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1Emu Veteran
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Posts posted by iq_132

  1. lol!

    So I went ahead and killed everyone that's posted in this thread so far:

    iq_132	  -0	  -1	  - kenshiro -	  -30	  -0	  0h 55m	  Frag (0)
    iq_132 	-0 	-1 	XxHellsFuryxX 	-30 	-0 	0h 55m 	Frag (0)
    iq_132 	-0 	-1 	Cospefogo 	-30 	-0 	0h 55m 	Frag (0)
    iq_132 	-0 	-1 	+ T + 	-30 	-0 	0h 55m 	Frag (0)
    iq_132 	-0 	-1 	fumanchu 	-30 	-0 	0h 55m 	Frag (0)
    iq_132 	-0 	-1 	gavin19 	-75 	-0 	0h 56m 	Frag (0)
    iq_132 	-0 	-1 	fosamax 	-30 	-0 	0h 56m 	Frag (0)
    iq_132 	-0 	-1 	Bonus JZ 	-30 	-0 	0h 57m 	Frag (0)
    iq_132 	-0 	-1 	bulge2 	-30 	-0 	0h 57m 	Frag (0)
    iq_132 	-0 	-1 	BritneysPAIRS 	-33 	-0 	0h 57m 	Frag (0)
    iq_132 	-0 	-1 	Knocks 	-30 	-0 	0h 58m 	Frag (0)
    iq_132 	-0 	-1 	BritneysPAIRSisaGOD 	-30 	-0 	0h 59m 	Frag (0)
    iq_132 	-0 	-1 	Garcimak 	-30 	-0 	0h 59m 	Frag (0)
    iq_132 	-0 	-1 	Wugy 	-30 	-0 	0h 59m 	Frag (0)
    iq_132 	-0 	-1 	dr99 	-30 	-0 	0h 59m 	Frag (0)
    iq_132 	-0 	-1 	RMM 	-30 	-0 	0h 59m 	Frag (0)


    However, I think Kenshiro and I are going to make it up to you soon. :D

  2. graffitiwall.jpg Here's an old one, Since I am at my mom's house, and I can't load anything up from the Wii, I am posting an old one. That wall behind me is my bedroom wall at my parents. Look how short my hair was... sheesh.... I almost sound like fatal... bwww.jpg Heres another old one.








    That second picture is ridiculously hot. ^^

  3. No non-unicode build this time. The VC builds don't work on Win9x (which is the main reason to use them) and I don't imagine many people use them anyway. If you want a non-unicode build then you can get the source and compile with MinGW.


    Here's the what's new;


    * Added a module to control the Taito IC chips in a more efficient way

    * Added a module to do all the common Taito functions and tidied the drivers

    * Rewrote the PC080SN and PC090OJ emulation adding support for row scroll, double width and other features

    * Added tile banking support to the TC0100SCN emulation

    * Added support for configurable bit-depths to the TC0100SCN emulation

    * Added palette offset support to the TC0480SCP emulation

    * Added driver for Darius

    * Added Dead Connection, Dino Rex, Growl, Koshien, Liquid Kids, Mahjong Quest, Mega Blast, Metal Black, Ninja Kids, Solitary Fighter and various quiz games to the Taito F2 driver

    * Rewrote the Operation Wolf, Rainbow Islands and Rastan drivers to support the new Taito IC module

    * Added Jumping and the original versions of Operation Wolf to the Taito PC080SN & PC090OJ based driver

    * Rewrote the Taito X driver to support the new Taito IC module

    * Added Balloon Brothers, Gigandes and Last Striker to the Taito X driver

    * Added iq_132s Dr. Tomy driver

    * Added iq_132s Exed Exes driver

    * Added proper screen clearing to the Hyper Pacman driver

    * Fixed a small bug in the ClrMAME dat generation with missing quotes

    * Matched all sets to MAME 0.125u2


    You can download the new version here;



  4. Knight of valor 2 or Dodonpachi 2 on Xbox that will be something - please try add them (keeps fingers crossed)


    Dodonpachi 2, maybe, but atm it's not working correctly... even in MAME.

    Kov2, no way. Unless someone's got a decently fast arm7 cpu core, it would run like ass on xbox (not that some amazing programmer couldn't prove me wrong in the future -- stranger things have happened...).

  5. Honestly i think it's possible to run it on Xbox (iq_132 what do you think about that?:punk: ), but i don't have the level to do it :lol::shootem: (maybe a day? B) lol).


    It'd be worth a try and you'd definitely have to make use of fba-xxx's VMM code to do it. The only thing

    that would worry me is that the PGM is twice as powerful as the Neo-Geo --I'm not entirely sure that the hdd can stream data fast enough to keep up with what's being put on the screen.


    btw, check your PM box on NeoSource,

  6. So... I just bought a Sega Genesis, Sega CD, and more than a dozen games for $10 from a friend.

    The only problem I've run into is that the Genesis doesn't work!


    The red power LED does come on, and the screen goes black (from static).


    I'm using a standard RF adapter (I know, it's crap, but it's what I've got ATM), and have tried checking to see if the games are actually running and it's just not outputting video (by checking the sound via the headphone jack).


    It's a standard USA Model 1 Genesis: Model No. 1601, I'm using the proper power supply for it -- MK-1602.


    I've tried multiple cartridges, checked the cartridge connector on the PCB, and traced a few of the lines.

    The only questionable thing I've seen is a discoloration on the lines around IC4.


    I know an e-bay/amazon/whatever one is cheap, but I really hate to see old hardware get scrapped (I cobbled two Atari 2600s together for this reason).



    Anyway, I guess my question is -- any advice on what to try and get this little beastie running?

  7. I'm honestly all for this. I don't see why two people of the same sex who love each other shouldn't be able to enjoy the same rights as a couple as everyone else. While I don't think that churches should be forced to marry them (that should be left up to the sect, whatever), I do think that the state, being agnostic by construction, has no right to tell gay couples that they can't get married under state law.


    A side note -- Hating gays seems to be one of the last few bigotries that is socially acceptable, and I'm always glad to see ridiculous hatreds of any sort being forgotten and the opposition just having to learn to deal with it.

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