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Posts posted by BritneysPAIRS

  1. the scan option is included... if someone released the patch it would have all files needed including roms to overwrite plat 2


    path for it is "Arcades\- Save for Arcades\Full XBE"


    New Features


    About 100 more games... plus about 5-10 sorted to run when before they wouldnt in mamedox

    new skin

    left right no longer works as it shouldnt have

    sort by players

    bug fixes that no one noticed :-( small ones.

    xbe to scan for new roms


    This is kind of a start if someone wants new stuff then let me know, I tried alot and it all looked bad IMO (good ideas that didnt make things easier in the end just more cluttered). Im looking at adding video previews and a diff skin again but ill need to find the videos and also it will blow out the size but it may make it look cool ill give it a go. For now if someone supplies the full patch it will heavly update plat to play more games and touch up a little as well


    Im always here to help if they are good ideas. If I here back from CP3 guy ill add SF3 game support. But I cant supply the stuff Ill write and hand it over...the formats and ways and sizes of stuff I can help out with ideas but cant do it myself its really up to your guys to share it around.


    I added a sort by horizontal / Vertical but seemed to just bloat it down. Remember my goal is that a 5 year old can find the game they want, that it has no bugs, Is easy on the eye... If this 2 is what you want for you a cab or for friends and have ideas I will look at them for sure. Esp if more than one person asks for it so lobby people if you want im not always right and if people really want it and it doesnt break bloat laws ill see if I can make it happen.


    I would love to get the help of a bad arse coder like xport or new cp3 guy to roll back the midway drivers and give me source of cp3 this would rock as I can alter the gui but deep coding is behond me im really just a guy doing it cause I looked mame stuff and saw the engine is good its just not tidied up....Im good on PhotoShop and code a little so I made what I could happen I to have dreams that are behond me to :(

  2. I dont care how its built I can do it anyway but its up to someone lese really... the patch is uploaded nearly


    Its easy to assemble to a new package but I dont release anything I can help anyone do what ever they want to supply.


    The roms are the same as last build except there is more.... also if I renamed it I did it in the menu and not the rom name.


    Its up to the community that stuff... as with the last build I help someone but didnt release it so people found it hard ill put it out there in basic state briefly and from there on its up to you guys ask any questions you want but I have bigger xbox projects :)

  3. at the moment its for xbox people I have keys left over I can use

    Left / Right

    X and B any ideas for these will be great


    the rule I have that has made it bad for adding stuff is that I dont want lists jumping all over the show when newbes press buttons randomly like little children do. So im thinking of making it hold left for 2 seconds then it will start jumping though Z Y X W ..... or right for 2 sec A B C D depending on what sort mode you have it would jump differently

  4. OK im in the testing of rom phase this takes about 6 hours and im about half way though so far no errors.


    I added in many things then remost it as people can click buttons and stuff happens, have left in sort by number of players and removed left right selecting fav status. Stuff I had is was press left or right did a superscroll up or down eg A B C D or 1988 1989 1990 step without holding down Y but decided it was a bit confusing any ideas on this stuff let me know


    I dont understand alot of the request so far... but after this i will listen to people with cabinets as I dont have one and add a mode to make it work correctly. I am unsure of the issues at present sure it will be to do with keymapping alot of it. :)


    Here is the stuff I added and then removed

    Autofire (painfull like cruise control IMO)

    Light Gun (very rare people use this so its bad for them)

    Left / Right change fav status ( white / black does this and is labeled there)

    Left / Right superscroller up/down

    X launches a random game (had a little issue but thinking of adding this back again)


    let me know if you want HK features in but you will need a better agument than I want it if it doesnt help me choose my games its just clutter IMO

  5. OK this weekend im going to finish this up..the first part second part will be another small patch for Cabinite users eg remove options reconfig keys for a cabinate... please let me know any changes needed for a stand alone cabnet as one day I may make one and although the xbox is missing many big games its easy to use and most games work well


    you now have little time to submit your rom requests or feature requests make it count or forever hold your tongue :)

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