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Everything posted by jeffkong

  1. What's the GameCube PSO Trick? And does PSO stand for Phantasy Star Online Episode 1&2, Phantasy Star Online Episode 3, or something else.
  2. Do you pronounce MUGEN as... M-U-G-E-N Moo gen Moo jen Mug in Or some other way.
  3. Have you tried this? http://mugenxp.cjb.net/
  4. YAY!!!! Thanks, my MP3s work perfectly!!
  5. I've tried other songs, including those that came with MUGEN.
  6. I did, but perhaps I'm doing it wrong. Please tell me if this example is correct. [Music] bgmusic = C:\Documents and Settings\Administrator\My Documents\Music\DBZ.mid bgvolume = 100
  7. When I play Mugen I hear no music! I have it enabled, and I've set some music up. But music doesn't play! I have Windows XP. Could that be the problem? If so, how can I correct this?
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