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Posts posted by ForceX

  1. Again you have proved by you retarded remark you have just made that you know nothing about VF or fighting games in general. For you to even compare VF to something like DBZ is just plain stupid. Obviously you have never actually played VF long enough to understand it and to make a fare judgment on it. Please no what you are talking about before the next time you open your mouth and start talking crap.

    Gotta love it when someone goes into FANBOY MODE!!!!!!11111111111111111///////////////

    K'Dash, Fatal isn't being a FANBOY...if he was he would have said VF is the best and all the other games suck ass..


    but instead he is saying VF4 is awesome yet there are other quality fighting games out there but VF4 is the current benchmark for fighting games...

  2. Also, SC = Fantasy, whereas VF4 is based on real life martial arts, which require practise and skills and precise timing...just like in VF4

    Correction. Almost every style in Soul Calibur is a real weapon art. Ninjitsu, Taijisu, Crab, Half/Full Moon, Double Sword, Iai etc.

    SC is very unrealistic compared to VF. SC is more fantasy than anything. But yes SC does have some real martial arts weapon based moves in it.

    WTF? Realistic? That stupid wrestler guy tosses you more around than gold burg. Hell he can probably go up agaisnt the hulk. The game feels like tony hawk, too much damn air time. It feel like DBZ except without the kio-ken and fire balls. The game is is nowhere fantasy, except the actual characters, but who doesnt was to see whats her name in a thong? :lol: If you want realistic play Fight Night 2004, or was it 2003, or maybe even the UFC or pride. Save me the flame, stop your bitching and get off the rag...the regualr rag not that guy in the fourms.

    Wolf only has one move which throws you a short distance away not across the arena...Cominous don't be so dramatic....

    Stop being so Cominus=Cockbite. If the game has no weapons it's not really a fighting game, it's just some friendly competion, or more like a water slap fight.

    Cominus you my friend know nothing....please don't make an idiot out of yourself like in the last VF thread. You even began lying over at VF.com and they caught you in that lie and owned you..:lol:

  3. Umm Tekken has the most button masher friendly characters ever in a fighting game. Does Eddy Gordo, Christie Monterio, and Baek Do Son ring a bell?

    At least none of them are pulling an Elioth with a character that all you can do is button mash and _actually_ get moves out of *coughan-hellcough*

    :lol: True :lol:


    Elioth's games are usually unbalanced, which means some characters have advantages over the rest....

  4. Also, SC = Fantasy, whereas VF4 is based on real life martial arts, which require practise and skills and precise timing...just like in VF4

    Correction. Almost every style in Soul Calibur is a real weapon art. Ninjitsu, Taijisu, Crab, Half/Full Moon, Double Sword, Iai etc.

    SC is very unrealistic compared to VF. SC is more fantasy than anything. But yes SC does have some real martial arts weapon based moves in it.

    WTF? Realistic? That stupid wrestler guy tosses you more around than gold burg. Hell he can probably go up agaisnt the hulk. The game feels like tony hawk, too much damn air time. It feel like DBZ except without the kio-ken and fire balls. The game is is nowhere fantasy, except the actual characters, but who doesnt was to see whats her name in a thong? :lol: If you want realistic play Fight Night 2004, or was it 2003, or maybe even the UFC or pride. Save me the flame, stop your bitching and get off the rag...the regualr rag not that guy in the fourms.

    Wolf only has one move which throws you a short distance away not across the arena...Cominous don't be so dramatic....

  5. Well the improvements in SF3 were minor ones...however, Sega is adding alot to VF4, which makes the purchase worth it, especially since they are releasing the new reversions of it at a much cheaper price in the US....

    Minor corrections in SF3?


    Let's see; (Note, each game is from the "Arcade" or "Single Player" side from the console version)




    New Generations - Great gameplay mechanics. Certain Unblance issues. Frist release.


    Double Impact - Gouki, Hugo and Urien added, Yun and Yang are now seperate characters. Character balance issues from New Generations fixed. New levels and music. Gill A.I. increased. Gouki/Shin Gouki hidden boss added. Second release.


    Thrid Strike - Chun-Li, Remy, Makato, Q, and Twleve added. New levels. Several (yes, several) characters minorly/severaly toned down or changed completely. New stages and music. Gill and enemy A.I. increased. Q hidden mid-boss added. Replay ablitity added to change options. New endings for some.


    Now, VF4;


    Virtual Fighter 4 - Version 1.0, 2 new characters added to the series, gameplay and engine is superb from a technical view, minor balance issues.


    VF4: Evolution - Brad and Gou added, more replayablity added. Minor fixes, added stages. Minor imbalance issues. Added/removed moves for some characters.


