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Everything posted by Normmatt

  1. -NitroDS im quessing is NDSemu a copy of DSemu 0.0.1e. -CTDSx i havent heard of. -BoycottDS was never started(author couldnt be bothered). -iris ensata is the official DS emulator that comes with the official Nitro DevKit.
  2. Here is a release of DSemu with X/Y keys emulated and working you can check with Tetris 2P by DesktopMan also this version included the bios functions Arctan pn both ARM7 and ARM9 and Arctan2 on ARM7 though not much having the X/Y keys emulated means DSemu is the first emulator to emulate the X and Y keys YAY! Download here!
  3. Well DSemu is coded using Visual C++ not sure what version but it compiles using version 6.0 so if you want a Development Environment i would say get Visual Studio 6.0 or.NET(7.0)
  4. I am coding this in Two9A's absense of a win32 devlopment environment though it might take awhile as im still learning c/c++
  5. This new version will include many more if not all BIOS functions stay tuned. P.S heres the list of whats new: ArcTan, ArcTan2
  6. well i dont give to F's what you do with it i just put it as GPL because i couldnt think of a licence lol EDIT: I fixed a bug where it should save to the ini before loading dsemu new version will be uploaced after i have made the program load the keys from a.ini file making it easyier for Two9A to transfer to c/c++
  7. This tool has under gone a complete source recontruction and hence uses far less lines of code it used to use something like 1000 lines of "if blah = then do blah" cases when now it doesnt use any err well maybe 4 the source is much cleaner and so now i am releasing the source and the latest binary with all bugs fixed. go get the binary here and the source here post any comments or bugs you may find here ohh and the source is GPL
  8. Two9A with coding a config dialog i have 2 suggestions 1. code a simple text to hex in code converting whats in the ini file to hex codes 2. change input to direct-input
  9. This program edits all options in the ini file easily. http://www.normmatt.mihopa.com/DsemuCfgtool.zip
  10. yes it uses mode 0 for the gfx i can post up the dragonbasic code soon well the code which sets the gfx mode is ___________________________________________________________ graphics 0,false enabletiles 0,0,1,TEXT_256x256 + BG_COLOR_16 loadfont16 1,font loadpal16 BG_PALETTE,0,pal ___________________________________________________________ Dragonbasic function descriptions GRAPHICS(mode,sprites) ENABLETILES(bg,screen,char,flags) LOADFONT16(char,label) LOADPAL16(palette,index,label)
  11. i coded an input demo today and it uses mode 0 for showing the font and the font is all screwed up in dsemu but not in vba so i figured your mode 0 code is currupt or something
  12. well it was worth a try ohh and i seen your resume why dont you rewrite the arm7 core in asm then it would run 2x as fast
  13. this may improve speed somewhat "for(b=0;b<240;b++)" is slower than "for( b=240;b--; )" so if you use the "b--" instead of the b++ it should improve speed somewhat hope this helps
  14. i wonderwhy it wouldnt work then i used the same dir's and the makefile straight from the zip file off the site i downloaded last night my old 0.1c makefile works so im using that lol
  15. i get an error with the main.rc file it says its from my microsoft sdk/platform sdk folder or something Edit : the error is "rc /IC:\program files\microsoft visual studio\vc98\include /IC:\program files\microsoft sdk\include main.rc" "fatal error U1077: "rc" : return code '0x1'" Edit2 : dont worry i got it to compile the make file included in the 0.0.1d zip is screwed i can compile withe the 0.0.0c makefile so i think you should fix that
  16. sorry for sounding like an idoit but how to i run the makefile i tryied running it with a.bat ext and opening it as a project in visual c++ 6 but both didnt do anything well the.bat thing did but it was full of errors
  17. how the hell do i make it with the make file i opened it in nmake.exe and it said the makefile was upto date but it still wouldnt compile it why dont you just make a makefile from the build menu in visual c++ 6 it would make compiling much easyier
  18. Well i have Visual C++ 6 can i compile it in that and what is the psdk path pointing to??
  19. how the hell do i compile the source i want to be able to compile the source!
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