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Posts posted by AntiWinner22

  1. Your not alone, Gamecop. I have read somewhere that over 50% of people believe the lunar landing was staged. I think this too.


    At the time, the U.S. wanted BADLY to win the Space Race against Russia, but didn't have the technology to do so. So, they planned it. And staged it. and did it. While the Mars rover, i believe, is real, The first lunar landing fas a fake only so U.S. could beat those Damn Commies in Russia :D


    The sun on the reflection on one guys helmet, when the sun was visible from behind, the Flying Flag with a stick inside of it, dust that couldn't be kicked up are proof of that.



  2. Well, I REALLY enjoy Capcom Vs. SNK 2's system of fighting. Not highly advanced to the tastes of SNK fans, put PERFECT for Capcom fans, like myself.


    The matches are always fluid, fast, and unpredictable, even if you are sometimes going against an expert. Counters and the RAGE system from Samurai Showdown add those spicy twists to the gameplay. My vote: CvsSNK2.



  3. @Cominus... That avatar isn't really you is it? :blink:


    Back to the subject... I really like Rival Schools on the PS. I never really played Project Justice much (I rented it), but it was a really cool game, remenicent of old-school games based SOLELY on supers.



  4. The reason why we have those words censored is not becuase of their medical terms, it's because people use them the wrong way or to promote sexual acts. We are trying to make this forum (E- For Everyone) kind of forum. Many forums now of days become infested with cussing and postings of sexual acts. This is how you lose members. We are already seeing it in one long time partner forum and we don't want to follow that line of logic.


    So when you have a forum that's for everyone, that's how you get more members, and of course good ones. Why want a member that helps you out, but if you say one thing to him, good or bad, he cusses at you and then flames you? This little censorship fights them off because they hate it and we love it. :(

    Preach on, my brother, Preach!!! :blink:



  5. Hey hey fellow emu-whores..

    Im from the sunny UK and have been into emulation for a while now..

    Just got my XBox modded for this very reason.

    Man it feels good to play these classics in the TV..all I need now is an X Arcade stick!


    Fave titles:

    SNK vs Capcom Chaos

    Track n Field

    Thunderforce 4

    Super Star Wars

    Streetfighter Alpha 3


    I would love to get a bit more hard core eg. learning the intricacies of how these things work.


    Being an Xbox boy, I run a clan site Clan SRR - Stone Rose Roughnecks which is undergoing a facelift at the moment.



    I didn't know I was a whore... :blink:

  6. Its all a matter of taste, K' Dash. I personally don't like having to use the soulder buttons to pull of supers in MvsC2. The layout of the Controller S on the XBOX is much like those REALLY advanced Genesis controllers that I grew up with. 6 front buttons and 2 shoulder buttons.


    There are also XBOX controllers now that have extra shoulder buttons on top and work as the black and white buttons. PS fans, rejoice.



  7. If you have an XBOX, get an XBOX-2-USB adaptor. It is a connection to make your XBOX controller a PC one.


    I bought this because I already had an Arcade Stick and a controller for my X, so why spend $40-60 for a controller and $100-200 for an arcade stick? Here is the website if you want to buy it:


    XBOX adapters


    It can connect multiple controllers, too! :D I ordered mine 2 days ago!



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