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Posts posted by BritneysPAIRS

  1. you can setup the screen size by pressing start in the rom selection screen "Screen Setup". Ummm true I huess about japenese but there atn that many and no tdata/udata no play unless you know what your doing...its partially locked to newbes so I know its as it should be unless you know what your doing.

  2. MVC no servie mode sorry....


    The Simpsons has coin mode but no free play by looks...extended coin options though you could look on the net for manuals and see what all this stuff means in the simpsons. PS its the bottom key in simpsons to access service mode change it :)

  3. this isnt what its all about guys........ RastanX excluded. Ive put alot of time into this about 1 year ago but becuase of this stuff I didnt bother giving it to you guys, there was alot to change in source to do what you see here although you dont see it cause everything is taken care of for you in background. Anyways sort it out guys Ive got a bigger project that im final testing (a year or so of work to do what I did with Mame to the whole xbox experience) now and cant find any bugs. But ill look for a little longer and enjoy what ive done :huh:


    See you guys soon if you actually added proper comments for me it may help everyone out, most of this stuff just makes this stuff not really get seen and people live with the stuff ive seen around which IMO is not very good.




    Cheers Robert

  4. OK 1 week guys.... give me a list of modes to run in... eg No options at all and keys to go back to menu changed to ? from start and back. In one week depending on whats said ill release a couple of configs to more fine tune it to the desires of people with cabinets....


    Any reviews would be great or just what people think....feedback = better stuff. As alot of that stuff from this came from last suggestions

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