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Posts posted by HK$

  1. Are your version based on source code of a prev version or the latest version?


    If it's the latest version, I will just use your source to compile.

    Coz my MAMEoX also use the latest and most correct sets.(orignal encrpted p and decrypted c/v)

    I'm a little lazy to edit the source code myself :thumbsup1:

  2. It is said the encrypted p of mslug5 are:


    ROM_LOAD32_WORD_SWAP( "268-p1.bin", 0x000000, 0x400000, CRC(d0466792) SHA1(880819933d997fab398f91061e9dbccb959ae8a1) )

    ROM_LOAD32_WORD_SWAP( "268-p2.bin", 0x000002, 0x400000, CRC(fbf6b61e) SHA1(9ec743d5988b5e3183f37f8edf45c72a8c0c893e) )


    Have you edited driverlist.h to add the new drivers?


    I also only use orignal encrypted p roms for my MAMEoX build, and use both dercypted v and decrypted c. And I still named them nd set. That doesnt matter in fact:)

  3. Now I think we should start a new thread to comunicate about MAMEoX coding and compiling skills. :(


    I have fixed the debug.log problem, MAMEoX wont log any debug info now.

    It's not in Debugloger.h nor Debugloger.c, It's in common.c of MAME project.




    debugload - log data to a file
    void CLIB_DECL debugload(const char *string,...)
    #ifdef LOG_LOAD
    static int opened;
    va_list arg;
    FILE *f;
    f = fopen("d:\\debug.log",  "a" );
    if (f)
     va_start(arg, string);
     vfprintf(f, string, arg);


    change to


    debugload - log data to a file
    void CLIB_DECL debugload(const char *string,...)
    #ifdef LOG_LOAD
    static int opened;
    va_list arg;
    FILE *f;
    f = fopen("romload.log", opened++ ? "a" : "w");
    if (f)
     va_start(arg, string);
     vfprintf(f, string, arg);


    I think you can just change "d:\\debug.log" to "debug.log" and it will still work, but this is what it should be.


    I also added bender's NEOGEO BIOS change code to my build and rewrite alot to make it better. THX :)

  4. Force VMM shouldnt be set to on by default...It's only used for testing the best setting for each game. When you test it out, you should add it to the VM.TXT, and set Force VMM to off to enable the setting in your VM.TXT.

    If you set it on by default, every game even those which dont need any VMM will use your vmm setting.


    I have a 128M XBOX, so most games dont need vmm(all CPS1/CPS2 games, almost all NEOGEO games). I cleaned them out of the vm.txt file, and I'm testing the best setting for some games that need VMM on 128M XBOX.

  5. For me: MAMEoX > KAWA-X / FBAx > FBA-XXX


    FBA-XXX does have more features, but almost all the features are of no use for playing(except button config for each game, this is useful. But MAMEoX can do that early before). Also has more bugs in emulation, random crash here and there. And has done too much with the interface, so that the skin cost too much ram.


    MAMEoX has the UI launcher(default.xbe) and emulator core(MAMEoX.xbe) separated. When you launch the game, the memory used by the UI is released. So you can do almost anyting to the UI and wont affect the emulation.

    MAMEoX is more accurate and the code is more rigorous.


    Now I mostly use MAMEoX for playing games, use FBA-XXX only to test the new features.

    Especially if your XBOX have 128M of ram, you will love MAMEoX. :naughty:

  6. Now If you can remove the illegal neogeo drivers, we can set up an unofficial MAMEoX project. :blink:  (The illegal drivers can be made into patches like FBA-XXX)



    Well, I'm just meaning if you want to set up a MAMEoX project and make it accepted by xbox-scene or xbins, you must remove the illegal neogeo drivers.


    If no one cares to begin an acceptable and official project, there's no problem.

  7. Now If you can remove the illegal neogeo drivers, we can set up an unofficial MAMEoX project. :)  (The illegal drivers can be made into patches like FBA-XXX)



    HK$: Nothing is illegal about adding drivers to mameox...the illegal aspect is about collecting roms you don't own!!



