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Posts posted by L.S.D

  1. Life here can be a little out of control at times, me and a friend had to carry a girl up seven floors because she was so intoxicated. It was dead weight. It was awful. She also threw up on my friend earlier that night.

    maybe you guys need to stay off the booze???

  2. I dont want to feel that I just jumped into this. I appreciate the input of course, thanks

    sometimes just jumping in is the correct thing to do. Over thinking is not always a good thing.

    Life is about risk taking, you win some, you lose some. But when you can see the pros and cons clearly, and the pros is more than the cons, it is only logical to go for it :)


    Ryan has take the risk, and he is reaping the benefit of it now. I have listen to some of his plans and i think it will be workable, very workable in present China. Ryan, I am interested too if you want to expand to Beijing ;-)

  3. I have no ties as in rent/bills. I am actually between jobs waiting on Gamestop. Here you have to go through much school for any career. I actually got a GED and what I know of our society... is that is often frowned upon. It has nothing to do with my ability actually, i am quite capible of teaching anything I know well, even art.


    I am creative and I believe this will be a tremendous advantage in teaching. No one person learns the same way, between visual & audio Id find a way to get to the students. I have communications skills... and I would be teaching english... communication. Its somewhat ironic to me.


    I have no priorities holding me here and this is a great opportunity. I spoke with some friends and one says the disadvantages cannot possibly outweigh the advantages. He went on a business trip to England a few years back... worked ALL the damn time and still managed to have a great experience. The more I look at this the more I want to go.


    Of course Id try to hunt down some Rosetta Stone for Mandarin... that would help. I wonder how long it'll take till I begin to comprehend.


    I digress. Does anyone have any other disadvantages to this? Homesick is one thing but can someone come up with anything else?


    EDIT: No Skype right now. Gotta watch some STTNG. Bought the box set of that and voyager and my sister wants to watch somemore.

    Will, trust me, you will really enjoy your time here is you do come. You don't ave commitment to tie you down, you are single. This is a great opportunity for you to:

    1. earn more money and have a little saving of your own.

    2. see the world. Learn other culture instead of confining yourself in the US only.

    3. Career advancement in a sense that people will be more inclined to hire you in future due to your experience working overseas. This is a huge advantage especially when you try to join a multinational company in future.

  4. Well Englands last chance to progress today a win is pretty much needed but not essential.

    If they fail to win today or qualify it will be the worst england performance at the world cup in a long old time.

    Gerrard behind rooney for the win.


    Capello is eitheir gonna look like a complete twat and lose it today or he will turn saviour over night.

    For the love of god have Stevie G behind rooney!

    I want England to lose. Those pompous pricks does not deserve to be in 2nd round :lol:


    Oh, and Capello should have just send Terry home. Terry obviously still harbor anger towards the demotion and trying to cause a mutiny. Luckily, most players still got the sense.

  5. Yeah if I dont have some notes in my pocket I feel like shit.

    Im out of cash now but got enough in to last me.

    I hope it gets better and better for you ryan, and im glad no one trys to fuck with you, its probably better for them that they dont ;P


    Could you show us pictures of the house you live in and the immediate area and a few shops etc?

    Do you have internet in your house?

    Paul, you should really go :D Then we can have 1emu gathering :lol:

  6. do you have more money then everyone else? are you ballin' in the club makin' it rain RMB?


    I do make more money then most of the people I've met here. But I try to live pretty modest and save.

    That's the way to go. Save up for future.

  7. Why isnt there a movie about Jackie chan installing democracy in china single handedly? ;p



    When you are a foreigner in another country you have a HUGE advantages in attracting chicks.

    I mean its not even fair the list is amplified 100 times.

    Height is the most natrual of attraction switches something I dont have im not six foot 5.9 or something....

    I wouldn't go in any hardcore Chinese bars if I was ryan.

    Guys subconsciously pick up on the "alpha" and they will hate you, Grim has excellent points and is somewhat versed in attraction.

    There is no such thing as hardcore. Foreigners, especially whites will have easier life in CHina, believe me.

  8. Why do you like her


    She's really nice, outgoing, friendly, beautiful, charming, and a great cook. She approached me which was cool, at first I thought she just wanted to have sex with me but she really wants to get to know me. She is really shy when it comes down to being romantic though. We have yet to even kiss, which is cool because I am used to sleeping with women the same night i meet them usually. She's a good girl but not a total prude either.



    People should ask me more questions because I am insanely bored. They gave me the rest of the month off..

    Is she Chinese? She can speak English well?


    She is Chinese and she does not speak very much English at all sadly. I am learning Chinese though. She is also trying to learn English. It's actually making things more interesting because she does not speak English, I wonder if I'd still be as into her if she spoke English. haha

    Lol, you are weird :lol:

  9. Why do you like her


    She's really nice, outgoing, friendly, beautiful, charming, and a great cook. She approached me which was cool, at first I thought she just wanted to have sex with me but she really wants to get to know me. She is really shy when it comes down to being romantic though. We have yet to even kiss, which is cool because I am used to sleeping with women the same night i meet them usually. She's a good girl but not a total prude either.



    People should ask me more questions because I am insanely bored. They gave me the rest of the month off..

    Is she Chinese? She can speak English well? Also, get on MSN if you are bored so that we can talk :lol:

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