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Posts posted by Hera

  1. People have already set a mission to never acknowledge any of my work, good or not, just because of my past mistake, so therefore, I don't see it as a reasonable or respectful community to interact in.


    Understood but you did you not say before that even if you had "0" it wouldn't change the fact that you're a talented artist? Stick to what you do. You don't have to acknowledge the foolish. Just leaving would show them you're interested in what they have to say. Consider them childish and do your thang chicken wang.

  2. If you read that entire thread, you will see that I stood to my point, and kept emotions out of the situation.


    Also, I can't delete my account.



    Yes I read the whole thing but I honestly find it a waste of time to even bother. If you don't want to stay away from the site, just continue to create your work and don't talk to any jits.

  3. Hmmm your near Hera. Not too far off from me either.


    haha..he's like 30 mins from me. :blink:



    I've been to Miami twice and each time I left, I had this odd smell on all of my clothes. The whole place smelled funny, too many people pissed me off, I felt like I had to dodge bullets when I opened the door to go outside because of ignorant hombres, there was a killing EVERY SINGLE DAY down the street I was staying at and it WASN'T in the ghetto, I had my camera stolen, everything was too expensive (you could buy the same damn shirt up here for $60 less), this list could go on about the nightmares I had there.


    There was a bunch of good food though. And the hotel I stayed at was very nice.

  4. Hand sanitizer is complete rubbish. I'm surprised that people have actually overlooked the common and effective washing of the hands with hot water and soap.



    I haven't but it is convenient having it around when you aren't near proper facilities. Especially when having children. I see nothing wrong with it.

  5. I prefer to use cash. I've had too many issues with bank mishaps when it comes to plastic. It's easier to keep yourself from spending too much anyway as you guys said.


    What's this?! A girl who doesn't like cards?!


    That's right...I'm :blink:

  6. Smoking is a terrible habit and non smokers shouldnt have to deal with second hand smoke in public places. By all means smoke in your house


    I agree when it comes to restaurants and in the workplace. I'm a smoker and I wouldn't want people to breath that crap if they don't want to. But I'm a bit agitated at the fact that most businesses make people leave the premises just to smoke a cigarette. There should be no problem smoking outside. The whole world doesn't belong to non-smokers and I think that needs to be realized. It's a bit disappointing to have people doped up on weed and crack while working yet a person who wants to smoke a cigarette gets most of the discipline. At least it's legal. It's our addiction and our bodies. Don't tell me I can't smoke outside in the open air.

  7. We can live off the land as long as we're not lazy. People are too lazy to do manual labor so it would never work. There are seeds everywhere and the know-how....it's just not convenient for most.


    But no matter what steps the government takes, no matter what jobs are lost or gained, we're inevitably going to be in debt to China. They have all the cards and they're biding their time. It's too late for us I think.


    Agrarian economies usually fail. There has never been PROPER coordination between farmers and government for sustained periods. That is why so many uprisings in history have been results of mistreatment of peasants.


    The U.S. is in debt to everyone, the national deficit is almost 11 trillion. But it doesn't mean jack realistically. It will never be payed off.


    Also there is economic crisis in China as well, like I said, one weakness in the chain and things can go wrong globally.



    You're right but I'm talking about a situation where everything crashes and there is no economy. People can survive regardless. I'm not talking about farmers and government. I'm talking about humanity in general. If everything crashed and money had no use, we can still live.


    China's "crisis" has an upside unlike ours. The economic "stimulus package" that China's rulers have announced will likely do actual good for ordinary people. New low-cost housing, much-needed new railroad lines, and a universal healthcare system are examples of "domestic spending" that were not in the government's budget before the recession hit. This recession in the economy might contribute to an end to one-party rule. If it gets worse, it will change its politics.

  8. One of the problems with North Korea is the lack of input into the global market. Nobody depends on North Korea and the only other country it wants to depend on is China. However, I don't think even China really wants whatever it is they have to offer. Every other industrialized country is trading left and right with countries other than their allies (even China).


