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Posts posted by L.S.D

  1. A broken God of War 2, more or less.

    That's roughly the same quote I've read in many reviews of this game.


    I'm taking it that you haven't played it?


    Once I finish it, I'll tell you more about it.

    No, I haven't played it.

    I tried the PSP version. Erm..well.....it is not bad but it could be better. More enemy variety could have helped.

  2. To work in China, you need working visa, which they called Z-Working Permit. You will need to do physical examination (full body medical checkup), have your credential (academic background verified) and need a letter of introduction from the company that is hiring you in China. Also, you will need to inform the police at the nearest police station when you reach there to state your whereabouts.


    Yeah, it is a very tough process which i am undergoing currently.

    I was lead to believe something much different. Such as credentials. Like Ryan I have no teaching background, I was told it isnt necessary cause they are so starving for teachers. Ryan makes it seem different than what you say.


    Which just adds to my confusion and apprehension. But of course that just comes from ignorance. I do not know what is going on... Ryan is telling me vague things, no actual bottom line facts. And I have no word from the bossman. I knew there is alot more to the full aspects of this... but im running blind.


    Quite frankly im beginning to slowly pass my annoyed stage.

    Well, maybe my situation is different. As i am going to work for one of the biggest companies in China. I guess their criteria are more stringent compared to schools that teach English?

  3. Personally, I don't really mind if an action game (especially of the Hack & Slash type) doesn't have much if any replay value once you've perhaps cleared the game on the hardest difficulty settings and unlocked most if not all trophies. In fact, I'd be more than surprised if a game of this type really had some replay value beyond all that.


    Wait. Actually, I wouldn't mind seeing a Boss Rush mode incorporated into a hack & Slash game.

    Yeah, like Castlevania :P The boss rush mode where you get to fight Dragon, Sea Serpent, Werewolf, Skeleton, Minotaur, Eyeball, Headless Knight, Flying Skull, Death, Hydra, Shaft, Succubus, Spirit Of Shaft, Dracula in 3 forms, man, that is very exciting.

  4. Darksiders.


    It's good.


    I feel as if Darksiders is nothing past plain, good, the puzzles are a bit aggravating, however the combat is pretty enjoyable.

    Well, the graphics, sound and voice actingg are above par. The combat system is neat and complex. The only real problem that I acknowledge so far is that each button has so many different uses and the game expects you to press some fairly daunting combinations in the heat of battle.


    Like so:


    1. Lock onto an enemy by holding R2 so you'll keep it in view.

    2. Press R3 to go into targeting mode

    3. Paint lock-on targets by selecting enemies and objects.

    4. Press and hold R2 to charge and throw the Chakra-type weapon.

    5. Don't forget to move and dash around with R1 while doing all of the above, and probably mix some jumps and attacks in there with X, O, and Triangle as well


    I think I'm in need of a third hand or something. Also, War can only block while standing perfectly still. Trying to move results in a dash.

    wow, your description just make me totally lost interest in the game.


    Balancing between playing Dissidia, FFIX, MGS PW and Persona 3 on PSP. And restart Yakuza 3.

  5. To work in China, you need working visa, which they called Z-Working Permit. You will need to do physical examination (full body medical checkup), have your credential (academic background verified) and need a letter of introduction from the company that is hiring you in China. Also, you will need to inform the police at the nearest police station when you reach there to state your whereabouts.


    Yeah, it is a very tough process which i am undergoing currently.

  6. Now that I am applying for a working permit in China, I can UNDERSTAND the hassle of just getting one. I am wondering if Ryan is getting one bcos it is not easy to get one and you need a university degree or a healthy sponsor for one.


    I see Will's point now...

  7. There are lots of school teaching English and japanese in China. Everyone want a piece of the actions. Which is why foreigners who can teach English is in demand. Especially when you can speak American slang (somehow they prefer it).

    I will still say it is a miss opportunity for Will though :/


    Also, Fatal is moving to a new city currently so i doubt he has access to Internet until he settled down. If not, he would have replied here.

  8. But Holland deserve to lose on Sunday. They play anti football. There are few that should hit the shower earlier. I am surprised the red card did not come out earlier.


    And Spain is like diva, play acting to the hilt. But the real stars are both goalkeepers who managed to keep out the goals in 1-1 situation.


    And of cos, Howard Webb who trying to be the centre of attention. I just hope that will be the last I seen him in a big game. Atrocious refreeing.

  9. alright LSD, your hired! I want you to come to California and teach someone (maybe kids, maybe adults, who knows) I'm not going to bother telling you exactly what and how you will be teaching but hey I know you from the forum and facebook. we've played some street fighter before so I'm sure you are a good candidate! I don't need any of your personal information for tax purposes or my company records. now get your passport, work visa, and plane ticket! oh a ticket to where? eh, we'll be moving cities alot. just come on down!

    Lol, i get your point :)

  10. Hmm, i'm not sure. I mean, if Ryan has the power to decide who to hire, he can always recommend the person to the big boss. That's how it work in big companies sometimes, through internal referral. No interview needed, just the person who recommend interview the guy again (normally 10 min business talk and 40 minutes nonsense) and the big boss maybe just 5 min talk or corresponding? What kind of interview you are looking for to be more sure?

  11. I talked to Will a few days ago and he still did not have the company name. nor a solid idea of what exactly he would be doing. no job interview, no application, no background check, nothing like that.


    I'm sorry but if I am running an operation bringing people from USA to China I'd have to know a lot about them and their backgrounds. Not just plucking people off internet forums....

    Well, i thought Ryan has personally vouch for Will since both of them has talk numerous time on the phone and on Skype. i am sure the connection is more than internet forums there.

  12. I dont know you but from what I'm reading you need to dive into this situation and think about it later.

    yeah, just move half way around the world with out ever talking to the boss, knowing what is required or even knowing what the company's name is! sounds like a solid plan.... :)

    I am sure Fatal would have share the company name, and what is required :)

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