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Posts posted by XtecuterX73

  1. untitled.jpg



    yea i remember some of those as well, the about the arcade kinda scares me, lmao theres been a few time where i know my blood pressure has raised through the roof. But i would never shoot my parents (if i still lived with em) or beat a little baby. Id just make it remod me another xbox, lmao.


    In all seriousness that is some fahq'n shite man. Some people are just crazy as hell.



  2. MSX now that takes me back "Hello Tosh got a Toshiba" anywho

    Still playing my Electon emulator on PC till i make a port. Gotta love Chuckie Egg. Repton's still fun too.

    Sometimes even get the original machine out and load games either through stereo system or mp3 player as i have the roms recorded to newer devices also.


    yea i did that other day, got all nostalgic and pulled out my sharp famicom twin for some doki doki panic and zleda II on fds and kamen no ninja hanamaru on famicom. :D



  3. how is r-type dimensions and shellshock2? Been thinkin of gettin one or the other




    Shellshock 2 is pretty awful. I haven't played Dimensions but I'm sure it's a million times better, especially if you like shooters.


    lmao, i kinda figured that about the shellshock, i'm sure r-type dimensions looks bad-ass. Thanks gavin, im glad someone let me know how craptastic shellshock 2 is. I dont remember the first one being that good either.



  4. Hey cinder, would you not use this if it managed to get implemented?


    No, I prefer your vasoline-o-vision, the original look just ruins my childhood by showing me how horribly pixelated games were back then. I remember them looking so awesome, and seeing them now in their true form just ruins that memory.


    lmao, that's odd because i feel quite the opposite. The pixelation is the best part man! Seeing the games look this way on xbox ruins me, lmao. :P



  5. started playing faxanadu facelift hack for nes, really good hack, has "prettier" graphics or so to speak.


    By the way fumanchu the golvellius patch is the same one that makes golvellius lock up in bluesxbox, it does work in bluemsx which is weird. Have you tried this out yet?




    Hey Sire,

    I love Facelifts!

    I will try this Faxanadu hack one of these days!


    At the moment am playing Hokuto no Ken on Master System (Meka X).

    Nice game... Much better than its American Version "Black Belt".




    yea cospefogo it's a great facelift. I have faxandu for famicom as well even though i can't understand it, i still know what to do. :P



  6. I have never had even a single fag. I don't know if that's something to be proud or slightly ashamed considering the peer pressure going on.


    This isn't the 80s.......smoking is a disgusting habit I wish I didn't have. Anyone who thinks it's cool or is proud of it is a f**king retard.



    i wholeheartedly agree man, all these kids think they look so cool, it's pretty stupid. I hate that i ever smoked one and now 14 years later it's hard to put em down.



  7. i'm speaking more of the lines of having a better resolution on the xbox especially for old school gaming, while some progress has been made making things a little better visually, i'm just stating that the possibility is there to do this.


    I've tested many games side by side with my xbox compared to the real nes and there is a viable difference between the 2. I know it will never be exactly like the real thing, but on some tv's it's straight up vasoline vision no matter what filtering you use. A lot of folks were happy with the old palette for mednafenx-nes, that is until i collectively stood up and called it out and with the help of another member on xbox-scene a fix was made to correct it, now we have the most accurate one and there is a diff between the old pallette and the new one.


    I know there are scan converters and the like but whenever there is a possibility i'd like to think that there's a chance we could have our emulators playing with a nice resolution. The difference would be miles ahead of the current video output.


    Beside isn't that what makes emulation so great, wanting to push that envelope just a little further and further. Hell i guess i am anal when it comes to this stuff. lmao





  8. what's the diff between advancemame 2x and simple 2x anyways? Ive read up and some emulators have like a simple 3x and 4x. Howcome the xbox doesn't have that, and what's the diff, lmao. Yea there's so many and i t seems like most don't do any good.


    Im still messing around with the scanlines filters but i don't like them. You have use flicker filter above 1 which really blurs everything.



  9. If you're anal enough to want this, you should own the real thing. I think the games look better scaled and filtered, by far.


    lmao, i do own the real thing, 26 diferent systems and hundreds of games as a matter of fact, just sometimes the blur-vision is annoying on bigger tv's and widescreens especially. I don't feel like lugging around 100 pounds of systems of games and cords and controllers when i go out of town or what-not. That's the best thing about having my xbox, i have 2 huge bins full of nothing but cords and controllers. :D


    ive messed around with filters but can't find anything worthwhile, mednafen-xnes in particular, what settings do you guys use to be asking, i've been using simple 2x, with flicker filter of 1 or 0 and point filtering.


    Anyways i figured it would be a good read for the people who are interested in it. I'm not too anal just sometimes it's annoying as hell.



  10. Was reading through this thread over at x-s scene and even though short, seems like there might be a small way to conceivable have better resolution on xbox emulators, making the classics that much better.


    If anyone is interested give it a read and let me know what you think, now i'm not saavy or what not but from reading that xdk could possibly have the options to implement like a 240p mode. God that would be friggin sweet and no more vaseline-o-vision. LIke i said i don't claim to be all saavy about this stuff, but you know when there is a will...... Im very interested in this.


    here is the link: http://forums.xbox-scene.com/index.php?showtopic=662368



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