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Posts posted by Hera

  1. Ok there was so much written in here I have to put some of my thoughts into these various subjects. (Ironic being it was for RE 5 but whatever :( )


    I'll begin with comments to RE 4 since many people were talking about it. I found it an awesome game and it gave shooting games a new hype and way of playing. Sure backing up and moving side to side was a bit horrid and took a while for most of us to get used to but the whole layout of the game was amazing. They broadened their horizons so to speak. It really depends on what you considered a puzzle. In the old RE's, most puzzles consisted of pushing things around, finding broken shotguns to use in order to "escape" from the room with the real shotgun, collecting red and blue gems from around town, and finally actual puzzles such as calibrating temperature, oil contents, etc. The only real puzzle in RE4 was figuring out the "slider" puzzle in the room where the armored knights attack you.


    I really like how in RE5 Chris and Sheva had their own thing to do at certain times. I didn't get too annoyed with the A.I. In fact, I was actually impressed because I was expecting the worst. They really did a great job on this one. As for playing two player, man that's totally awesome. Of course, it did stir up some heated arguments and vulgar language between my husband and I but it's a great experience all the same. I thoguht it topped RE4 when it came to the A.I. Ashley used to get on my damn nerves. Sheva is hardcore. :)

  2. I unfortunately cannot get any channels on my television at this present time so I was unable to watch the debate. After reading that, I still believe that Palin is very ignorant and does not make good points until it's been rehearsed many many times. I assume the ones who have watched the debate saw the interview Palin had with Couric. She was a mess and avoided every point possible. I don't trust that woman. I do have to give it to McCain that he has been a so called "Maverick" given that he is more of a third party candidate. Sure he claims himself as a republican but he's acting as though he's more for the middle men. He chose Palin because she is an EXTREME republican and that would have kept the republican party from going fully against him from his previous actions.


    I don't know folks. This is a tight run but I'm ashamed to say that none of them are good enough for me to vote.

  3. Who says a chick can't grill?



    I make a damn good steak! As for fetching beer, pfft. Beer is meant for little prissy boys who can't hold their drink. :peopleseybrow:


    Hot pockets are awesome.


    I enjoy cooking. I can make pretty much anything taste good. I like to keep my guys happy with a full tummy and a relaxing environment. I'm a wife/mommy/student yet I still use most of my free time appeasing others. It's just in my nature.

  4. OK.. I need this revised. It is a broken sentence too, so that doesn't help.


    Excellent communication skills demonstrated by the ability to work with others in many fields.


    Intent is right, but "many fields" needs to go. I need something more... more... descriptive. I'm going for "overall job experience"





    You could say : "Able to provide effective communication skills within the workplace."



    or something like that.

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