seen random episodes of Dr. Who but I never tried to watch all of it. It seems like that would at least keep me busy for quite awhile if I decide to watch that.


    Any sci fi fans on here want to give me some advice? I pretty much didn't watch any sci-fi when it was on TV because I thought it would be stupid. I probably got this impression from watching a lot of Voyager because it was on at a convenient time. Now I can't stop watching it. At least now I don't have to wait a week between episodes :D

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