    What systems, if any, are you adding to mame0x from the recent 0.90 source? I will add more systems and send the source to you to include in your releases...I just don't want to work on the same ones that your working on...call it a joint effort!






    I'm not saying adding new neogeo drivers is illegal to the law, but it's illegal to the MAME team's license.

  8. One more thing:


    We should find a way to disable the Debug logging.Xport have rewrite Debuglogger.h and Debuglogger.c, so when you run MAMEoX on XBOX, a debug.log file with a lot of debug info appear in the MAMEoX folder. And after played some games, the file grown biger and biger.


    This was not removed in any of the releases.

  9. Yes a lot of ppl can take screenshot of halo, but I dont know why.

    Maybe it's the diffrent version of xbdm.dll file cause this? I'm using version 1.0.5659.1 xbdm.dll, not the latest 5849.


    Maybe you can try the iND-BiOS, I think it support HALO and debug mode, and dont need the xbdm.dll file.

  10. It's good to see someone can not only add new drivers to the existing system, but also add new system support.


    So maybe we can get a new version 0.90? :peopleseybrow:


    There's a skin selecter in the MAMEoX v0.84 source already, you just have to uncomment one line in the main.cpp of MAMEoX launcher.

    //startMenu.AddMenuItem( "Choose Skin", MI_SKINCHOOSER );


    And can you tell me how to add new system support? Which source files do I need to edit? I can add drivers to the source but dont know much to add or remove system support.


    And I think it's not worth to add mp3 support or any other skin change. That will cause unclean source or bugs.

    An emulator is an emulator, if you want to listen music, just use XBMC.


    I think we should find a place to discuss MAMEoX compiling and coding skills. :)

  11. I didnt use your patch, as I said I have already added progear to MAMEoX. :shootem:


    And as I said, if you can update MAMEoX to new version, there will be no problem.:) You 'R welcome by everyone to update it. EVen you add banned drivers, MAMEoX will not stop developing but continue being developed by you.


    If you cant, just leave it to Xport or any others. Just adding banned driver may stop others' development. Then at that time you will be blamed by most of the ppl.


    And I have looked into your MAMEoX0.87 source, you even not add these in the drivers:


    #pragma code_seg("C524")

    #pragma data_seg("D524")

    #pragma bss_seg("B524")

    #pragma const_seg("K524")

    #pragma comment(linker, "/merge:D524=524")

    #pragma comment(linker, "/merge:C524=524")

    #pragma comment(linker, "/merge:B524=524")

    #pragma comment(linker, "/merge:K524=524")


    #pragma code_seg()

    #pragma data_seg()

    #pragma bss_seg()

    #pragma const_seg()


    I wish I'm not too worried.;)

  12. No, xport have said had project to update MAMEoX to newer version.


    Look at his site:



    Here's a brief overview of things on my todo list:



    Update MAMEoX to 0.86


    Update StepmaniaX - I've been waiting for some sort of milestone release because I'd rather port a stable version. I don't think I'd have the time to keep up with the alpha releases.


    Update SMSPlusX with the new cores that came out a short while ago.


    I'm continuing to keep my eye on this PC-Engine emulator. I have not done extensive testing of the most recent version, but it seems that it's still not quite as compatible as HUGO. If anyone has any comments on the matter, feel free to mention them in the forums.

  13. NO, djohng will update the existing system games maybe, but it's still 0.84. I dont think he will update MAMEoX with MAME, such as adding new system support. It's not a easy work as adding drivers. I think right now only Xport can update MAMEoX version to 0.90 or even newer.


    I have already add many new neogeo games to MAMEoX, such as kof2003 PCB version and etc. And fixed same bugs(may be not bug, but problem)

    But I dont dare to release it, coz if MAMEoX stops developing because of it, you will get blamed.


    Anyway, IF djohng really can update MAMEoX version with MAME, there will be no problem. :shootem:

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