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Hard Core Rikki

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Posts posted by Hard Core Rikki

  1. Because keeping margins sucks, oldschool publishers want them multiplied. Getting rid of stores as middlemen and the overhead of unsold leftover is not good enough.


    Retail will keep thriving to create installed userbases, with increasing amounts of DLC.

    Take Steet Fighter X Tekken. Its dead obvious why they want to keep the 'Super edition' a DLC for content already on the disc: it brings more cash for capcom than having it separated into 2 retail games (cutting retailers from the second release completely, pocketing the difference), while still keeping it cheaper for both editions. and they can still charge extra for cosmetic DLC like costumes on top of it.

  2. It was suggested PS4 'Orbis' will try the same. Essentially games work fine on play, but to install on hdd, play online, allow downloading the game from PSN or similar, connecting to PSN with the account that unlocked that disc would be necessary, else some sort of online pass needs to be purchased.


    All speculation for now, but details aside, consoles are going digital and obsoleteing discs and the used market.

  3. Dunno if its legal first of all, much less how on earth it was approved on the official app store.

    Apple is pretty stringent regarding apps whose primary use is to access copyrighted media files coommonly sold remotedly without proper permissions.

  4. Upgrade Your Broken PS3 for $99


    Sony has another good promotion going on. Trade in your old 60GB PS3 that has YLOD and for $99 they will send you a refurbed 120GB PS3. This is a win-win since it costs $150 to fix the old one.



    By now most launch model PS3 20GB, 60GB, and the slightly newer 40GB and 80GB fat models have gone belly up. Even if you took the best care of them. My 60GB died in 2010, and I had it for 2 ½ years. Hey, it survived two moves and being in a college environment. Some people have been reporting that they have had luck with the 20GB, 40GB and 80GB models as well. Others have been saying they got offered the 160GB model for $99.


    So if your old PS3 finally bit the dust, why not let Sony take care of this for you? Turn around time is about a week. Sony is offering free shipping to and from and I think they will include a warranty on the new PS3. Or you can have the odd guy on craigslist try to fix it. He won’t give you a warranty and may charge ½ as much.


    Link to the service page. Some users on SD have reported that by calling customer service you may have better luck getting things done faster. 1-800-345-7669. Good luck getting everything in order and enjoy your newish quieter PS3.

  5. Its insane enough to host anything emulation-themed in the US. As long as you maintain plans for continuation of operations and have your stuff hosted outside continental america, good enough for a start.



    Regarding DNS, p2p mesh resolvers, opendns and google's dns could do.


    Regarding hosting, well if hosting in the US, youd really get what you deserve. That risk alone should encourage mirroring like in the old days (not just of static sites and files, timely database replication is rather commonplace nowadays).

    There's always offshore hosting, and for more convenience, sites could even go private (therefore strive more for keeping their userbases loyal and active compared to just increasing their numbers. Private trackers had that approach right).

    Network connectivity shortcomings aside, hosting from a garage only has the notable problem of engaging your moral and physical person regarding liability.


    Regarding advertising, even if traditional advertising platforms shun your sites, others just woould take their place (especially underground/adult/sale-centric ones). All sorts of bypasses could be thought on to bypass an internet watch. Take a mail donation or check for example (especially chained upwards to individuals with increasing sums -multilayered donations or something I suppose-). Not so detectable, and each participant would be easily replacable till the top is reached. Mind you, thats just for hobbyist-levels of funds.

  6. Seems like Emulator-Zone still holds first place, which is quite amazing

    A keyword-rich domain and stable links for pages is pretty much all there is to it. The cafeine and panda updates have clearly been taking their toll,


    psx-scene (corporate-owned now, fleed like the plague)

    ps3news (not so rosy history)


    dashhacks group (corporate-owned now)

    gen group



    Among others.

  7. Linux might be for you then, but Mac is close enough to fit the bill for you, I suppose.


    LinuxMint should easen management a lot, especially with its backup and restore utilities.

    Ubuntu jumped the shark with its late netbook-centric interface, so unless you tweak that, you might find it a pain.

    Also, MacOS's interface can be replicated on linux systems, which essentially makes them just as visually pleasing and comfortable to do work on.

  8. @robert


    Results are defaulted to 'new since my last visit', which will list everything and just bolden unread updated content.

    What you want is "content ive not read" (select it on search results at the left). It can be set in usercp if accessible, or made default.


    Once you select a specific timeframe on the sidebar, "view new content" will keep using it.

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