    VF4: Final Tuned - Fixed imbalanced issues from both V1 and V2(Evo). More stages, more replay ablity. Added/Removed moves for some characters. "Challenger" mode added.




    Overall: Sega pulled a Capcom.

    Sorry, I actually meant to say the SF3 changes were major ones not minor :lol:...


    Also, don't forget about the quest mode being added to VF4 Evo, which added alot to the game :lol:

  6. Also, that one flame war with that guy Cominus=Cockbite was quite classic. :-D

    :lol::lol: Oh yea I forgot about that. That was a classic. :lol::lol:

    Dang I think I missed that :(....that will teach me for not checking 1emu regularly :lol:

    :D Most of it is gone because of the hacker.

    Thanks for sending me the link Fatal...that was truly a funny ass thread that made no point whats so ever....

  7. Well...I picked up VF4: Evolution as soon as I saw it...the best thing I can say about it, is playing alone doesn't get dull like in pretty much ALL fighters (that don't have survival mode)...Quest mode alone practically trains you for arcade playing...no other fighter I know of does that...you fight all kinds of different styles in there...it just truly prepares you for humans...and it was consistent in updating graphics...very nice...and The music isn't all that bad, I perfer the Event Square tracks myself...


    ...on the flipside...In terms of stages...its a step backwards from VF3 (the only other VF, aside from VF Kids, I never played)...I recall the stages in 3 to have more life to them, and weren't just caged in squares...also...VF never really had that much of a story to follow (all I know is Lau is Pai's dad, and Sarah is Jacky's sister)...and no story = dull...and I don't know about you all...but Kage has got to be the most boring ninja ever...I didn't think that was even possible...and there's that one other problem...despite the depth it actually has, VF was always a bit too button masher friendly...only 3d game that wasn't really BMF was Tekken...but thats a whole 'nother story...


    ...well...there's my contribution to this post...

    Riot.exe are you serious???


    I remember just pressing punch in Tekken all the time and pulling off like a 10 hit combo...now if you don't call that a button masher then there is something wrong with you....I tried that exact same stunt with VF4 and could only pull off a 2 hit combo....


    Please guys actually play VF4 using some of the harder characters such as Akira and then post back here about wether you still think its a button masher :lol:

  8. Cominus if your uncle can kick your ass at VF4 then that means you have not practised enough....


    Please don't critize a masterpiece just because you will not take the time to play it correctly...


    Also, SC = Fantasy, whereas VF4 is based on real life martial arts, which require practise and skills and precise timing...just like in VF4

  9. There's already a kill bill thread you moron ( :P gryph) stop spaming.

    Umm.... I think he is talking about a movie that was previewed right before Kill Bill Vol. 2... Please reserve comments until we find out his level of idiocy... :D



    Well the title makes it seem like he is prefering to the Hero or Heroine of Kill Bill Vol 2...not another movie :)

  10. GGXX is the worst fighting game IMHO...I hate it...now to the issue at hand...VF4 has got the best fighting mechanics of any fighting game and has set a new benchmark for future fighting games...


    Sega had outdone themselves by creating VF4, VF4 Evo & the upcoming VF4 Final Tuned...

  11. No no no, force X, you have misunderstood,

    Agozer and I merely thought it'd be good

    To have a rhyme face-off, there's no flaming this instance

    It's just like the dueling banjos from 'Deliverance'!

    hehehe..I wasn't saying to have a flame war...I wanted you guys to keep on posting rhymes so we could judge, which was the best :lol:.....

  12. Looks what i found at The magic box


    G A M E C U B E


    - Factor 5 president Julian Eggebrecht announced they will no longer develop any new titles for Nintendo GameCube, the studio is currently developing new software for other platforms.


    - The Canadian developer Silicon Knights has ended its second party status with Nintendo of America. The company will effectively immediately be allowed to develop game titles for other consoles, include Xbox and PlayStation 2.


    Sad. :lol:

    Who cares, Factor 5 didn't make any great games anyways. The starwars games sucked ass...


    But this is another hit for the GC...the only reason they have dropped support is that the star wars games sold crap because as I mentioned before suck!!!!

  13. And one more thing...ForceX. Why are you displaying an American flag behind Guile? He's American, but you're not.  :lol: "Australians, no matter how hard you try, you'll never be Americans."  :lol:

    Its because I couldn't find a suitable Australian Flag...anyways, I rather have the New Zealand flag as that is where I was born and raised :lol:

  14. darn.. this should have been posted a few days ago, i just building my own pc with an intel p4 motherboard and 2.8ghz proccessor with 512 ddram. i have always heard about amd and how they owned intel once but i´ve never thought that it was that good, but most people told me to buy pentium instead of amd, i hope i did the right thing.

    Intel is still good but AMD CPU's just have that extra performance advantage

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