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Posts posted by darkmage479

  1. Is Vega going to be in the game?


    Depends on which Vega you talking about. we have Psycho Power red dude but not crazy claw dude. so far the character list is:






    Vega (SFII evil dude)



    SF Alpha



























    as well as a new boss character, Ingrid.

    Got this from HERE.


    AS for the secret characters, we can expect one for each group. So far we have no ideas but my money's on:


    SFII: Akuma/Gouki

    SFIII: Elena or Q

    SF Alpha: Rolento

    Darkstalkers: Rikuo

    Warzards - dunno but i bet capcom wil surprise us by adding Jin Saotome. that would own.


    there ya go.

  2. yes, the game looks great, and capcom is putting a lot of effort (as well they should) into their final 2d fighter. i didn't know that each set of characters had a different gauge type, but will you be able to change them (i.e. have Jedah with the system from SFII)?


    i just hope this game doesn't get overhyped or have a MvC2 style soundtrack... i'm still stockpiling quarters already though.

  3. whoa.. how out of the loop am i?


    what does this 'phantom' look like? anybody wanna post pictures of the controller and the console (no CD drive eh?) and what's the specs?


    and what is infinium labs? any other projects (gaming or no) they're associated with?

  4. wow.... good stuff guys. we've gone from genetics to religion to politics in under 1 week, which must be some kind of record...


    I believe in the 'blank slate' theory - and therefore it is your society that influences who you become - but your genetics can have an impact on your blank slate. Two children - one raised in Whiteyville, Alabama and the other in Detroit -will grow up to have different personalities partly because they were born to different parents who, through their raising, have a different set of social values than each other. When i took AP psych a couple of years ago my teacher spent a long time on B.F. Skinner, who went as far to say that societal factors influence not only who we are but what we do and that in the end we are a slave to social conformity.


    So, to sum up - nurture and society determine who you are, but your nature - genetics - may have an impact on how you are nutured.



  5. The best 4x4 is the Range Rover...I am going to get one of those, oh yeah.


    Gryph, you'll have made it as a doctor if you can get a Range Rover - a true pretentious but classy vehicle for a doctor, it would suit you well. As for me, one of these days i'll sell my Corvair and get a Jag E-Type... ;)


    and Gary Trudeau does indeed rule. Save for scott adams and tom toles, he's one of the best cartoonists around.


    P.S. for the best political cartoons, check out Daryl Cagle's daily cartoon updates HERE.

  6. meh.. over here we Democrats call Reagan the 'teflon president' - all the bad things his administration did didn't stick to him. (teflon = non-stick, get it :o ) in any case, he did hep end communism and i respect him for that, but he doesn't belong on any coinage. maybe in 100 years when we can see how big his impact really was. of course by then we'll probably have a monument to Margaret Thatcher on the moon... :P


    in any case, we in america have more important things to worry about than coinage. the presidential debates are coming soon so we'll get to see Kerry run circles around Bush (actual Bushism - "because of high malpractice insurance rates, some doctors, some OB/GYNs aren't allowed to practice their love with women all across this country") while John Edwards destroys Dick "Evil Cyborg" Cheney.


    gonna be a fun fall, eh guys? Vote Kerry.



  7. the total game list will vary depending on wheter you have an official Nebula release or a crack. You can simply read off of the 'Load Game" list if you feel so inclined, but as a general rule any neogeo game before The King of Fighters 2000 (CartID: 261) and any CPS game before 1944: The Loop Master (US000620) will be emulated. you could also check zophar's domain (google it) or the official nebula website, or the Kawaks website (the compatibility is about the same for the two) or CPS2 shock.


    good luck, but i still think you're lazy for not just reading the rom list. <_<

  8. Rather than tell us what majors you don't want, tell us why you DO like each major you are seriously considering. Lay it all out in front and it will become clearer, then we can help you with it. We all have to make these tough choices sometimes, don't worry about it. Focus on the positive - can't be negative over such an important decision.

  9. i still thought 3rd strike was 30bucks worthy 


    i concur. the game plays faster than on the dreamcast, looks just as good, and controls better too - no more cramped index fingers from ramming on those poorly shaped DC shoulder triggers. i doubt that the lack of a nude Chun-li really makes that much of a difference. the only downside is no online play.


    verdict - well worth 30 bucks. also when i picked it up i got r-type final for $20! score! r-type RULES!!! :pissedoff:

  10. As most of you know the revised P1 for Samurai Shodown V special (CRC32 07E9E5CA) that allows for the use of the Zetsumei Ougi is a hack.


    Using kawaks 1.46, it's evident that the "insert coin" message has been altered to say"www.ff18.com". The initial point for the Mu no Kyochi meter has moved from 15% to 50% of the life bar, and there are unspecified errors with the BCD slowmotion Mu no Kyochi.


    the question is, is anyone good enough at hex editing to take a crack at fixing these? if i didn't suck so much i'd try it myself. Who's up to the challenge? maybe james...


    good luck. :punk:

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