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Everything posted by lusal

  1. The Magic Box and Saturn pad is the best option out there right now. Unless you're a soldering maven - which I most certainly am not.
  2. So what is BP's position regarding his releases and their proliferation via Newsgroups and BT? BP...if you're reading this I'm just curious to see where you stand. This is a polished piece of art and it deserves to be seen/experienced by all. You may have a different view on that. Thanks again for all of your time and expertise. Love this stuff.
  3. My daughter loves all the sidescrolling beat-em-ups...she's 6 and has become a big fan of the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles. I love the fact that I can fire up the classics from my childhood.....it's awesome. Spy Hunter, Moon Patrol, Mr. Do and Do's Castle, Ms. Pac Man, Donkey Kong etc. It's phenomenal.
  4. Almost forgot! Could someone please send me a link for CoinOps Ignite? I should be at the minimum post count by now. Thanks in advance.
  5. Congratulations on the release, BP and all. I've been quietly following this project from the beginning and I'm really anxious to try Ignite out in glorious HD!!! Thanks for your time and dedicationm everyone. The original Xbox still has a few surprises under the hood.
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