    I agree. Nobody has any use for North Korea when it comes to economical situations. Yet, I don't think that just because their government is full of pigs the people should suffer for it. If that was the case, U.S.A should have been wiped out decades ago.

  9. We can live off the land as long as we're not lazy. People are too lazy to do manual labor so it would never work. There are seeds everywhere and the know-how....it's just not convenient for most.


    But no matter what steps the government takes, no matter what jobs are lost or gained, we're inevitably going to be in debt to China. They have all the cards and they're biding their time. It's too late for us I think.

  10. It's so sad..why can't people just use common sense?


    Wash your hands, sneeze and cough with your mouth covered, and keep some sanitizer or something!


    I try not to be prejudiced but this is ridiculous...they constantly reproduce and live off our money and bring up unnecessary diseases along with them.


    There was an earthquake there as well. Like we need another reason for them to run up here. For the ones who do it right, I commend them but it's extremely rare. Especially living in Florida....good Lord.


    BTW, it's a misconception that you can get the virus from pork. It's not spread through food...so eat your bacon boys.


    But you CAN get Hep A from ill-prepared food. Not to mention a plethora of bacterial infections. Dysentery ftw!


    Well...yeah that's a given........


    I always cook my meats thoroughly...excluding steak.

  11. It would be interesting to see North Korea destroyed. At least I won't mind. I might even get a laugh out of it.


    That's fine, as long as I get to keep my Japans.


    I don't want the whole country destroyed..Kim has over 200,000 political prisoners including children. We should just be the big brother and have him contained and let those people take care of him the way they see fit.

  12. Yeah...I'm not into the latest trendiest phones. I guess I'm old school..phones are used for voice communication...I have a computer already, why would I need an expensive piece of crap that does the same as a computer but cost more in long run?


    Just another way for people to sell themselves in society I suppose.

  13. I sometimes have issues with my husband when it comes to the importance of money. We have a child, rent to pay, car bill, the other monthly bills, health, life & car insurance, etc. We make it but don't have everything we want. He wants to work more and more to have extra but I find family time more important. I grew up poor...very poor but we still made the best of things because we were together. I personally don't care if everything crashes. Whatever we lack, nature will provide. Sure we wouldn't have the stuff we grew accustomed to and thought we needed.


    Unfortunately it's at a stage where you can hardly get by but yet you're pretty much stuck. One day, the majority of humanity will start using their brains and become self reliant instead of putting faith on politicians to fix everything. We all know what happens and what will continue to happen until we as people fix the damn problem.

  14. It's so sad..why can't people just use common sense?


    Wash your hands, sneeze and cough with your mouth covered, and keep some sanitizer or something!


    I try not to be prejudiced but this is ridiculous...they constantly reproduce and live off our money and bring up unnecessary diseases along with them.


    There was an earthquake there as well. Like we need another reason for them to run up here. For the ones who do it right, I commend them but it's extremely rare. Especially living in Florida....good Lord.


    BTW, it's a misconception that you can get the virus from pork. It's not spread through food...so eat your bacon boys.

  15. The way I see it (and I could very well be incorrect) is that N. Korea is China's whiney poor little neighbor. When things go wrong, China is there to wipe their ass. They are however getting fed up. Ol' Kim needs to take a back seat but he himself said that he's doing this to prove that human rights doesn't exist. He's trying to make some moot point. American troops have already been sent over there ready for what's next. I believe we all know. Japan has told them point blank that they would take precautionary measures and China has told them to back off. If N. Korea is going to do their thing, China isn't going to attack..they're too busy taking over other countries economically. They're just going to step back and let American troops go in with guns blazing like we always do.


    A brief ramble:


    This stuff makes me angry..so we attack a country that has so called "WMAs" and kill off the leader (who indeed was an a-hole but not the one responsible for our primary reason for going to war), totally ignoring the one who was responsible, then Americans cry over Iran and Russia and now that we have more of a threat, we're just dilly dallying along like it's no big deal. I think our military geniuses have things a bit ass backwards.

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